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279 results found.
28 pages of results. 231. The Cosmic String of Pearls [Journals] [Aeon]
... on Jupiter (Cambridge, 1995), pp. 45 ff.; J. S. Lewis, Rain of Iron and Ice: the very real threat of comet and asteroid bombardment (N . Y., 1996), p. 147; see also plate X [108] D. Steel, "Before the stones: Stonehenge I as a cometary catastrophe predictor," in B. J. Peiser, T. Palmer & M. E. Bailey (eds.), Natural Catastrophes during Bronze Age Civilisations: archaeological, geological, astronomical and cultural perspectives, in the BAR International Series, 728 (Oxford, 1998), p. 41. ...
232. Sagan's first problem: The ejection of Venus by Jupiter (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... invisible matter that have never been observed, cause comets to invade the solar system, they are practicing science; however, when Velikovsky builds a case based on similar, but anciently observed evidence, he is not practicing science. Sagan's view of the evidence is riddled with contradiction and authoritarian conceit. Sir Fred Hoyle in his book, From Stonehenge to Modern Cosmology, (San Francisco 1972), p. 62, states: such "argument amounts to nothing more than the convenient supposition that something which has not been observed does not exist. It predicts that we know everything." Such a view, it must be pointed out, is totally unscientific. But if Sagan ...
233. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of Britain's wide Neolithic trackways', which are equally inexplicable. The north of Britainappears to have had a flourishing farming population during the Early Bronze and Iron Ages, with cultivation up to an altitude of 1,400 feet and extensive rock-art and henges. But late agricultural decline set in and farming never reached such high altitudes again. Near Stonehenge, an Early Bronze Age burial had seven bodies and analysis of bones and teeth indicates that they came from Wales. Could they be associated with the transport of the bluestones from Wales, or were they simply part of widespread migrations of the time? A burial urn in Scotland, dated at 2030-1910 BC, contained the ashes of a ...
234. The Olympian Rulers [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Western Mediterranean, between Jovean and Venusian times [20]. He accepts Euro-Near East communication, but reserves judgment as to whether the West European culture is indigenous or derived. My position is that the megalithic cultures of Spain, France, Ireland, England and Scandinavia are survivors of the larger realms of Atlantis. Painstaking attempts to demonstrate that Stonehenge and other megalithic formations are accurate astronomical indicators by retrocalculations of the present order of the skies have not succeeded. Few doubt that they are sky-oriented, part of the human obsession with the celestial order which is one of our basic principles in this work. In careful analysis of the constructions of Ballochroy and Kintraw in Scotland, by way ...
235. Saturn's Children [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the gods to whom sacrifices were made. THE PEOPLES OF SATURNIA The multiple kingdoms of Atlantis that Plato described may have been of the political and social order of Saturnia. Atlantis was a set of kingdoms of related cultures [20]. It was perhaps Celtic and in close touch with the Tethyan-Mediterranean culture. Its survivors may have been the Stonehenge and megalithic builders of Western Europe. They remained under the influence of the Minoans, Phoenicians, and Mycenaeans. Atlantis can be best defined by a line enclosing all of the European northwestern continental platform from the Bay of Biscay to Scandinavia on the north, from the western banks of Ireland into Denmark and France. It is difficult to ...
236. Heretics, Dogmatists and Science's Reception of New Ideas (Part 2) [Journals] [Kronos]
... . Brown, "Open Letter to Velikovsky," The Humanist (March/April 1978), p. 2. Brown asked why the near collision with Venus did not destroy the stalactites and stalagmites in the Carlsbad Caverns or disturb the horizontal strata in the Grand Canyon; did not demolish the Cro-Magnon caves of Europe; did not destroy Stonehenge; did not level Egyptian temples or disrupt the pyramids? The letter itself was not specifically addressed to Velikovsky. Since all of Brown's questions had already been answered long before (see Pensée IVR I and Pensée IVR II), some even by Sagan in The Humanist, Velikovsky never bothered to respond, and no reply was ever printed ...
237. Index to "Pillars of the Past" [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Temple, 65, 67, 68, 70, 71, 181, 182, 184, 247-249, 268, 466, 467, 73 469, 529, 544 Shang tombs, 377 Stocks, D.A ., 205, 210, 211, 220, 234, 238 Shalmaneser III, 247, 248, 462, 493 Stonehenge, 77 Shalmaneser IV, 501 Strabo, 206, 258 Shapiro, M., 360 Stratford, T.W ., Jr., 125 Shaw, G.B ., 118, 289 Stuckenrath, R., Jr., 124, 127, 142, 143 Sheffield, 481 Sumer(ians), 174, ...
238. A Cosmic Debate [Books] [de Grazia books]
... therefore has made many mistakes of time, nor has it concerned itself with very ancient civilizations and centers of habitation that may have been entirely erased. But these can be inferred in the future with fair validity. No one seems to have considered, for instance, whether the cave artists of the Dordogne in France, or the builders of Stonehenge megalithic monuments may not have been survivors of catastrophes of the second, third or other millennia before Christ. And that the centers from which they derived were much more highly developed artistically and technologically. Nor has geology sufficiently pondered the effects of catastrophes in burning and flooding deeply huge areas, and in thrusting and folding great masses of land ...
239. A Failed Excursion to the Caves of Aquitaine [Books] [de Grazia books]
... talk." When it comes to fields of megaliths weighing tons, they go so far, under great pressure from a few cranks, as to believe that early man wanted to find the solstices and equinoxes and plot the Moon's course, but hardly attend to the question of motives underlying the movement of great stones. But the megaliths of Stonehenge and Brittany are a better measure of the fearful memories and expectations of their builders than of their astronomical skills. The excursion ended at the Congress of Nice, subject of my last note. September 13, 1976 French domination of the field of prehistory is especially evident in the grand trappings of the IXth Congress whose name is emblazoned in ...
240. The Catastrophic Finale of the Middle Bronze Age [Books] [de Grazia books]
... peoples is now proven. But, even if one is not a psychologist, one cannot think it is normal for people to cut and lug 100-ton stones to do a job that a few sticks of wood would accomplish- watching the Sun and Moon. I think that around this time, in despair and disgust, the survivor custodians of Stonehenge may have given up their job. Suggesting a need for oceanographic archaeology are the legendary sinkings of lands mentioned in Eastern contemporaneous records, and in later classical and medieval sources. Where located and explored, as with Pharos at the head of the Nile, "the greatest seaport of the Bronze Age," according to R. Graves ...
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