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279 results found.
28 pages of results. 221. Nine Spheres of Venusian Effects [Books] [de Grazia books]
... 1950, many a critic leaped at it claiming that eclipses of the times before 700 B.C . were known and hence the skies had been orderly for long before then. Over the years he and his supporters put to rest this claim. No such historical record exists; there is no anomaly present. Other critics were discovering in Stonehenge and other megalithic constructions an astronomical orientation that went back to the New Stone Age and is still valid. This is not so. Dr. Euan MacKie wrote about his investigations: "In the 16th or 15th centuries B.C . a second period of crisis began during which the dressed bluestone setting was dismantled, and joints on ...
222. The British Connection [Books] [de Grazia books]
... association and farther removed from V. s hulking figure. Hence it would be more likely that opposition should arise successfully there. First it happened when Euam Mackie, a proverbial tall dour Scot, a Glasgow Museum curator and co-founder of SIS, began to place monuments that were seemingly oriented to the present directions of the compass, such as Stonehenge, in the period before the Venusian catastrophe of around -1450 BC when the Earth was said by the V. scenario to have changed its axis of rotation and orbit, hence its orientations and its calendar. Further, when Deg appeared in England in 1976 and presented his thesis of "the Disastrous Love Affair of Moon and Mars, ...
223. New Fashions in Catastrophism [Books] [de Grazia books]
... both astronomical observatories and "air-raid shelters" for nobility and kings. Planet Saturn, as a comet, caused the Noachian Deluge. The Atlantis date (ca 9500 B.C .) given by Plato had to be shortened. Extensive legendary evidence pictures the "hairy," "bearded," "blazing star" symbolizing comets. Stonehenge, Avebury Circle and similar monuments were astronomical instruments. Central American legends (and cultures) were contemporaneous with those of the Old World. The intercalary "five evil days" were cursed because they coincided with a world disaster and the ending of an age. The serpent, dragon, winged-globe, caduceus, and other ancient symbols are ...
224. Introducing Anomalistics: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Study [Journals] [Kronos]
... since some groups- of which the best known are the saurischia, or large dinosaurs- seem not merely to have survived but to have flourished immediately before their geologically sudden disappearance.(4 ) A good example of a social science anomaly is the archaic megalithic complex, of which the best known specimen is probably the great stone circle at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England. In an apparent effort to contain (since they cannot eliminate) the strangeness of this complex, in which both the methods and the motives of construction remain obscure, archeologists have written about it as though it were confined to pre-Roman Europe. In fact, however, it is found on every continent but Australia ...
225. Night of the Gods: The Pillar-Axis as Tower [Books]
... ( -grianan-ailigh, stone-palace), and has three concentric ramparts encircling a round cashel of cyclopean masonry. Merlin, according to Geoffrey of Monmouth,48transported by magic the pillar-stones of the choir (coirthe ?) of Giants-chorea gigantum-which stood on the "Killaraus Mons" in Ireland, and set them up in the same order at Stanheng, Stonehenge. Now Giraldus Cambrensis49 says of Meath, the fifth the central province of Ireland, that the Castrum Nasense (of Naas), a mass of prodigious stones, was called the chorea gigantum, and that the stones had been brought by the giants from the ends of Africa and that the Castrum of Kilair50 was called the stone and ...
226. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... a prime requirement of the Thom theory. Recently Thom's alignments have been coming under increasing scrutiny, and of nearly 100 individual cases these have had to be rationalised down to a mere 42. Ruggles shows how chance can often be invoked to explain an "alignment", how mathematical errors account for other supposed alignments (as was true of STONEHENGE DECODED by Hawkins) and how investigators get tangled up in futile debates (he gives a nice example - Ballochroy). The Carn Ban chambered cairn on the island of Arran points very accurately to the midsummer sunrise, but it is the only one of 19 similar cairns on Arran with a significant lunar or solar rising or setting position ...
227. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Collision . Section 2 is devoted to ancient astronomy, the major article being Prof. Rose's "Babylonian Observations of Venus", which so clearly demonstrates how a Velikovskian view of the evidence resolves anomalies which have puzzled scholars for decades. Other items of particular interest are Velikovsky's "The Orientation of the Pyramids" and "On Decoding Hawkins' Stonehenge Decoded'". With sections 3, 4 and 5, more technical astronomical aspects make an appearance, ranging from the stability of the solar system and the research on possible orbits by Rose and Ransom to Juergens' pioneering work on electrical forces, "Reconciling Celestial Mechanics and Velikovskian Catastrophism". The problems of the Venusian atmosphere are ...
228. Tisserand and a Trojan to the Rescue [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Patten insists. Even today the Moslem world uses a purely lunar calendar of twelve lunar months per "year," with no attempt to reconcile lunar and solar cycles. This change makes the ancient Mars year equal to 722 days instead of 720. Contrary to what Patten says, Bob Forrest's Guide to Velikovsky's Sources is commercially available (from Stonehenge Viewpoint).Evidently, Patten has confused Guide with the earlier Velikovsky's Sources. Second, the time assigned to circularize Mars' orbit after the Catastrophic Era has been increased substantially. In COT (p . 247) Patten indicates Mars' orbit circularized in 21 years. Now, with neither comment nor elaboration, he asserts it took ...
229. Puzzles of Prehistory [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... community concurrence, such killings were presumably apotropaic- calculated, as appeasement offerings, to ward off far worse misfortunes. An equally mysterious development from this same agricultural period is the megalithic complex. On every continent except Australia, large stone structures were erected by obscure means for equally obscure purposes. These structures range in type from the rude cromlech of Stonehenge in England to the sharply delineated pyramid of Cheops in Egypt. Beyond a general impression that megaliths have both astronomical and religious significance, there is little agreement about them. The effort that went into erecting them, however, was clearly immense. They were probably intended both to help anticipate celestial disturbances and to outlast those disturbances. Another ...
230. Anomalistics - a New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... paradoxical, since some groups - of which the best known are the saurischia, or large dinosaurs - seem not merely to have survived but to have flourished immediately before their geologically sudden disappearance.4 A good example of a social science anomaly is the archaic megalithic complex, of which the best known specimen is probably the great stone circle at Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England. In an apparent effort to contain (since they cannot eliminate) the strangeness of this complex, in which both the methods and the motives of construction remain obscure, archeologists have written about it as though it were confined to pre-Roman Europe. In fact, however, it is found on every continent but Australia ...
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