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42 pages of results. 141. A Model of the Polar Configuration [Articles]
... end up flying apart. And they end up with absurdities. Like the thing disintegrating in a quarter of a cycle. And that's absurd. It can't...even if it's unstable it wouldn't do that. It would take it at least an orbit or so and, the way it would become unstable and disintegrate would be to spiral outward. And finally to spiral out to a point where the gravitational forces that would hold it to its point of orbit would disappear. I've told these people and they choose to ignore me. Questioner 2: Well there's a little difficulty in communication because you're using terms with a slightly different meaning than is conventional in the field. ...
142. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... a great writhing serpent, arches its back, throws its tail above its head and curves itself into an infinity of forms. These movements are due to the predominating gases, which in consequence of solar radiation are attracted or repelled according to their nature. Hydrogen stands out in a straight line away from the sun; hydrocarbons curve and assume spiral forms;iron vapour causes a pronounced curve near the nucleus, as though a dragon were arching its throat. In some comets the tails are limited, but a nebula or cloud surrounds the nucleus; sometimes it adopts a fan-like form, like the tail of a hawk, whence the origin, perhaps, of that wonderful winged globe ...
143. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... trade and exploration and some became mercenaries . Hearing tales of the riches of other societies from traders, later forays abroad included the purpose of obtaining silver and gold, which in that era were best obtained by raiding Christian monasteries. It is largely this aspect of the Vikings which has come down as their history in the British Isles. Myth Spiralled crosses In northern Portugal are frequently found whipping posts', ancient crosses to which criminals were tied for punishment (or scapegoats for sacrifice?). In Braganza in the east is a large ornate whipping post with an orb and cross on top and a distinct spiral around the post and up in the old fort on the hill is ...
144. Evidence of An Inversion Event? [Journals] [Aeon]
... cause deterioration of the climate of northeastern Canada. One reason for this is the relative closeness of land masses. It is less than 1900 miles from Ireland to Labrador. At least during winter, the European ice cap would be the centre of a large permanent high pressure area. Cold air would descend onto the centre of the cap and spiral outwards. This would be a counterclockwise spiral in a reversed world, in contrast to today's clockwise highs in the northern hemisphere. This cold air would sweep out across the Barents, Norwegian and Greenland Seas from the northeast towards the southwest resulting in ice cover forming far into the Atlantic. The inferred inversion event at the end of the ...
145. On Comets and Kings [Journals] [Aeon]
... . When the darkness or "smoke" cleared Venus was seen to appear ascending to heaven as a new celestial body. (89) It is possible that a Teotihuacan vase-painting commemorating the transfiguration of Quetzalcoatl can contribute to our understanding of this tumultuous episode (See diagram one). Notice the breath-like appearance of the form (Venus?) spiraling from the god's mouth. Could it be that this picture preserves a record of Venus' birth as the "soul" of Quetzalcoatl? Such an interpretation, while little more than speculation, would agree with the mythology surrounding the birth of Venus in other lands. (90) It is a curious fact that ancient names for Venus ...
146. Thoth Vol I, No. 27: December 10, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... Maryland. Planetary scientists had expected to find a magnetic field around Mars that was relatively uniform, similar to those encircling all the other planets except Venus, and weak. Mars is the only planet in the solar system with such a peculiar magnetic patchwork, Connerney said. Almost 70 miles above the Martian surface, Global Surveyor continues its long spiral toward the planet- and its eventual parking orbit- slowing down each time it dips into the atmosphere. Although the craft wasn't due to begin sending back scientific data until next year, it has already returned some "remarkable, interesting results," said project scientist Arden Albee, "just a foretaste of things to come." Foremost among ...
147. Thoth Vol IV, No 4: Feb 29, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... It was actually calculated back in 1982 that a mountain only a few thousand feet high on Jupiter could create an effect like the GRS in Jupiter's atmosphere." And again in THOTH VOL II, No. 7 April 15, 1998: "It is very interesting to note the structure in the Great Red Spot - "a tangle of spiral arms". A short time ago I posted the view that the GRS is the site of a continual diffuse discharge from the ionosphere into Jupiter's atmosphere. A tangle of spiral arms could have been predicted on this basis if the electric currents flowing into the vortex were made manifest by some electrical action on Jupiter's atmospheric gases. Once again ...
148. Solar System Studies (Part 2) [Journals] [Aeon]
... - Proto-Saturn, Mars, Earth and Neptune- all rotate on a single axis, with the former satellites presumably spinning up to achieve a spin rate roughly equivalent to that of Proto-Saturn. From a terrestrial vantage point, here is what this scenario entails. The previously-inactive Proto-Saturn is seen to explode in the sky, expelling luminous debris, which spirals out from the massive orb. Proto-Saturn begins to wander erratically, then (as the coupling effect begins to take over) it spirals in toward a new, axial position, achieving a fixed "resting place" at the celestial pole. Over time the ejected gas and debris that is not lost to space gathers into two distinct regions ...
... than the earth,73 felt the resistance of the interplanetary medium more than our own planet (cf. pp. 29 ff.). The effort needed for the overcoming of this resistance is financed out of the orbital momentum of each planet. Hence the orbits of planets cannot be continuous re-entering curves, ellipses, but must be involuting spirals. The coefficient of involution will depend on a number of factors, the chief being (apart from the density of the medium) the resistance-encountering cross-section and the resistance-opposing mass of each planetary body. Smaller outer planets, therefore, will spiral centre-ward, that is, sunward, more quickly than inner bigger ones. The relative coefficients of ...
150. Monitor. C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... later. Britain - from Silbury to Anglo-Saxons Daily Telegraph 20.2 .02, New Scientist 4.8 .01, pp. 44-45, 1.12.01, pp. 46-47 Geophysical surveys of Silbury Hill, the most impressive prehistoric structure in western Europe, have revealed that this artificial chalk mountain' was built in a spiral fashion with a spiral processional route to its flattened summit. Supposedly built in the Stone Age, several hundred years before Stonehenge, it would originally have been a brilliant white and probably surrounded by a water-filled moat. There is obviously no denying its connection to the universal myth of a world mountain or tower, with spiralling snakes, rising ...
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