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226 results found.
23 pages of results. 71. A Lowered Chronology for the Twelfth Dynasty [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the reader's attention to some unexpected, but very important, developments that have come about in connection with my work on the calendars of Hellenistic and Roman Egypt. Any detailed argument will have to be deferred to other occasions. I have found that the El-Lahun papyri contain very strong evidence that the Twelfth Dynasty needs to be lowered by a full Sothic period. Thus, the so-called Middle Kingdom (of which the Twelfth Dynasty is the concluding part) belongs right smack in the middle of the first millennium, instead of straddling the boundary between the third millennium and the second millennium! One of those El-Lahun papyri puts the heliacal rising of Sirius on IIII prt 16 in Year 7 of ...
72. Editorial [Journals] [SIS Review]
... narrative, ' wrote Winston Churchill - the key to our whole understanding of history. Velikovsky's main bone of contention with the accepted scheme of ancient Near Eastern history is that its perspective is completely distorted due to a fault, primarily in the chronology of Egypt, that left the histories of Egypt and Palestine almost totally devoid of synchronism. Abandoning Sothic dating, a system that soon collapses under scientific scrutiny, Velikovsky developed an entirely new scheme, using Biblical chronology as his yardstick. The flaws in the conventional chronology that he pointed to still remain. Velikovsky found a parallel to the Biblical account of the "plagues" that beset Egypt before the Israelite Exodus in the papyrus known as ...
73. SIS Study Group June 1995 [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the problem is one of measurement. AC commented that it only makes 27 years difference; he was more interested in what makes 430 years difference. Next Meeting of the SIS Ancient History Study Group is on Saturday 24th February 1996 at 2pm at 16 Oman Avenue, London NW2 6BG (tel. (0181) 452 7376). LAST SOTHIC DATE UNDER ATACK In recent years the New Kingdom Sothic date came to be regarded as unreliable, following criticism by the leading German Egyptologist, W Helck (Goettinger Miszellan 67 (1983), see also JACF 3 pp. 50 - 51). That left only the Middle Kingdom Sothic date which supposedly fixes the 12th dynasty at c ...
74. C&C Review 1999:2: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the history of the Middle Ages Fomenko and English History 6 James & Trevor Palmer identify some serious problems for Fomenko's reconstruction. Fomenko is right! 13 Allan Beggs responds. Benoît De Maillet (1656-1738): A Forerunner of the Theory of the Desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea 14 Cándido Manuel García Cruz tells the story of a pioneering geologist. Sothic Dating: The Shameless Enterprise 17 Jess E. Lasken exposes attempts to revive the credibility of Sothic Dating. Climate Changes by Phillip Clapham 19 Assyria: Is The Conventional Profile Believable? 20 J. Eric Aitchison questions the use of limmu lists. The Merlin Vision' and the 6th Century Event' by John Michael 25 The Sword in ...
75. Focus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... ." Dr John Fermor Picture by Charles Chartan The third talk, on "A Revised Chronology for Egypt" was by DR JOHN FERMOR, a lecturer in geography and the history of science at the Glasgow College of Technology. Dr Fermor's address was a closely and cogently argued tour de force outlining a radical new approach to the question of Sothic dating and Egyptian chronology. While he agrees with many of Velikovsky's criticisms about conventional calculations for, and use of, Sothic data, Fermor believes that such valuable calendric material must not be ignored, and that careful re-evaluation of the evidence, including allowance for possible catastrophes during the period in question, might result in a new astronomical chronology ...
76. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... am worried by the inflexibility of his [Trevor's] last sentence. I cannot see how the history revision that I, and presumably many other SIS members regard as essential, can be achieved without challenging information that is regarded as well-established'. Peter Fairlie-Clarke, Teddington, Middlesex Dear Reader Velikovsky identified the astronomical' dating system of the so-called Sothic Calendar' as a major factor in the construction of the basically fictitious Egyptian chronology accepted by mainstream academia. Bearing this in mind, it was with some apprehension that I found Professor Lynn Rose attempting a rehabilitation of the Sothic system. In his book Sun Moon and Sothis, Rose initially demolishes the credibility of Sothic dating as a whole ...
77. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... 192 XX. The Personification of Stars (Continued)- the Temple of Hathor at Denderah 201 XXI. Star-cults 210 XXII. Star-cults (Continued)- Amen-t and Khons 220 XXIII. The Egyptian Year and the Nile 226 XXIV. The Years of 360 and 365 Days 243 XXV. The Vague and the Sirian Years 249 XXVI. The Sothic Cycle and the Use Made of it 207 XXVII. The Calendar and its Revision 266 XXVIII. The "Fixed Year" and Festival Calendars 274 XXIX. The Mythology of Isis and Osikis 287 XXX. The Temple-Stars 304 XXXI. The History of Sun-Worship at Annu and Thebes 315 XXXII. The Early Temple and Great Pyramid Builders 325 XXXIII ...
78. Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology [Journals] [SIS Review]
... as the conventional chronology demands it). For the wrong order' coffins in the Deir el-Bahri cache Kitchen proposes an extra intermediate resting place for Seti I's coffin (might be possible) and in the Wadi Hammamat architects' genealogy he would see a different Haremsaf from the one contemporary with Shoshenq I (possible). He proposes a new Sothic date from the time of Merneptah (will probably go the way of other New Kingdom Sothic dates!). Over a page is devoted to Mesopotamia where, for example, he regards Rohl's equating of Tukulti-Ninurta I and II as impossible. Here Kitchen has slipped up: Rohl did not equate the Tukultis but merely related a Hittite king ...
79. C&C Review 2001:1: Contents [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Investigation into the Reality of the Early Medieval Dark Age 14 Trevor Palmer looks for Niemitz's missing centuries. The Dark Ages hiatus: a response to Clark Whelton 20 Steve Mitchell investigates what Pope Gregory really did to the calendar. The sacred 260 day calendar of early Mesoamerican civilisations 22 Bob Johnson seeks an explanation for the Mayan calendar More Problems with Sothic Dating 27 Jesse Lasken develops his case further from Sothic Dating: the Shameless Enterprise'. Thiele's Assyrian Reliance 30 J. Eric Aitchison questions the Bible' of Assyrian history. Black Sea Flood by Phillip Clapham 13 The Saint and the Miracle by Phillip Clapham 13 Recent Developments in Near Eastern Archaeology by R.M . Porter 35 Monitor ...
80. Untitled [Journals]
... [Review V0203] Darlington, C. D.: Akhnaton: A Geneticist's View [Pensee Ivr02] Day, Dr John, Peter J. James and Dr John Bimson: Eighth-century Date for Merenptah? [Review V0402to3] Day, John: Objections to the Revised Chronology [Review Newslet2] Dayton, John: "So-called" Fixed Sothic Date of Sesostris III, 1872 Bc [Kronos Vol0601] Dayton, John Dayton Assisted by Ann: Minerals Metals Glazing Man [Review V0401] Dayton, John E.: Ice Cores and Chronology [Review V1995] Deloria, Vine: Catastrophism and Planetary History [Kronos Vol0304] Deloria, Vine: Myth and the Origin of Religion ...
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