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Search results for: stonehenge in all categories

279 results found.

28 pages of results.
11. Stonehenge: What Was It? [Journals] [Horus]
... From: Horus Vol. 1 No. 2 (Summer 1985) Home | Issue Contents Stonehenge: What Was It?by Alban Wall There is a celestial phenomenon that numerous ancient civilizations, in their early study of the heavens, soon discovered and put to use in helping to regulate their civil and religious affairs. Simply stated it is this: "The phases of the Moon exactly repeat themselves on the same days of the year every nineteen years, but not in any year in between." Since early times, and even in some cultures today, the waxing and waning of the Moon has been the astronomical basis of the month. The Moon circles the Earth ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 169  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/horus/v0102/horus05.htm
... From: Kronos Vol. XI No. 1 (Fall 1985) Home | Issue Contents An Evaluation of the Practical Operation of the Stonehenge Calendar Benjamin A. Bosher I found Alban Wall's paper, "A Calendric View of Stonehenge" (KRONOS VIII:2 , Winter 1983, pp. 35-46), to be a well thought-out solution that the functional use of Stonehenge was that of an accurate solar and lunar calendar. His explanation of the use of the horseshoe of 19 Bluestones to keep track of the 19-year cycle adds significantly to the search for the full solution to the riddle of Stonehenge, as does his explanation of the five Trilithons to divide the lunar month into ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 162  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol1101/047eval.htm
... ). This "Mycenaean horizon," it was thought, could be seen in a variety of imported artifacts in the later graves of the rich Early Bronze Age Wessex culture, of which the best known are probably the blue, segmented faience beads similar to those which were found in large numbers in Tel el Amarna, Akhnaton's capital. Stonehenge III, the sarsen structure, was brought into this horizon by virtue of the "Mycenaean dagger" found carved on one of its uprights. However, the correction of radiocarbon dates by the tree-ring chronology in the late 1960's seemed to make the Early Bronze Age cultures of Europe, including Wessex, too old to be contemporary with the ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 158  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/pensee/ivr10/05mega.htm
14. Midsummer Madness [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... From: SIS Workshop No. 1 (Mar 1978) Home | Issue Contents Midsummer Madness Mike Rowland Like many others, I was intrigued by the hypothesis put forward by Prof. G. S. Hawkins in his book Stonehenge Decoded', and, prompted by the rebuttal from Prof. R. J. C. Atkinson, quoted by Dr. Velikovsky in his article in Pensee' (Vol. 2, No. 2), I decided to check the data on which Prof. Hawkins had based his ideas by visiting the site myself. It seemed to me that his case stands or falls primarily on the veracity of the major alignment of Centre/Heel ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 142  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/workshop/no1/11midsm.htm
15. The Reality of Extinctions [Journals] [Aeon]
... up in north-west Europe. There were several episodes of megalithic activity and, in the resulting patterns of standing stones, we have a record- possibly the only record- of a mechanism which will be proposed below as a cause of extinctions. Let us take this one step at a time. The most famous of all megalithic monuments is Stonehenge. But it is not a solitary example; hundreds of stone rings are extant in Britain alone. In addition, there are rows of huge standing stones in Brittany, just as impressive as Stonehenge. The Grand menhir, now broken, was originally 320 tonnes, probably the largest stone ever moved by manpower. Occasionally, a megalithic ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 131  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0404/067realt.htm
16. Megalithic Circles and Star Charts [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of huge megalithic monuments around the world and the creation of star charts in four cultural areas. The justification for the enormous efforts to build the monuments are not clearly understood; and the star charts appeared without significant evidence that the four cultures had any prior interest in astronomy. Megalithic Monuments The most famous megalithic (stone) circular structure is Stonehenge in Britain. Stonehenge has gone through a number of modifications over hundreds of years. The construction started before 3000 BC with extensive modification around 2200-2300 BC. Bradley has examined the phases in the construction of Stonehenge and makes the comment that the changes to the circle at 2200 BC may have had their counterpart in changes in cosmology' [ ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 121  -  01 Apr 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v2004n2/03megalithic.htm
... From: Horus Vol. 2 No. 2 (Summer 1986) Home | Issue Contents On Number As Artifact: Part 2: Development Fred Fisher [* !* Image] Astronomers find evidence of 13 as a number base among the builders and theorists of Stonehenge Edith Borroff, whose important work with the number 360 was discussed in the previous article, [HORUS II:1 ] believes the ancients tended to use number in both symbolic and functional ways. This is certainly true of the Chinese, with their hypothetical musical scales based on simple ratios, yet at the same time sophisticated acoustical computations based on principles of set theory. Modern mathematicians, finding the symbolic numbers ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 111  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/horus/v0202/horus20.htm
... various types of sugars and starches could be generated by polymerization and aldol condensation. According to the ancient sources, the order would even be correct. The mixture would receive radiation during the day, and polymerization would occur in the cooler night, particularly on dust particles. The end product would fall to the ground in the early morning. STONEHENGE Some people have been led to believe that Stonehenge was built as an intricate computer designed to keep track of important celestial objects. This was supposedly done before the last catastrophe, an important question then is, if catastrophes occurred, why does Stonehenge still work, if it does? Stonehenge is a stone arrangement on the Salisbury plain not ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 105  -  28 Nov 2007  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/age-of-v/age-4.htm
19. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of celestial prototypes. While Sieff and Sweeney are totally enthusiastic about the Mesopotamian reconstruction they do not accept the later developments and Whelton describes them as accepting half the Heinsohn loaf'. Derek Shelley-Pearce, 1988 The Life and Death of Megaliths Books Reviewed Dolmens for the Dead - Megalith building throughout the world by Roger Joussaume (Hachette 1985) The Stonehenge People - Life and death at the world's greatest stone circle by Aubrey Burl (J .M .Dent 1987) Dolmens for the Dead is not an easy read but would be invaluable as a text book for anyone interested in pursuing in great detail what is currently known about megalithic burial structures. Over half the book deals with western ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 85  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/workshop/w1988no2/29revie.htm
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2000:1 "Proceedings of the SIS Silver Jubilee Event" Home | Issue Contents Evidence From the Moon, Newgrange and Stonehenge Indicates Lunar Disturbance by Leonard Saunders Leonard Saunders is a retired general management consultant and company doctor'. Throughout his career he has been concerned with multi-disciplinary problem-solving in both physical and intangible respects. He has carried over this skill into extended private research centred upon Stonehenge and its environs. Summary Four features of the moon, the carvings at the Newgrange passage grave, cup and ring marks elsewhere and the Station Stones at Stonehenge have defied detailed explanation. Prompted by the Newgrange carvings a model is presented which accounts for ...
Terms matched: 1  -  Score: 84  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v2000n1/031evid.htm
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