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42 pages of results. 61. Cometary Catastrophes and the Ideas of Immanuel Velikovsky [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Earth, it is in fact a representative of the huge Oort cloud coming in on a vast orbit from the very outermost reaches of the Solar System. Now, the significance of the giant molecular clouds in the Galaxy is that when the Solar System runs close to them, which it does every 50 million years or so when we cross spiral arms, the Oort cloud is enormously disturbed and we get comets flying in all directions: a veritable flood of them pours into the centre of the Solar System while an immense number is flung out of the Solar System altogether. So, by discovering giant molecular clouds, we have discovered that the Oort cloud as proposed in 1950, ...
62. Origin And Evolution Of Solar Systems [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... Sun from interstellar space. In this respect, I am discussing gas giant planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. What all discussions of planetary capture from interstellar space have overlooked is that, unlike the solar system, the orbits of stars and brown stars such as Jupiter, beyond a certain distance from the center of spiral galaxies do not have orbits that follow Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Inside the solar system planetary bodies (and all bodies) exhibit Keplerian motion as discussed by Marcia Bartusiak. `By the 1970s, however, the problem of the missing mass was brought closer to home. By then, both radio and optical telescopes were beginning to ...
63. The Electric Saturnian System [Journals] [Aeon]
... illumination of proto-Saturn would appear as a crescent throughout the entire capture process. An analog of the polar column might be that of the dust-tail of a comet which does not point directly away from the Sun but, rather, at some small angle to that line. However, this model requires that proto-Saturn move away from the celestial pole and spiral toward the south on approaching the ecliptic plane. This is because the axes of rotation of the planets must remain gyroscopically fixed in inertial space. The plasma toroid about Venus, forming the "eye," would then appear to close as we crossed that plane. [7 ] The question remains: Why are the planets now confined ...
64. Thoth Vol III, No. 15: Nov 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... are simplifications of a more complex phenomenon. In reducing that larger phenomenon to elements usable for immediate purposes, a lot of information is lost. A lot of the phenomenon is overlooked. Really, the planets don't go around the Sun. Orbits are figments of an underactive imagination, a failure to imagine reality. The Sun and planets are spiraling around the galaxy, each causing minor perturbations in the motions of the others. By analogy, the Moon doesn't really go around the Earth. That's an idea left over from geocentric thinking. From a heliocentric view, Moon and Earth merely perturb each other a little as they go around the Sun on almost identical orbits. So the ...
65. NASA Astrophysics Data System Abstracts [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... , Vol. 17, p.475-482 In this paper I attempt to demonstrate that some images of ancient rock art may be connected with astronomical observations. [. .] Numerous and mysterious geometrical signs of rock art demonstrate an external formal similarity and have a wide territorial and chronological spread. Circles and concentric circles, disks with rays, spirals, different variants of swastikas, spectacle-shaped images (dumbbells) and some other symbols are among them. They constitute a universal set of signs reflecting peculiarities of prehistoric consciiousness. In full at: ...
66. The Great Flood -- General Remarks [Books]
... threefold organism', atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere, is arranged in the shape of a perfect rotational ellipsoid. Neglecting a minor distortion caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun, this rotational ellipsoid is practically globular, the deviation from a true sphere caused by our planet's spinning on its axis being very small. When owing to the spiral orbital diminution caused by its movement in the non-ideal Inter-planetary medium an outer small planet approaches the Earth this organism is thrown out of balance at every conjunction. Then tremors shake the whole terrestrial globe, the waters of the seas lap towards the lower latitudes, and the atmosphere is similarly disarranged. After the conjunction things quickly regain their status ...
67. Celestial fireworks [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... significance in symbolism and mythology. Some frames display a tiny green image in the upper right corner. These are abstractions from the general picture, which came to form the dominating symbols in the language of symbolism. The reduction of the highly complicated prodigies of the past to simplified abstract symbols such as the dotted circle, the triangle, the spiral, the concentric circles, and so forth, formed the backbone of ancient symbolism. In my essay on symbolism, published on this website, I will offer an exhaustive list of symbols under which these apparitions have been described by the myth-makers. The motifs listed underneath the pictures mention some of these, just to give an impression how ...
68. Computed Planetary Orbits and the Babylonian Observations of Venus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... force differences acting on Venus. Its maximum value would have been less than 1 % of the lunar tidal forces on the Earth, but its effect would be very different. On the Earth there is only a relatively thin layer of liquid susceptible to tides (plus a small solid tide movement and minor atmospheric effects) but if Venus had spiralled in from Jupiter it would have been in a largely molten or very plastic state at the time of the Babylonian observations. The whole of its globe would have been distorted by tidal forces, influencing the dynamics of its orbit. It seems likely that such forces gradually reduced the eccentricity of the orbit until it became its present near-circular form ...
69. The Capture of Luna (Life History of Our Earth) [Books]
... . But though they record the undoubted fact, they cannot find a reason for it, or at least not a plausible one. Here again Hoerbiger's Cosmogonic Theory is very helpful. What had actually happened was this. In the long asatellitic age a small planet, Luna, whose orbit lay between the Earth's and that of Mars, had spiralled steadily closer towards the Sun. It was about fifty times smaller than our Earth, and about eighty times lighter, and hence its coefficient of involution' had to exceed that of the Earth many times. Consequently it was only a matter of time before the small outer planet came so close to the Earth that serious gravitational interference was ...
70. Catalogue Of Discordant Redshift Associations (Book review) [Journals] [Aeon]
... the frame of redshift of the right parent galaxy, each of the redshift shifts from "random" to within a few hundredths of the quantized "preferred redshifts." This adds evidence supporting both the discordant redshift connection and the phenomenon of quantized redshifts. The book is a spiral-bound publication with a paperback cover that folds over to conceal the spiral binding. The pages are neatly arranged and the print is large and easy to read. One warning: Be sure to check the page numbers. In my copy, page 60/61 was inserted between pages 57 and 58, which caused all sorts of confusion when I was trying to locate the "jet in fig 3" ...
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