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23 pages of results. 81. Failure of a Concept? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in Chaos and Worlds in Collision, he clearly intended the former to be a separate challenge (see the Foreword). If Marx cares to look, he will not find the words Mars or Venus in the index to Ages in Chaos. And in Peoples of the Sea Velikovsky quite deliberately avoided the question of catastrophism in his assessment of Sothic dating: "But purposely I undertook to probe the validity of the Sothic period chronology without recourse to the arguments rooted in my other books." (p . 243) Moreover, Marx seems to forget that while Ages to Chaos does not rely on catastrophism, Worlds in Collision does rely on a revised chronology, for the initial ...
82. Letters to the Editor C&AH 3:2 [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... &AH: In a recent note1 I pointed out how Velikovsky had failed to analyze the single linkage of his historiography (reconstructed by events) to the conventional assumptions- with only astronomical retro-calculation at the bottom of them both. As a result we find the chaos of Near Eastern Assyro-Babylonian chronology- itself tumbling in vicious circles again linked to Sothic absurdities!- a source of "revisionism," the champions of which think themselves on safe ground. "Quicksand" should be the word. In a seminar on glyptic- following an earlier one on chronology- I did some work on cylinder seals and the materials they are made of. Turning to John Dayton's Minerals, Metals ...
83. Chapter 17 Corroboration, Convergence, Analysis [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the science. Of course, as with so much of Stiebing's criticism of Velikovsky and Heinsohn, he can continue to evade, misrepresent (as he has been shown above to do so often) or ignore the science and technology as these clearly correlate, corroborate, and converge to uphold a short chronology. Erosion on the Sphinx, astronomical Sothic and radiocarbon dating converge with, and are corroborated by, pottery dating, the production of tin bronzes, as well as iron development to carve diorite etc., further converge with stratigraphy at Abydos in Egypt and Tell Munbaqa in Syria, and all the other evidence outlined above; there is clearly a consistency of evidence that all broadly ...
84. The Egypt Exploration Society Hears the New Chronology [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... of the orthodox chronology. One, the identification of the biblical Shishak with Shoshenq I, is the sole example in the orthodox chronology of this being done just because the name sounds right! John Bimson's arguments are echoed, and the case for the identification is seen to be rocky indeed. The other pillar of the establishment case is the Sothic date from the Papyrus Ebers, a manuscript which David illustrates and which he demonstrates can support no meaningful chronological information whatsoever. We are then treated to a whirlwind recount of the evidence supporting a New Chronology, starting at the end of that proverbial minefield', the Third Intermediate Period, and working backwards. Once the TIP is freed ...
85. Sun, Moon and Sothis by Lynn E. Rose [Journals] [SIS Review]
... conclusion that there could be a substantial margin of error in the computations as a whole. The main gist of Rose's arguments is re-analysis of the El Lahun papyrus record of a roster of priestly duties for 6 months in the alleged reign of an Ammenemhet or a Sesostris. It is this list which has been at the bottom of most previous Sothic dating' arguments and which underlies the conventional dating of the end of Dyn. XII to 1786 BC (pp. xxiii & 209). Rose does also find literary references to quite a number of further alleged Sothic dates, with consequent digressions into proofs' as to whether or not they can be accepted as relevant to the argument ...
86. Solving the Exodus Mystery by Ted T. Stewart [Journals] [SIS Review]
... on Parker's The Calendars of Ancient Egypt, he claims that the Egyptian calendars were revised many times. He describes a lunar calendar as being used in southern Egypt, consisting of a year of 355 days containing 12 months with an extra month being inserted every third year. The priests in the north preferred a year of 365 days on which Sothic calculations are usually based but, in times of a united kingdom, he claims, a compromise was reached. In particular, Amenhotep I [18th Dynasty] introduced a 360 day calendar in his year 9 which lasted at least to Hatshepsut's year 18, i.e . 56 years. Thutmose III restored the 365 day calendar, ...
87. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... paper which first appeared (in a somewhat different form in our second Newsletter. The compliment is returned in this issue of the Review with Professor (Greenberg's valuable paper, first published in this same issue of Kronos. Other major articles in the issue are David Griffard's Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery and Ronald D. Long's Re-examination of the "Sothic Calendar". Taking his lead from Marshack, Griffard presents an extensively documented and provocative study of prehistoric cultures of the world, whose strong astronomical tradition fits poorly (up to the 7th century BC) with uniformitarian views or the learning models of behavioural science. Long's authoritative paper, reprinted from Orientalia 43 (1974), surveys the ...
88. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and fertility. As the difference between the two years is approx. ¼ day, the heliacal rising of Sirius will advance through the calendar at the rate of one day every four years: after 365x4=1460 years it will have progressed through the entire calendar year; and this period is referred to as a "Great Year" or Sothic Period. It is understood to have begun when the heliacal rising of Sirius fell on the first day of the month Thot. Note that this event, being tied to the movement of the sun, is fixed in the seasonal year (where spring begins when the sun enters Aries, etc); thus it is that Sothis' ...
89. ISIS Fellowship Lecture [Journals] [SIS Review]
... queues at the cafeteria, or the tedious nature of chronology, this session was less well attended. However, your correspondent was back with renewed vigour! Bietak first outlined his version of the conventional historical chronology, with the fall of Avaris c.1530 BC; this slightly low date being aided by the increasing abandonment of the Ebers Papyrus Sothic date in the early 18th Dynasty. He gave conventional periods of 108 years for the Hyksos 15th Dynasty and 153 years for the 13th, thereby putting the end of the 12th at c.1790. The parallel 14th Dynasty he placed c.1720-1540. He said that this scheme agreed with the Middle Kingdom Sothic date (apparently the ...
90. Chapter XXV: the Vague and the Sirian Years [Books]
... ) the interval in days between the heliacal rising and the inundation at different periods and at different periods and at different points of the river. This can be determined for each century by matching the interval between the proper diagonal line and that indicating the heliacal rising; (4 ) by dots at the top of diagram the commencement of the Sothic period as determined by Oppolzer, Biot and the author. Now in books on Egyptology the period of 1461 years is termed the Sothic period, and truly so, as it very nearly correctly measures the period elapsing between two heliacal risings at the solstice (or the beginning of the Nile flood) on the 1st of Thoth in the ...
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