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42 pages of results. 201. Vox Populi [Journals] [Aeon]
... style, the film lab accidentally destroyed the video. There are only about five seconds left of it. I put it on VHS. I still have the audiotape. It may, however, be in a format that is not in general use at present. Also, Fred Jueneman mentions that I had conducted the experiments re the plasma spirals at General Dynamics- "Further Comments on the Saturnian Configuration Theory." The truth is that I was working at General Dynamics when I had the reported conversation with Fred. However, I had done the plasma work at the University of Texas at Austin before joining General Dynamics. More on the Baltic Homer Victor De Mattei, from ...
202. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... started the astronomical ball rolling with a talk entitled "Erratic Events in the Solar System". He gave us a detailed account of his computer work which aimed to show that a large body (which he called "Cosbod"), if ejected in a charged condition from Jupiter several thousand years ago, could attain a circular orbit after spiralling in towards the Sun. Such circularisation of orbit, while at the same time losing charge from Cosbod, could happen over the very rapid astronomical time of a few thousand years and in the process there was a considerable chance of Cosbod being involved in near misses with other planets as it crossed their orbits. It was refreshing to know ...
203. Saturn's Revolving Crescent [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... of Triton, whose arrival on the scene must have resembled that of a bull entering a china shop." It is interesting that Tom Van Flandern's model required a slow flyby. It adds weight to my suggestion that the Polar configuration was transient but lasted for a time measured in decades or more likely, centuries as the Saturnian system lazily spiralled in toward the Sun, encountering first Neptune, then Uranus on its way. I will look at Uranus shortly. ...
204. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... wants (which means that the SISR report mis-spelled the name of the de Grazia hypothesis); but, for the record let the Dictionary speak: "quantevolution" (= quanta+ evolution) = evolution proceeding by discrete stages (" quanta"); "quantavolution" (= quanta+ volution) = movement in a rolling or spiral manner (" solution") proceeding in discrete stages. MALCOLM LOWERY London 10th Anniversary Tour of Egypt 28th August to 14th September 1984 A reminder to those members still contemplating making a reservation on this tour, although we now have sufficient firm bookings to confirm the tour with our agents on September 1st, there are still a number of ...
205. A Fire not Blown [Books]
... labyrinth [initial t', like s', is sometimes dropped]. Homer mentions Daedalus as the builder of a dancing floor for Ariadne. The word for a dancing floor, choros, is also the Greek for the dance itself. The maze at Knosos was probably a dancing floor. It is described as achanes, roofless. Spiral designs and meanders became popular in Cretan art at the time of the Egyptian monarch Amenemhet III. This pharaoh built a labyrinth' in the Fayum, contemporary with the first palace at Knosos. It was a temple whose design suggested a maze. Fresco fragments at Knosos show a building with columns, the roof decorated with horns, and ...
206. Let There be Darkness: The Reign of the Swastika by Lewis M. Greenberg [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Polar Configuration; Velikovskian theory; and ancient mandala archetypes. Whether an astral origin for the swastika can ever be proven has yet to be seen, but Greenberg has gone a long way in explaining the universality and fascination of this most powerful symbol, "an archetypal image simultaneously beckoning and repellent in the hypnotic effect of its apparent autokinetic spiraling." I highly recommend this work, and if the follow-up volumes in "The Osiris Series" are as well written, as interesting, and as finely presented as this, we are in for a continuing treat. ...
207. Reply to Earl Milton [Journals] [Aeon]
... tend to form clusters in the shape of a sphere. According to Milton's hypothesis, as galaxies move from one region of charged space to another of different charge they should also change color. For example, there are large spherical clusters of galaxies occupying huge regions of space. These galaxies are ellipticals and are red in color. If a spiral galaxy should enter such a region it too should be composed of predominantly red stars. If Milton's hypothesis is correct the same type of galaxy in all parts of the universe should exhibit somewhat different colorations and some should be completely different in coloration than nearly all others of its class. There are three main types of galaxies-spiral, elliptical and ...
208. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... " JUPITER'S X-RAYS - New Scientist 14/8 /80 p.522 Results from the orbiting Einstein observatory have indicated that Jupiter emits X-rays. It is therefore the only planet so far to be detected to emit X-rays, other than Earth itself. It is thought that the X-rays are produced when highspeed electrons trapped in the Jovian magnetic field spiral downwards and hit gas atoms in the atmosphere. RELATIVITY RULES O.K .? - New Scientist Space does not permit us to go into any great detail on the subject of Einstein and his theories of relativity, but we mention here a debate which has been carried in the pages of this august magazine. It will be of ...
209. Celestial Rings [Journals] [Aeon]
... change of orbit to their present location, in the Bode's Law sequence, would not have been instantaneous. They probably would have arrived where we find them at present via some elliptical path that would have swept many of the asteroids from the plane of the ecliptic. That would seem like a reasonable explanation to account for Zemel's missing asteroids. Spiral galaxies are flat; the plane of the ecliptic is flat; and the rings of Saturn are flat. These examples could not be due to chance. There must be some force that causes these phenomena. Electrons "boil off" any incandescent object, like the Sun, which acquires a positive charge. Cold objects, like the ...
210. The Knossos Labyrinth - a new view of the 'Palace of Minos' at Knossos [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... bull, will need little further consideration by catastrophists to place it squarely as the bull of heaven. Even its obvious connection with Poseidon as bull of the sea only raises it once more to the mythological waters above the Earth. Significantly, at Knossos both bulls horns and double axes appear again and again aloft on pillars, sometimes associated with spiral decorations or even surmounted by a tree. Castleden investigates the history of destructions of Knossos and other centres on Crete. He appears to have great sympathy with the idea that the second major destruction at around 1450 BC was caused by the Thera eruption and could have given rise to the Atlantis legend, but he is at great pains to ...
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