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42 pages of results. 241. Knowledge and Entropy - an Evolutionary Outlook [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... a merely anthropocentric outlook (Rowe, 1975), and even on the presentday cognitive approach, could provide a long-run path for biosphere development. According to Forrester (1973) simple providences applied to complex systems sometimes afford nothing but a transient improvement, and later on make things worse and request more and more providences, thus precipitating an involution spiral. Mesarovic and Pestel (1974) believe that this counterintuitive behaviour develops because of abnormal states of the systems, whose different levels' interact excessively and merge with each other. This, however, seems just to be related with the growth of knowledge and the ensuing dilatation of human activities, whose ramifications and interactions make it more and ...
242. Thoth Vol IV, No 11: July 15, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... been studying this subject for only 2 years, and there seem to be as many trails as there are in a labyrinth. :) One of the books I've read, , by Aidan Meehan, traces labyrinths back to the earth goddess myths. How convoluted the earth goddess myths can be! Meehan starts with the chevron, goes through spirals, key patterns (although he doesn't like the term), other goddess symbols, and drawings of plans of court cairns (megalithic tombs) found in Ireland, c. 5000 BC. The cairns supposedly represent the goddess in a pregnant state, and the maze aspect to the tombs is a birth ritual. Then he associates Neolithic ...
243. Thoth Vol IV, No 10: June 15, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... dance is consistently linked to the labyrinthine passage. Indeed, one of the more common dance patterns in ancient times was that of whirling performers, dancing along a path marked by a labyrinth. Cook, for example, relates the pattern simultaneously to a symbolic "imitation of the sun's movements in the sky" and to a pattern of imitative spiraling dance. The word "labyrinth" often MEANS dance, and the archaic roots of the symbol are acknowledged to have given rise to the "Troy dance" and similar children's games. But again, the relationship of the swastika to the dancing form of the hero (in conjunction with the goddess) will virtually always go unnoticed by ...
244. Thoth Vol IV, No. 1: Jan 15, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... phonetic equivalent in the Arabic Al-Tur which means The Mountain' This connection did not escape Talbott who has provided some intriguing insights concerning the associations shared between the altar, the world mountain, the cosmic pillar, and other Saturnian elements. Other examples of this motif are encountered in depictions of Mithras, shown with a serpent coiled around him in spiral fashion, and in that of the Mithraic Kronos, or Aion, who is likewise shown within the coils of a spiraling snake. A variant of the same motif is to be found in the serpent-footed Yahweh on coins of the Hellenistic period .. . Yahweh originated as a personification of Saturn .. . As Heidel tells us: ...
245. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . My paper also showed that the calculation of the average of values involving sine functions is meaningless unless the position of the axis is obtained by plotting a graph. Subsequent computer studies convinced me that if a charged cosmic body had been ejected from Jupiter it was not proto-Venus but a much smaller body (the name Cosbod seems appropriate) that spiralled in until its orbit became stable, where it repeatedly crossed the orbit of an existing Venus. In this case it is unlikely there would have been any major disturbances to the orbits of Mars and Earth during its transit, but there would have been some induced electrical currents and abnormal tides. The idea in Reade's paper that Venus pushed ...
246. The Dust-up Over Ice Cores [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... latitudes of approximately 60 degrees north and south. In the latitudes between the Hadley Cell and the Polar Cell, i.e . 30 degrees to 60 degrees north and south, warm air overruns at altitude from the former and cold air overruns at the surface from the latter. The Coriolis force acts on these contrary airstreams to create the spiralling circulation systems that characterise the Temperate Zone climate. In the N. hemisphere, anti-clockwise circulations of high pressure and dry weather are known as Cyclones, and clockwise circulations of low pressure and wet weather become Anti-Cyclones; the effects in the S. hemisphere are reversed. These spiralling air movements are called Ferrel Cells', whose ceiling lies ...
247. Velikovsky And The Cosmic Serpent [Journals] [Kronos]
... 1977), pp. 29-55, especially pp. 29-31. Clube and Napier are rather late in their revelatory experience. - LMG] In 1979, in the pages of Nature, we pointed out that these seemingly unconnected discoveries lead to a coherent and unified theory of terrestrial catastrophism. What happens is that the Solar System, crossing the spiral arms of the Galaxy every 100 million years or so, has a close encounter with one or more of the dark nebulae. Large tidal forces are generated around the Sun. Comets, most of which orbit out to almost interstellar distance, are stripped out of the Solar System and thrown into deep interstellar space. Others are captured into ...
248. New Scenarios for Solar System Evolution [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... itself through his contribution to objective knowledge? My paper will address the question by dealing with the following issues put forward by Velikovsky: (1 ) Does electromagnetism affect celestial motion for magnetic stars? Calculations based on prevailing theory say this is not possible, but many observations say otherwise. (2 ) Does electromagnetism affect the rotation curves of spiral galaxies? One astrophysicist suggests it does. (3 ) Has our solar system been stable since its genesis billions of years ago? New discoveries of other solar systems suggest profound instabilities, and some of the new theoretical concepts arising from recent discoveries either refer us back to Velikovsky or can be extrapolated from his work. (4 ) ...
249. Ejections, Resonances, and Inversions [Journals] [Kronos]
... . The latter did predict the Jovian ring(20) - although not on the strength of the mytho-historical record. Where does one find his name mentioned in modern textbooks in this connection? In 1851, Otto Struve announced "that the observations of two hundred years showed the rings of Saturn to be widening". The inner ring was spiralling in toward the planet.(21) This, plus recent measurements, led Clube and Napier to the following conclusion: "If the measurements [some of them based on observation, from 1610 onwards] are taken at face value a very recent evolution or origin for the Saturnian ring system is implied. Similar remarks can be made ...
250. The Methodology of Patten's Martian Scenario [Journals] [Aeon]
... were prominent. On the next night, the three large craters appeared like eyesockets as they slowly rotated by. On the night of October 23 (when Mars was 300,000 miles distant), its numerous crater scars appeared littered as thick as smallpox (on one face only). By dawn the next morning, the coiling, spiral hair [which Patten interprets as charged particles funnelling down toward the Earth'] was weaving across the cosmos .. . Its approach was fast (1700 m.p .h .) and getting faster, bright with snake-like coils, its head brushing the heavens. Its fearsome lightning went .. . FLASH . ZAP . CABOOM ...
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