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411 results found.
42 pages of results. 161. Plasma discharges in rock art? [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... From: SIS Internet Digest 2000:2 (Dec 2000) Home | Issue Contents Plasma discharges in rock art?Thoth Vol IV, No. 15 Oct 15, 2000 During my first close encounter with Wal Thornhill, he electrified me with a picture of Zeus holding a thunderbolt. The bolt was football shaped with stringy things spiraling out of it. Wal explained that it was the shape a plasmoid took in a vacuum. "Gee-golly-cornpone!" I thought. "The ancient Greeks carved statues of something that hasn't been seen until modern man cranked up the current in a high-voltage lab." Now it's happened again. At the recent seminar in Portland, the work ...
162. The Mysterious Comet by Comyns Beaumont [Books]
... Raised Beaches Earth's Climate Deteriorates Climate And Dying Races List Of Illustrations Meteor, Described As A Tornado, At Sherman, South Dakota, U.S .A . Great Pyramid: Interior Passage System Serpent Temple At Uxmal, Mayapan Coon Butte, Arizona, U.S .A ., Taken From An Airplane Ancient British Coins Showing "Spirals" In The Sign Pegasus Avebury Temple, Wilts, Of Meteoric Stones, As Restored, After J. Britten . Columnar Column On Edge Of Coon Butte, Arizona, U.s .a , Cut Into Pentagonals . Meteoric Tornado Striking The Earth Mount Soufriere, Showing Crateral Lake Monte Somma, Vesuvius, With Crateral Walls Mount Pelee ...
163. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of mathematics and engineering far in advance of anything up to the present day. He reckons they developed a system of symbolic writing predating the Sumerians and established a solar calendar of 16 months and 365 days. Dr. Thomas has had the advantage of being able to interpret the meaning of ancient inscriptions, such as the circles, zigzags and spirals. At Stonehenge itself the erection of 4 bluestones around 2500 BC indicated a change from Moon worship to Sun worship. The mystery of the Long Man of Wilmington, a massive figure carved into the chalk hillside of southern England, has also been solved; he was a surveyor holding his measuring tools. Mammoth extinctions National Geographic February 1992 ...
164. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... and the mechanics suggested as having produced this mirage make a very acceptable alternative. Zysman firstly reminded us of the basic symbols which any scenario must adequately explain - the stationary God at the zenith with a surrounding ring, the crescent usually presented in boat like form on top of the world pillar or mountain, the cross and the curl or spiral. Although the Talbott Saturn scenario does fairly adequately explain all these it can only do so by postulating a whole new pattern of celestial mechanics, and Zysman, among others, had found he could not accept this. What he could accept was the Vail canopy theory, whereby Earth had at some stage been surrounded by a shell of ...
165. Ages in Chaos versus the 'New Chronologies' of Rohl and James [Journals] [SIS Review]
... be identified with Ramesses II - or Ramesses III. However, the New Chronologies have discarded catastrophic events - in order to please historians and professors and even the media. That is a pity as the 9th century BC embraces the age of Elijah and Elisha, two perplexing characters of the Bible associated with fiery coals, wheels within wheels' spiralling downwards from the sky and a great draught of hot air that sucked Elijah into eternity. This was followed by a great tribulation' and, whatever it was, it made Mesha, king of Moab on the other side of the Jordan river, sacrifice his son in abject fear of what his god Chemosh was about to unleash. ...
166. C&C Workshop 2003, Number 3: Contents [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... : C&C Workshop 2003, Number 3 Texts Home | SIS Workshop Home Society for Interdisciplinary Studies CHRONOLOGY & CATASTROPHISM WORKSHOP 2003, Number 3 Society News 1 Letter 2 Article Hatshepsut, The Queen of Sheba and Velikovsky by Emmet J Sweeney 3 News from the Internet Shock Dynamics 11 James Q. Jacobs Rock Art Pages 11 Laura Lee 12 Spiral Galaxies & Grand Canyons by Wal Thornhill 11 Censorship, suppression and Dogmatism in Science by Rochus Boerner 12 Maverick Science 12 Electrons in the early Universe by Eric Crewe 13 Copyright (c ) October 2003 Society for Interdisciplinary Studies a registered charity (Charities Act, 1960) - registration number 286264 PRODUCTION TEAM: Jill Abery, David Davis, ...
167. The Sacred Mythological Centres of Ireland by Jack Roberts [Journals] [SIS Review]
... :2 (Apr 1998) Home | Issue Contents The Sacred Mythological Centres of Ireland by Jack Roberts (Bandia Press, Limerick, Ireland, 1996) Reviewed by Phillip Clapham At £4 .95 this little booklet represents value for money and is full of line drawings and illustrations. These are informative and include carvings on stones such as spirals and lozenges. The author equates the Dagda with Jupiter/Zeus = all father and all knowledge. He was also the father of Aengus, mac Ind Og (son of the Lord of) Bruigh na Worlds in CollisionBoinne (the bend of the Boyne). The Dagda was perceived as crooked, it would seem, resembling a ...
168. The Myth of the Goddess, Evolution of an image by Anne Baring and Jules Cashford [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of an Earth Mother and an idealistic vision of earliest cultures regarding the earth and its produce as sacred, to be worshipped and not exploited. Already associated with some of these earliest images are symbols which start to demand further explanation: nets, four balls, a round head with seven layers, emphasis on a pillar-like structure, crescents, spirals and serpents. Yet, following the theories of Joseph Campbell, the only concession to a cosmic influence is the suggestion that these people made a connection between human fecundity and the waxing and waning Moon. For the Neolithic period the authors espouse the theories of Marija Gimbutas who investigated the symbolic imagery of the peoples of south east Europe, ...
... 11 542 BC 712 BC minus 6 Assyrian cycles of 1805 years each = 11 542 BC However else this most remarkable coincidence of figures may be explained, we feel that our assertion, that this is the time or approximate year of the satellitification of Luna, is not an entirely idle one. The Egyptian number is assisted by the famous spiral zodiac of Dendera, whose first sign is Leo. (Whether this zodiac is an original sculpture or a late copy we cannot discuss here.) Leo is now the zodiacal sign of August. Supposing that the beginning of the year was reckoned from the vernal equinox, we can calculate that the year started in Leo in about 11 ...
170. Society News: SIS Autumn Conference 2000 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... differences in redshift were explained as indicators of distance, therefore invisible matter was postulated. It was dubious that energy would collapse as postulated for black holes, it would rather burst out. Not all quasars are associated with active galaxies, they can pass out into the general field. Most, however, are related to active galaxies. The spiral arms are matter being ejected. The decrease in redshift goes step by step, the universe has a hierarchical structure with six major quantisations. In response to the question what are the furthest galaxies we know? ', Arp responded that we only know about the local supercluster and hinted that there may be a lot of empty space between ...
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