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28 pages of results. 71. Pensée [Journals] [SIS Review]
... RELATION TO MOVING BODIES - A proposal for a novel experiment to check the constant velocity of light. A MISSED OPPORTUNITY? - Further proposals for Skylab experiments (reprinted from the N. Y. Times). ECLIPSES IN ANCIENT TIMES - The debate with Princeton astronomer John Q. Stewart (reprinted frown Harper's). ON DECODING HAWKINS "STONEHENGE DECODED" - Velikovsky's interpretation of Stonehenge. WHEN WAS THE LUNAR SURFACE LAST MOLTEN? - Velikovsky discusses the data from lunar samples and analyses the deficiencies of the radioactive dating methods. ARE THE MOON'S SCARS ONLY 3,000 YEARS OLD? - The original article in which Velikovsky predicted the remanent magnetism later found in the moonrocks (reprinted ...
72. Advert [Journals] [Horus]
... memories and prophecies of paradise are offered at face value as the most urgent and persistent message of our remote ancestors. Memories and Visions of Paradise is at once a restatement of mankind's earliest utterances, and a revelation of the most powerful collective subconscious drives at work in our modern world. Available in quality-stitched softcover. The Amazing, astonishingly accurate Stonehenge Lunar-Solar Calendar Now you not only can learn the purpose of the mysterious ancient stone structure in southwestern England, but you will be able to demonstrate to your own satisfaction that the monument was an operational calendar that correlated lunar months with solar years over the 19-year period of the Metonic cycle. Printed on green 10" bt 14 ½" ...
73. The Atlantis Researches by Paul Dunbavin (Book review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... orbit, or a change in obliquity, occurred on a number of other occasions too, towards the end of the third millennium and towards the end of the second millennium, dates that may have a link with notable tree ring frost signatures. The period around 3200 BC is associated with the construction of Newgrange in Ireland, stage one at Stonehenge, and it marks an era of migration that included the appearance of an entirely new people in Syria-Palestine (the west Semitic speaking people, it is thought) and divides Pre-dynastic Egypt from the Old Kingdom. Velikovsky, I think, intended to place a great catastrophe at this time – possibly involving the biblical flood. Dunbavin provides all ...
74. AA&ES - Amateur Astronomy & Earth Sciences [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... ES - Amateur Astronomy & Earth Sciences Amateur Astronomy & Earth Sciences (AA&ES) is a magazine for people who are fascinated by the marvels and mysteries of the Universe. Pages and articles have included: Quest: Mysteries of ancient civilisations Was Stonehenge a Stellar Observatory? The Age of the Sphinx. The Orion Mystery. Stonehenge and Astro-archeology. Earth - Our planet and environment explored Spectres in the Storm: The evidence for ball lightning. Moving Mountains: The story of Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift. Could Water World really happen? Global warming and sea-level rise - what will really ...
75. Megalithic Astronomy [Journals] [SIS Review]
... towards the equinoctial positions at due east and west. Because the rate of change in the Sun's real position (declination) - not to be confused of course with its daily motion - changes very gradually around the solstices, it is very difficult to pinpoint these accurately. The well known phenomenon of the midsummer sunrise over the Heel Stone at Stonehenge, when seen from the centre of the site, in fact takes place on a number of mornings before and after June 21st, so tiny are the solar movements at that time! Marking the solstice point However, if the alignment is really long - say twenty miles or more -and if the foresight is a clean-cut mountain peak, ...
76. Some Implications of Saunders' Lunar Hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2005 (Sep 2005) Home | Issue Contents Some Implications of Saunders' Lunar Hypothesis David Salkeld In The Proceedings of the SIS Silver Jubilee Event, Len Saunders summarises his article, Evidence from the Moon, Newgrange and Stonehenge indicates Lunar Disturbance' (hereafter ELD), as follows: Four features of the moon, the carvings at the Newgrange passage grave, cup and ring marks elsewhere and the Station Stones at Stonehenge have defied detailed explanation. Prompted by the Newgrange carvings a model is presented which accounts for all these conundrums: in historic times the plane of the Moon's orbit slowly turned 180o about the earth. The sequence of events ...
77. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... metallurgy and Noah's Ark, and ends with an extensive section on structural artefacts such as temples, dolmens, menhirs, vitrified forts, henges, pyramids, obelisks and ancient tunnels and mines. Astronomical alignments naturally figure prominently in this section starting with the pioneering work of Lockyer and others and going up to C. A. Newham's article on Stonehenge in Nature (1966). (Thom does not appear in this volume). The two volumes of Strange Phenomena (which are not to hand), are uniform with the above and cover curious geophysical events, including giant hailstones ball lightning, falls of fish, luminous portents of earthquakes, the Andes glow et al. Full ...
78. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Mark Gillings, who shared with us the latest results of their recent field-work at Avebury. They had confirmed the hitherto speculative view of the early excavator, Stukely, that there existed a second avenue. They acknowledged that the purpose of Avebury was still a mystery. After lunch Len Saunders presented his ideas about the construction and purpose of the Stonehenge site from its earliest inception, following on from his Easthampstead Park lecture in 1999, when he spoke about his idea that a binary asteroid collision with the moon caused its orbital displacement, severely affecting the climate. He considered that this was the impetus for the construction of Stonehenge as a means of tracing the subsequent movements of the moon ...
79. Evidence for Astronomical Aspects of Mankind's Past and Recent Climate [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... in the Late Third Millennium BC: The First Intermediate Period; The Curse of Akkad; Troy IIg; A Possible Source for the Event; When did this occur?; Was Atland Atlantis?; Sodom and Gomorrah; Where were the impacts? Evidence for a Major Impact Event in the Late Fourth Millennium BC: The Mayan Calendar; Stonehenge; A Possible Source for the Event; The Mayan Calendar; Stonehenge; A Possible Source for the Event. The Myth History of the Events and Their Cultural Effects: The Sumerian Flood Story: The Epic of Gilgamesh; The History of Writing; Paradise Lost: God and gods; The Serpent, The Huluppu Tree, and the ...
80. Ancient Calendars [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... angle (with exceptions), the definition of a circle in terms of constant radius, the use of construction lines in geometrical proof, etc. The next step is to measure the interval from solstice to solstice, using the stick's shadow. There is certainly evidence of some Neolithic interest in, particularly, the summer solstice, notably at Stonehenge; but the dates of solstices are notoriously difficult to pin down within a day or two. Thus it is that the day on which we celebrate Christmas, 25th December, was the day, in classical times, on which the Sun was seen to move away from the solstice' or sun stopped' [7 ]. It ...
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