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42 pages of results. 151. On Celestial Mechanics [Journals] [Pensee]
... approaches the electrically neutral outer boundary, at which point the electric potential reaches a value of zero. The sun, orbiting at what we might describe as a middle altitude in the electrified galactic atmosphere, finds itself subjected to electrical pressure from its surroundings. (This predicament is compounded by the fact that the sun is also located within a spiral arm of the galaxy, which means, on Bruce's explanation for spiral arms, that it is caught up in an electrical discharge between the nucleus and the atmosphere of the galaxy.) The sun, which but for its fortuitous presence within the galaxy might be just another cold, dark cosmic body, becomes the focus of a secondary ...
152. Physics, Astronomy and Chronology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... most astronomers believe that the "Oort cloud" of cometary material surrounding the Solar System was formed at the same time as the Sun and its family, and has remained much the same since that time, Clube and Napier argue that this repository of comets is periodically disturbed and "topped up" when the Sun encounters interstellar clouds between the spiral arms of the Galaxy. In a "close encounter" with a giant molecular cloud, gravitational pull would cause the comets of the Oort cloud to fly in all directions, some coming into the central Solar System, others being flung out of the system altogether. However, the unstable Oort cloud would also gain a fresh supply of ...
153. Forum [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... try to roll from the Arctic Circle towards the North Pole. If Earth had not been spinning, Sel would roll over the Pole to the point on the Arctic Circle 180 degrees in longitude from its start point, roll back, and continue the oscillation as a spherical pendulum. However, because Earth is spinning, Sel would describe a spiral path under Coriolis acceleration, never quite reaching the Pole. Earth's reaction to Sel's motion would be determined by the coefficient of (rolling) friction between them, a 100% Crf meaning no relative motion at the point of contact. An infinitely massive Earth would not react; one over 80 times as massive as Sel will react, ...
154. Cosmic Catastrophes and the Origin of Megalithic Cultures [Journals] [SIS Review]
... be found, for example, in a tholos grave at Los Millares in Spain, which is now dated to the third millennium. Over in Malta we find very similar architectonic characteristics: constructions made of large stone slabs, entrances flanked by megaliths, and cave-like temples' whose use is still in dispute. Moreover we find decorations of rich spiral patterns. They are not precisely like the Mycenaean spirals but, before the C14 reform, the connection both in time and in space was considered so close that it would not have occurred to anyone that the temples on Malta and Gozo needed to be dated 2000 years earlier than the Mycenaean constructions. As a reminder: at present, ...
... Lord's symbolic portrayal of Leviathan in visual terms. Such were terms and scenery with which Job was familiar, although he did not understand the mechanics as we hope to. (The reader is encouraged to look up and reflect on this "fire works" chapter.) By nature, dogs bark, cats meow, and ions move in spiral coils. The Hebrew scene involved celestial electrical fireworks in a terrestrial setting. The Greek scene was the same celestial electrical fireworks in a marine setting. The following is a description of Typhon, another pseudonym of Mars, as rendered by Apollodorus, a second century B.C .E . Greek historian of the Heroic Age. ( ...
156. Thoth Vol III, No. 9: June 15, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Barry: What we see with two electron current flows in the same direction is they magnetically attract each other with the magnetic field circling in the direction of the right hand's curled fingers. Wal: This is where things start getting complicated, when you introduce magnetic fields. Electrons and ions don't like crossing magnetic field lines, they tend to spiral along them. Because the ions are 1000's of times heavier than electrons they form large spirals while electrons form tight spirals. Barry: If the assumption of the Left Hand Rule for proton flow is true then positive & negative currents flowing together within the same potential will also attract each other, because the circular magnetic fields will be the ...
... the planet itself [1 ]; also, it appears to be made of ice and Pluto of rock, suggesting a separate origin for the two bodies [3 ]. Most satellites orbit their planet in the direction of rotation but Triton, the largest moon of Neptune, goes round the other way. Calculations indicate that it may eventually spiral in to collide with the planet [1 ]. Nereid, the only other moon of Neptune known before the 1989 Voyager 2 fly-by, is much smaller than Triton, and much further away from the planet. Its movement is in the more usual direction, but in an orbit which is peculiarly elongated. Also, the orbital planes ...
158. Morning Star* [Journals] [Aeon]
... the hill upon which Quetzalcoatl's pyre had been ignited and, on Quetzalcoatl's account, this eminence received the name Citlalpetl- the Mountain of the Star. (122) The debris that accompanied this holocaust temporarily screened the Saturnian orb from terrestrial eyes even as Venus commenced to circle around the center while trailing an enormous cometary tail in an ever winding spiral behind it. And thus Quetzalcoatl disappeared from view, removing himself to the "underworld"- for a period of four or eight days according to Mesoamerican belief, but for longer or shorter periods according to the mytho-historical records of other nations. This also accounts for the alternative myth which states that it was the Sun that disappeared during ...
159. To Begin the World Over Again [Journals] [Aeon]
... of the origins, evolutions, and dynamics of stars and planets will be upset. Celestial formations we can scarcely imagine (mechanically), but which space instruments are now observing, can be explained electrically without the ad hoc subterfuges proliferating among conventional theories. A universe bursting with plasma instead of speckled with isolated billiard balls explains: Why the spiral arms of galaxies defy gravity and rotate at near-constant velocity. Why galaxies in clusters move too fast (or sometimes too slow) to stay in (a gravitational) orbit. Why globular clusters float around the periphery of galaxies without moving much at all. Why polar jets from both stars and galaxies are coherent over great distances, are ...
160. Solaria Binaria [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Solar Wind Current Sheet 11. Magnetic Field Surrounding Several Flowing Ions CHAPTER SIX 12. The Planet Saturn in Ancient Indian Art CHAPTER SEVEN 13. Magnetic Field Associated with an Electrical Flow 14. Decreasing Magnetic Field Strengths Surrounding Central Current at Increasing Distances 15. Motion of Drifting Charged Particle in a Magnetic Field 16. Braking Radiation Emitted by a Spiraling Electron 17. Primitive Planets in Orbit about the Electric Arc CHAPTER EIGHT 18. The Earth in the Magnetic Tube 19. The Earth Magnet 20. Magnetic Transactions within the Earth CHAPTER TEN 21. Transaction between Solaria Binaria and the Cosmos: Dense Plenum Phase 22. Solaria Binaria as the Plenum Thins and the Stars Separate CHAPTER ELEVEN 23 ...
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