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28 pages of results. 61. Second SIS Cambridge Conference Report [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... & Napier and Hoyle & Wickramasinghe, could be substantiated by ground truth in the archaeological, geological, climatological and historical records. Depending on one's chronology and the geographic region under discussion, the Bronze Age started c.3500 BC and continued for two or three thousand years until approximately 1500-500 BC, encompassing not only the main construction phases of Stonehenge and its megalithic counterparts elsewhere, but also the genesis of kingship, priesthood, human and animal sacrifice, the evolution of religious views from polytheism to monotheism and significantly to astronomers a burgeoning interest in the celestial sphere. The heart of the astronomical thesis is that changes in the Earth's near-space astronomical environment, corresponding to the orbital evolution and ...
... From: The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain by Comyns Beaumont CD Home | Contents Part One: Britain's Great Antiquity Chapter VI The Stone-Worshippers "It is probable that it was the Megalithic people belonging to the Early Bronze Age who built Stonehenge, Avebury and Stanton Drew, and tribes who could use such immense monuments must have developed corporate life to a considerable extent." D. P. D0BS0N. The sacredness of great stones of certain composition was taught by the Druids and other teachers among the early races, based on a profound understanding of the natural laws that govern the universe, and it makes no difference to this profundity, in fact it led to gross abuses. The ...
63. Velikovsky: Science or Anti-Science? [Journals] [Pensee]
... Earth, and the legendary existence of "lost continents," such as Atlantis. The greatest arguments seem to arise over dating methods. It seems very strange that those dates with which Velikovsky agrees are correctly done, while those with which he disagrees are grossly in error. As examples of the latter, one may consider cave formations and Stonehenge. Various cave formations grow at different rates. Accurate dates can be determined by examination of cores or cross-sections. These datings show, as has often been pointed out before, that there were no cataclysmic changes affecting the Earth as a whole at times corresponding to Velikovsky's nearencounters. Formations under the Lincoln Memorial (or many bridges which used ...
64. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ignorance about electricity in astronomy, it seems astronomers are a little too hasty to dismiss its importance. New theory for Atlantis The Flood from Heaven by Eberhard Zangger, Sidgwick and Jackson If my conclusions were correct, Plato's account of Atlantis was in fact a retelling of the story of the Trojan War... ' .. .and Stonehenge Montage (Monash University) Nov.91, pp. 3-5 Dr. Neil Thomas, a retired engineer, goes even further than Professor Thom or Gerald Hawkins in his contention that the pre-Celtic Britons had a knowledge of mathematics and engineering far in advance of anything up to the present day. He reckons they developed a system of symbolic ...
65. The Atlantis Blueprint [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:2 (Dec 2000) Home | Issue Contents World Wide Web focus The Atlantis Blueprint Every summer solstice thousands of pilgrims gather at sacred sites; Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, Machu Picchu and many others to pay respect to the past, hoping perhaps, to merge in some way with the mysterious power represented by the great megaliths. It seems that a long lost truth lies just beyond our grasp, hidden within the lines and crevices of these massive stones. Many feel certain that we might recapture that elusive past if only we could find the key. In Atlantis Blueprint we will show how these ancient structures ...
66. Crustal Distortion in the Holocene [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... rotation of the Earth, and likewise the terminology used by Isaiah, such as the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard .. . '. This sounds suspiciously like the kind of wobble described by Dunbavin. It is likely that a wobble also occurred at the tree ring signature of 1628-1625 BC. This might be inferred from Stonehenge, where activity at the site involving rearrangement coincides with the aftermath of the 3100 BC event, at 2600 BC (a lesser boundary), post 2300 BC and in the 17th century BC (not precisely dated as yet). Dunbavin also claims that the speed of rotation changed at 3100 BC, the number of days in the ...
67. Thoth Vol II, No. 3: February 15, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... FIND RIVALS STONE CIRCLES. BY NIGEL HAWKES, SCIENCE EDITOR Builders of the oak tree marvel; Bride eager to dance had devil to pay ARCHAEOLOGISTS have discovered traces of a huge and elaborate wooden temple dating back 5,000 years. Evidence shows that it was once one of the most important ceremonial sites in England, comparable in significance to Stonehenge. Nine concentric rings of oak pillars once stood on the site at Stanton Drew in Somerset, surrounded by an enormous ditch. Each upright would have been up to a metre across and probably stood eight metres above the ground. All that can be seen today is a later stone circle. Such wooden henges are unique to Britain, ...
... a serpent (Overton Hill), its body (the Avenue) and coil? (Temple), a temple thus to Cronus-Saturn, also Baal, later Satan. Archaeologists dispute about the comparative civilisation of the builders. The work was undoubtedly carried through without the use of metal tools to dress the stones, as was the case at Stonehenge, 20 miles away, built (except for the later Horseshoe circle of blue or "foreign " stones) of the same Wiltshire sarsens. Was it in ignorance of iron tools or was it because of superstitious belief? Undoubtedly in an early day the Israelites under Moses were forbidden to use iron or tools in building a place of ...
69. Variations on a Theme of Philolaos [Journals] [Kronos]
... . Thus it may be that the sub-Saturnian point was in Aden and that the north pole was at that same time near the southern end of the Davis Strait. The meridian involved would pass through or quite near some very intriguing ancient sites: Eden, Mecca, Sinai, Gizeh, Alexandria, Knossos, Delphi, Dodona, and even Stonehenge. If the Hyperboreans mentioned by the Greeks really were connected with the Stonehenge site, then calling them Hyperboreans or "northerners" would make much more sense, since during the Age of Kronos the Stonehenge site would have been almost straight north from Delphi and Dodona (rather than, as today, more west than north) . In ...
70. Skara Brae: A Time Capsule of Catastrophism? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the nature of the Skara Brae settlement are worth noting. The idea has often been mooted, notably by MacKie, that the frantic building of vast megalithic structures around the end of the Neolithic period reflects a fear on the part of the builders [14]. Whatever their precise function, there seems little doubt that megalithic structures such as Stonehenge and the Ring of Brodgar were, at least in part, intended to monitor the movements of heavenly bodies, whether the Sun, Moon or some other object [15]. If the heavens were "inconstant", as catastrophists allow, then we have a ready explanation of why so much effort and expense was incurred to build ...
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