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42 pages of results. 41. RECONSTRUCTING THE SATURN MYTH [Journals] [Aeon]
... creatures and objects (such as the cosmic ship, the bull of heaven and horned summit of the world mountain), known to have their reference in a crescent, but always behaving in ways that flatly contradict lunar behavior. Hence, the mysterious crescent can provide numerous, highly specific tests of our model against the entire historical record. Spiral of Life-Breath There is another enigmatic symbol every bit as common as the crescent. But in this case the mythologists do not enjoy even the illusion of rescue by any phenomenon in the sky today. And though this image has already been recognized as one of central and universal influence in the ancient world, it is fair to say that ...
42. On Models and Scenarios [Journals] [Aeon]
... the primeval land of the gods- a crescent-enclosure housing the ancient sun god and the denizens of his celestial city. And the deluge was- as a myth- the story of the overwhelming of that celestial land in a "world-destroying" cataclysm. Alongside these elementary principles of the theory must be included: The presence of Venus as a spiraling comet- the old sun god's beard or sidelock; the position of the warrior-hero Mars at the apex of the polar column; the original position of the planet Jupiter behind Saturn. These essential ideas, to which numerous details must be added, constitute the foundation of an original and now-comprehensive theory of myth. It should be obvious, ...
43. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... just what the universal triggering mechanism could have been for synchronous bursts of evolution. In pursuing various descriptions of catastrophic phenomena as described in the Bible, Velikovsky had given but little attention to the one depicted as Elijah went up to heaven in a fiery whirlwind, but Zysman realised that this was not uncommon in many other traditions, with fiery spirals, serpents of fire etc. Zysman's thesis is, briefly, following Velikovsky, that as Earth passed through meteoric debris there were great electrical effects, with the discharge of ionised gases and the flow of electrons and protons into Earth through the poles. Discharges of ionised gases or plasmas are seen today in the form of ball lightning, ...
44. Hoerbiger's Theory [Books]
... solifugal' material planetary space is not absolutely empty'. All bodies moving in an un-ideal' space of this conception will experience a certain resistance which, though infinitely small, will nevertheless retard their speed in the course of geological' or astronomical' reaches of time. A body moving in an orbit will respond to continuous retardation by a spiral diminution of its orbit. As smaller bodies have a smaller orbital momentum to counteract the resistance of the interplanetary medium their orbital diminution coefficient will be greater than that of bigger bodies. A smaller planet which is outside' a larger one will therefore eventually trespass upon the orbit of the larger planet. If the larger planet is gravitationally sufficiently ...
45. The Nature and Origin of Comets and the Evolution of Celestial Bodies (Part II) [Journals] [Kronos]
... self-consistent context. These include the origin of comet nuclei and the reason for the observed "families" of comets arriving from many specific directions in space, comet wandering, sunward spikes, sunward fan tails, occasional separation of the tail from the nucleus, comet splitting, the cause of Type I, II, and III tails, the spiralling of tail material, the stratification in some tails, multiple tails, the shrinking of the coma as the comet approaches the Sun, and the maintenance of meteoroid streams. In relating the above to the formation of planets, moons and asteroids, the theory must also explain the internal heat and radioactivity of the planets, the orientation of ...
46. Some Implications of Saunders' Lunar Hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Review]
... record of what was seen by prehistoric man, and that they relate to the Moon, it is important to realise that they indicate either a slow turn of the Moon's orbital plane (MOP) through 180 degrees about the Earth, or a turn of the Earth within the Moon's orbit such that the Moon appeared to wind upwards in a spiral ascent, and then to unwind in a spiral descent The crossover point (the point of inflexion' in the glyphs) would represent the intersection of the MOP and Earth's spin axis in either case. Behaviour of the Moon and Earth in Myth and History In a private communication dated 8th March 2004, Dwardu Cardona, whose knowledge of ...
47. Pacific Meridian Publishing Co. [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Publishing Co. Donald Pattern's Pacific Meridian Publishing Company now has it's own Web site and book list, including a number of titles available for viewing on-screen for free. Books Author Title Binding $ U.S . David F. Fasold The Ark of Noah spiral 18.95 Ronald R. Hatch Escape From Einstein 28.00 C. Warren Hunt Environment of Violence 30.00 Expanding Geospheres 48.00 Donald W. Patten The Biblical Flood & Ice Epoch spiral 15.00 The Long Day of Joshua spiral 15.00 Catastrophism & the Old paper 14.95 Testament cloth 19. ...
48. On the Nature of Cometary Symbolism [Journals] [Kronos]
... "soul". In many myths, it is "exhaled" or "spit out" as the god's emanating life force. 2) The comet's form is that of a curl with braided streams. Its color is brilliant turquoise (or something very close; descriptions range from green to blue). 3) Initially appearing as a spiraling appendage of the sun god, the comet eventually is torn away, sent out or otherwise departs from the god as a raging, world-threatening monster. 4) But, subsequently, the cometary monster wraps itself around the god and is "subdued", becoming the god's crown, throne, or dwelling in the sky, recorded pictographically ...
49. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... by accepting the Atlantis story as now scientifically credible although he favours the idea of two tiers to the Atlantis story. The first one was the highly developed civilisation of the Andes centering around Tiahuanaco at about 13,000 ft. above the present level of the Pacific Ocean. H. S. Bellamy's Tertiary Moon' made this possible by spiralling in close to the earth and raising a bulge tide around the centre of the earth. He gives as evidence for this a line of sediment in the Andes which can be followed for four hundred miles. As soon as this tertiary moon disintegrated, and the gravitational pull was no longer available, the seas receded and left this first ...
50. News from the Internet [Journals] [SIS Review]
... publications. Their forthcoming book, Thunderbolts of the Gods, is under preparation, but a draft chapter has appeared on the Internet (Web address below) summarising their work. Due to space limitations, several explanatory panels and many illustrations have been removed. Thunderbolts of the Gods David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill On a spiral arm of a galaxy called the Milky Way, nine planets move in peaceful, clock-like procession around a yellow dwarf star called the Sun. The planets move on highly predictable paths, and by all appearances nothing has changed in a billion years. The inhabitants of the third planet, the Earth, can see five of their celestial neighbors ...
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