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411 results found.
42 pages of results. 281. The Area of Origin [Books]
... "Celtic Knot" similarly formed from the swastika, the points, however, being connected with curved instead of straight lines (figure 3). FIG. 3. "Celtic Knot" Swastika In India, the swastika is a living symbol, and retains a haunting sanctity and auspiciousness. It is supposed to assist birth, like the spiral which is dealt with in this connexion in the next chapter. The Buddhists, as stated, took over the swastika, and it is a prominent symbol on the famous footprints of Buddha (figure 4), where it is associated with other symbols. It still survives in Tibet (figure 5). The Moslems perpetuate its use ...
... had predicted at the 1953 Graduate College Forum; 3) a determination of the magnetic orientation of lava from the second millennium B.C .; 4) a program of measuring the magnetic inclination (dip) of pottery from the Neolithic and early Egyptian periods to decide if magnetic field reversals had occurred; 5) a survey of the spiral direction exhibited by fossil vines and snailshells to determine the dates of reversed rotations; 6) an accurate measurement of the gravitational constant to verify or refute Newton's law of inverse squares; and 7) experimental tests on both charged and electrically neutral bodies to compare their velocity of fall and their acceleration constant. (6 ) For Velikovsky1956 had ...
283. "Planet X and the Sunspot Cycle" (Vox Populi) [Journals] [Kronos]
... red-shifted time periods, converging in a mass of hf/c2 in magnitudes equivalent to hydrogen spectrum emission during the time of the origin of the universe, phased into packet periodicities of 22 years on arrival, would not infer that calculations to discover Planet X locations are not important. Just the opposite. To find the rotating vector of the spiraling "time component" requires many calculations of exact reference points. Further development of these measurements is of primary importance in resolving the issue. PRESENT ODDITIES Planet X does not disturb the inner planets(7 ) . . . Only the orbits of the large outer planets . . . Therefore: The position of the center of gravity must ...
284. Thoth Vol I, No. 13: May 16, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... /PR/96/38.html]. Following is a partial quote from the report: Analogous to Earth's tornadoes, the large difference in temperature between the hot surface and cold interior of the interstellar clouds, combined with the pressure of starlight, may produce strong horizontal shear to twist the clouds into their tornado-like appearance. While the spiral shapes suggest the clouds are twisting, future observations will be needed to confirm that. ' I would like you to note the exceedingly weak explanation for the formation of the "twisters". It is yet another manifestation of astronomers clinging to simple gas models rather than more complex plasma models. It should also be noted that earthly tornadoes ...
285. Thoth Vol II, No. 8: May 15, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... DRASTICALLY? The best I can ask for is a willingness to consider an argument. I could show you, for example, that certain celestial images preoccupied ancient man to the point of an obsession. A great cosmic wheel in the sky. The pyramid of the sun. The eye of heaven. Also the ship of heaven, a spiraling serpent, the raging goddess, and four luminous "winds" of the sky. The problem for conventional perspectives is that these images are far, far removed from anything we see in the heavens today. But that is only the beginning of the theoretical challenge. As soon as you realize that far-flung cultures, though employing different symbols ...
286. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... was thinking of Navius cutting a whetstone with a razor. Navius accomplished the feat, and a statue of him was set up, with the head covered. I suggest that augury was a procedure based on the combined study of animals and electric fields, and was especially significant when lightning or a storm was imminent. The lituus with its spiral top could have been a coil. The foot on the boulder indicates the importance of a good earth connection. Finally, since the augur works in the daytime, he throws part of his robe over his head to enable him to study the variations in brightness of the electrical light playing around the lituus. In this context one thinks ...
287. Thoth Vol III, No. 4: Feb 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... accepted view of the sun as an isolated fusion factory and think of it as a focal point of galactic electrical energy. He tells us that, although plasma is a good conductor, it is limited in its ability to carry current. So, if the rate of charge separation within the galaxy exceeds the capability of the plasma threading the spiral arms to carry it, the plasma will be under constant stress and current will flow continuously, powering the stars within it. In defense of this outrageous claim, Thornhill points out that stellar electrical discharges provide a simple explanation for solar phenomena that have baffled the atomic energy paradigm. Among these mysteries are: Where did all the neutrinos ...
288. Thoth Vol III, No. 7: April 30, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... That simple fact renders worthless all past attempts to introduce electromagnetism into celestial dynamics. However, if Sansbury's electrical theory of gravity is right then Eric's model will still work. That's because the exchange of charge by a planet with its surroundings will effectively modify the gravitational force between the planet and the Sun. Therefore it will cause the planet to spiral in or out until electrical equilibrium is achieved. Bob Grubaugh said: .. . It seems that nearly all orbital phenomena can be explained by gravitation only, but others require "something else". My problem is what equations to use for the "something else". Electrostatic charge has an effect similar to gravitation, but the ...
289. Exploding Planets and Non-exploding Universesed [Articles]
... two asteroids. I'll say in a moment why that's relevant to the hypothesis. Next one shows an artist's concept of the contact double asteroid Hector, a Trojan asteroid of Jupiter. So I don't have to keep switching back to the slides, we'll just do the last one, which is an intro. to the last topic: a spiral galaxy, also an artist's concept. The artist's slides there were something I haven't got converted to computer format. The story of the exploded planet hypothesis-I am just going to mention one aspect of it-where there was an important development this year. It's important when one has a hypothesis like this to make predictions with it, and, if ...
290. New Physics Supports Planetary Catastrophism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... it is behaving like a comet. Comets today are noted for their non-Newtonian accelerations. Given the global references to the Venus comet, it is not quite so surprising that it now has a near circular orbit. This new model of gravity supports the purely electrical calculations of Eric Crew [17] who arrived at a time-scale for Venus to spiral into its present circular orbit from the vicinity of Jupiter or Saturn in the order of 100 years. When planets and moons are close enough, a more violent form of charge exchange may occur. It is then that the apocalyptic weapon of the planetary gods is unleashed - the interplanetary thunderbolt. If such events have truly occurred we should ...
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