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279 results found.
28 pages of results. 171. Review: New Insights into Antiquity - A Drawing Aside of the Veil, by R. Petersen [Journals] [SIS Review]
... abandon all mysteries and geological events by the theory of the portal to another dimension being opened by impacting comets. The great fire of Chicago, the melted' rock hills at what he believes was Cibbola, Sodom and Gomorrah, the abandoned statues on Easter Island, the Earth's magnetism, electric storms, volcanism, Saturn's rings, Atlantis, Stonehenge, even fossils are explained away. In respect of the last named the theory is stretched to even more incredible dimensions with the suggestion that the seemingly impossible size of dinosaurs is due to the fossils being magnified as they entered our world. What started as a book with interesting possibilities unfortunately degenerates into a catalogue of the risible. ...
172. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . The people who occupied the site in 1000 BC buried the mummies inside the house. This suggests some kind of potent magic was involved. The teenage girl may either have died prematurely, or may have been some kind of foundation sacrifice – and the dog likewise. It is interesting that the NE direction is integral to the design of Stonehenge and various megalithic structures. The direction of the rising sun at midsummer coincides with the NE, but the Taurids also occur in June. Phillip Clapham ...
173. On Number as Artifact (Part 3: Conclusion) [Journals] [Horus]
... . The first uses the standard synodic month, the latter the less familiar sidereal month. It was pointed out earlier that 28 X 13 is the "solar" year of 364 days and it was shown that this, too, appears ton have been a legitimate set of "sky numbers" among several early cultures including the builders of Stonehenge. But it is difficult, even for a musician, to think of 13 as a "musical" number. It shouldn't be. Music happens to be one field in which both ends of a dimensional measurement are traditionally included in the measurement. It's undeniably a perverse situation, but undeniably it exists (no doubt it's one of ...
174. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Objects: Recent Findings and Historical Implications Prof. Mike Baillie (Queen's University Belfast) Tree-Ring Evidence for Environmental Disasters during the Bronze Age: Causes and Effects Dr Marie-Agnes Courty (Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon) Abrupt Climate Change around 2200 BC: Stratigraphical and Geochemical Evidence from the Middle East Dr Duncan Steel (Spaceguard Australia) Before the Stones: Stonehenge I as a Cometary Catastrophe Predictor? Dr Bas van Geel (University of Amsterdam) and Dr Hans Renssen (University of Utrecht) The Impact of Abrupt Climate Change around 2650 BP in North-West Europe: Evidence for Climatic Teleconnections and a Tentative Explanation Dr Bruce Masse (University of Hawaii) Earth, Air, Fire, and Water: ...
175. Some Additional Comments On Tektites [Journals] [Kronos]
... tektites are quite massive, yet they clearly melted almost instantaneously throughout their volumes. They were not heated from the outside. It is claimed that mechanical shock, as from impact, might account for this. But it is known that electrical breakdown could produce such an effect. I would add only that, about 1960, Hawkins (of Stonehenge fame) produced respectable artificial tektites by subjecting Earth materials to a beam of electrons. He, too, may have been closer to the truth of things than he realized. [* !* Image] The Moon \cdrom\pubs\journals\kronos\vol0201\045tekt2.htm ...
176. The Relativity Question by Ian McCausland [Journals] [SIS Review]
... significant .. . but on the other hand it might have some kind of hidden meaning. For instance, there were 150 great stones at Avebury, ( = 10 times 15). There were 90 around the great circle ( = 3 times 30 or 30 times 3) and 30 around each of the two inner circles. At Stonehenge there were 30 upright sarsen stones capped with a continuous row of 30 lintels. Inside the circle was a horseshoe of 5 free archways of 3 stones (3 5 = 15). Phillip Clapham \cdrom\pubs\journals\review\v1998n1\47relat.htm ...
177. Forum Part Two [Journals] [SIS Review]
... seems to be a very reasonable approach. But how accurate and reliable are our present dating methods really? I am very suspicious of MacKie's argument, which has been subsequently adopted by Bimson, Newgrosh and other SIS members, that the last major catastrophe occurred during the end of the third millennium BC. In the first place, MacKie dates Stonehenge according to C14 dates which, in his 1974/75 article, he considered to be basically reliable' [25]. However, if we would uncritically accept conventional C14-dating, which is, after all, MacKie's only argument against Velikovsky's Middle and Late Bronze Age catastrophes, then all existing models of global catastrophes must be necessarily wrong ...
178. Chapter 2 The Sphinx [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... and 5000 B.C . The people during that age were hunters and gatherers; they could not build cities, ' Dr Lehner said; and with that the debate ended."59 The question is not about building cities but erecting a large monument — the Sphinx. This is quite similar to the ancient people of England that built Stonehenge. If there were people with tools such as copper to cut limestone who lived in vast farming communities in and around the Nile from 8000 to 5000 B.C ., they would certainly have left stratigraphic evidence in the ground. Archaeologists suggest that we only begin to find evidence in the ground around Egypt of early civilization in and ...
179. SIS Silver Jubilee Conference: Abstracts [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... e ) More Co-operation (f ) More Focus Concluding Comments (a ) Velikovsky's Pillars have Changed b) The SIS Museum Basement' (c ) The Establishment Still Turns a Deaf Ear? (d ). A New Game Plan Needed? (e ) The Crystal Ball is Clouded Leonard Saunders: Evidence from the Moon, Newgrange and Stonehenge Indicates Lunar Disturbance Summary: Four features of the moon, the carvings at the Newgrange passage grave, cup and ring marks elsewhere, and the Station Stones at Stonehenge have defied detailed explanation. Prompted by the Newgrange carvings a model is presented which accounts for all these conundrums: in historic times the Plane of the moon's orbit slowly turned ...
180. The Stones Of Ballochroy [Journals] [Kronos]
... to MacKie I must here point out that he himself has already taken these considerations into account. My aim, here and elsewhere,(3 ) is to re-examine them. In this, I will not be the first to criticize Thom's analysis and conclusions. Although his method has been less harshly criticized than Hawkins' "decoding" of Stonehenge, it remains unaccepted by many of his colleagues at the time of this writing.(4 ) Thom calls the "solstitial" site at Ballochroy "the most interesting and instructive"(5 ) (emphasis added). M.E . Bailey, J.A . Cooke, R.W . Few, J. ...
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