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119 pages of results. 101. Planetary Identities: II The Mythology of Homer [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... is here understood that Boyles accepts the three deities in question to have personified the sky, the earth, and the sea. So let us briefly examine the evidence behind each of these identifications. There is probably no work on the subject of Zeus that is more extensive than Arthur Bernard Cook's monumental study in three volumes. Yet it is strange that, with all his erudition and encyclopaedic knowledge, he commences his work with the most absurd equation which he then uses as a base from which to launch his investigation. Here are the opening words of his work [6 ]: "The supreme deity of the ancient Greeks, during their historical period at least, was Zeus ...
102. One Who Read And One Who Didn't. File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... than to substantiate my statements of April 15th and 17th by arguments. In the first two files of my MS I show that in the second and first millennia before this era changes occurred in the constitution of the solar system and in the position of Earth, Moon, Venus and Mars. Presented in these few words my conclusions may appear strange, but they are built upon an extensive material from diverse fields of science. I have this material ready for you if you would like to read it. Speaking to you on April 13th, I understood you wished some other scholar to read the manuscript first. I gave it to Professor Horace M. Kallen, Dean of the ...
103. Astronomy and Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... discrepancies, the main confusion arises from the fact that it is not easy to determine which of the kings known from monumental inscriptions are meant by Manetho. The list is "so terribly mangled by copyists that it would be most unsafe to trust its data" unless it is confirmed by other evidence (4 ). Sequences of kings with strange names never found on monuments fill the various versions of Manetho. There is reason to think that the copyists mutilated a list that had come from the hand of its author in an already chaotic and untrustworthy state. "The chronology of Manetho" is "a late, careless and uncritical compilation, which can be proven wrong from the ...
104. The Hyksos Pyramid Builders [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... . Heinsohn has supported these conclusions not only with a wealth of textual and historiographic evidence, but with the much more powerful testimony of stratigraphy. When for example we compare a complete stratigraphy of Syria/Palestine (dated according to Egyptian chronology) with a complete stratigraphy from Mesopotamia (dated according to the Mesopotamian/biblical chronology) a very strange anomaly is observed. As an example, let us compare two of the best-known stratigraphies of these areas; that of Ugarit (after Schaeffer) and that of Ur (after Woolley): UGARIT UR M.B . 2 (Hyksos) E.B . 3 (Akkadian) M. B. 1 E.B . ...
105. Fingerprints of the Gods: do ancient relicts point to an advanced civilisation 15,000 years ago? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... that is how they were referred to by the Aztecs and they come from a rubber producing area of the Gulf of Mexico. All that we are left with are certain stone artefacts and compelling evidence that these people used a highly advanced calendar which was later inherited by the Maya. It is curious to see this African representation, this rather strange similarity, between the head of the Sphinx and these so-called Olmec heads (which can weigh up to 60 tons each). Of course African people are not supposed to have been present in the New World until the time of Columbus. These heads come from the oldest archaeological strata of Central America, about 1500 BC but I am ...
106. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... , 16.1 .99, pp. 24-28, 13.3 .99, pp. 32-35 and 3.4 .99, pp. 28-32 Among the more recent flights of fancy around the unreal' world of physics are the following: - the 1998 Nobel physics prize given for the discovery of weird quasiparticles', three strange events in a particle accelerator being explained by supersymmetric particles from a hidden world popping into existence' and a belief in a fifth dimension' (perhaps Petersen's magnified Fortean dinosaurs aren't so incredible after all - see C&CR 1999:1 , p. 55). The unreal' world of astrophysics, in hot competition, has ...
107. Notes and Queries [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Egyptian Materials and Industries (4th ed., rev. by J.R . Harris, London, 1962) and P. Warren, The First Minoan Stone Vases', Kretika Chronika 19, 1965, pp. 7-43. John E. Dayton, Teneriffe Editor's note: see also Michael Rowland letter, p. 60. The strange history of Gerrards Cross Gerrards Cross, west of London, is a commuter village and home to city types and BMWs parked in driveways witha strange past. According to the official legend an early saint went on walkabout planting crosses at various places in England. This is a tale that disguises a deliberate act of sanctification of sites associated with ...
108. The Rotating Crust. Ch.8 Poles Displaced (Earth In Upheaval) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Earth in Upheaval]
... underneath, is only sixty miles thick, and that under the mountains, on the inside of the crust, there are reversed mountains, immersed in the heavier magma, which would account for the lack of gravitational pull by mountains.1 This is the theory of isostasy. To the study of isostasy and its anomalies (gravitation is, strangely, stronger over deep seas), F. A. Vening Meinesz, Dutch geophysicist and explorer of oceans, made many important contributions. He found in the very structure of the terrestrial crust signs of some violent displacements on a global scale. Thus it is not merely in order to explain the climates of the past that the dislocation ...
109. The Genesis of Israel and Egypt [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a Jew on behalf of the founder of his race. His claim that Abraham had taught the arts of civilisation to the Egyptians - always regarded as one of the oldest civilised nations - has always seemed absurd. Thus matters have rested for almost 2,000 years. Yet with the advent of archaeology as a science in the last century strange facts began to emerge which called to mind the words of Josephus. Flinders Petrie, for example, who did extensive work on the origins of dynastic Egyptian culture, was astonished to find that the very earliest stage of pharaonic civilisation was heavily influenced by Mesopotamia [2 ]. The evidence seemed conclusive, becoming more voluminous with each dig ...
... and it may be here that two heavenly bodies which had collided in some other system were linked together until the sun's magnetic rays separated them. Other twin comets were those of 1668, 1843, and 1887, which, like those of 1880 and 1882, all came from the direction of the pink star Sirius. In classic mythology this strange system is preserved in the story of Phaeton, when he drove the two steeds of his father Helios, the Sun, too close to earth with dire results. Large areas were blackened with fire, and the world was in imminent danger of utter destruction until Zeus, the All Father, slew Phaeton with a thunderbolt and he was ...
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