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226 results found.
23 pages of results. 61. Early Historic Man - Catastrophism and Calendars [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... at the end of the Middle Bronze that the Hyksos invaded Egypt, it is at the end of the Early Bronze that the Dorians intervened on the scene of Europe. The fact is, there is only one thing that goes wrong, and that is Egyptian chronology. As you know, I don't have to talk to you about the Sothic cycle in Egypt. It is supposed to be proven that the astronomical chronology of Edward Meyer (of 1904), which has slowly taken over the chronology of Egypt, is based on sure and demonstrated, apparently, astronomical computation. But that computation is based on one of the most strange axioms: it is supposed a priori that ...
62. Index of Titles
... The Bumblebee Learms to Fly, The Bye Bye Big Bang: Hello Reality C C&C Workshop Prize Crossword C&C Workshop Prize Crossword No. 3 Cabots, the Lowells, and the Temperature of Venus, The Cairns Of Kintraw, The Calendar of Coligny, The Calendars Revisited Calendars Calendric View Of Stonehenge, A Calendrical Changes And Sothic Chronology Caliban & Sycorax: Names for Icy Moons of Uranus Calibrated Radiocarbon and the Methodological Fault-Line' Call To Action, A Cambridge Conference, The Can Imhotep be Joseph? Can Psychoanalysis be a Science? An Introduction to Velikovsky Can There be a Revised Chronology Without a Revised Stratigraphy? Can Worlds Collide? Canadian Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Canadian ...
63. The Restoration of Ancient History [Articles]
... of the chronology books. Of course, scholarly justifications were needed. These justifications arose from the use of three different dating schemes, which made contemporary strata of different areas look like successive periods, whose centres of power were located in different areas. The three schemes used were (i ) fundamentalist dates of Assyriology, (ii) pseudo-astronomical Sothic dates of Egyptology, and (iii) dates of Greek historiography. Any reasonable Assyriologist will fiercely object to the label "fundamentalist" of his chronological scheme. Proudly, he will point-not to stratigraphy-but at least to eponym-lists and king-lists. They, of course, pose one serious problem. They do not exhibit absolute dates. Whether a ...
64. Cyrus The Mardian/amardian Dethroner Of The -6th Century Medes And Aziru The Martu/amurru (Amorite) Dethroner Of The -14th Century Mitanni [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... in the third strata group beneath Hellenism. Correspondingly, I have returned to just four major imperial periods known between the Chalcolithic and Hellenism in antiquity. Modern Assyriology's twelve imperial periods are due to a triplication of three contemporary strata, in three different sites, dated by three different chronology schemes: (i ) Bible fundamentalist (ii) pseudo-astronomical Sothic (middle column), and (iii) ancient Greek historiographical. Only the Greek column periods in the following overview are real. In modern Assyriology, they are the ones lacking archaeology and, therefore, were discarded between 1988 and 994. The middle column provides the right column with hard evidence for Northern Mesopotamia whereas the Biblical column ...
65. Index of Authors
... in Upheaval Immanuel Velikovsky, A Reply to Stiebing Immanuel Velikovsky, Afterword Immanuel Velikovsky, Alexander At The Oracle Immanuel Velikovsky, Are the Moon's Scars Only 3000 Years Old? Immanuel Velikovsky, Assuruballit Immanuel Velikovsky, Astronomy and Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky, Beyond the Mountains of Darkness. The Search for the Ten Lost Tribes Immanuel Velikovsky, Calendrical Changes And Sothic Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky, Cultural Aspects of the Libyan and Ethiopian Dynasties Immanuel Velikovsky, Earth without a Moon Immanuel Velikovsky, Esarhaddon In Egypt Immanuel Velikovsky, From the End of the Eighteenth Dynasty to the Time of Ramses II Immanuel Velikovsky, H. H. Hess and My Memoranda Immanuel Velikovsky, Hammurabi And The Revised Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky, ...
... circular support sounds impressive, but just how substantial is this mutual support? ASTRONOMICAL SUPPORT The star Sirius is thought to be Sothis, or Spdt in Egyptian, and the rising of Sirius is thought to be the basis for an absolute time scale of Egyptian history. However, Velikovsky gives support for the suggestion that what is known as the Sothic period actually pertained to Venus instead of Sirius. Knapp, who was with the astronomy department at University of Basel, also expressed this opinion as early7as 1934. Some historians assume that the Sothic period was used for absolute time measurement so an analysis of this "astronomical support" is of interest. Egyptian civil year of 365 days would ...
67. Hazor and the anachronisms in the chronology of the Ancient Near East [Journals] [SIS Review]
... stratum. Thus he has to search for it above and not below the late second millennium archive he hopes to - and may well - find for Hazor's Late Bronze Amarna-Mitanni period. The enigmatic Hyksos ( -1600), whose material culture is indistinguishable [12] from that of the Old-Akkadians ( -2350), are dated by Egyptology's Sothic scheme. From the outset this pseudo-astronomical dating method did not convince trained astronomers (e .g . Neugebauer [13]) or astronomy-minded historians [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Old-Akkadians ( -2350 to -2200) and Old-Babylonians ( -2000 to -1700), on the other hand, are dated by ...
68. The Celestial Ship of North Vol. I [Books]
... Pole- Precession of the Equinoxes- Their deep Significance- The Two Polar Motions- The Labyrinth- Primal Seven- Kabiri- The Seven Great Stars. CHAPTER XII. --Messengers of the Eternal Angels or Time Cycles~ -Prophecies- Sirius- Keepers of Time- The Dog- Phoenix- The Great Pyramid- Cycles- Myths of the Birth of Time- Ancient Astrologers- Cycles as Prophecies- The Beetle- Giant Repha- Giant Cycles- Sothic and Phoenix Cycles- Doctrine of the Merkabah- The Angels. CHAPTER XIII. --The Keeper of the Supernal Treasures of Knowledge and Wisdom The Serpent- The Constellation Draco- Serpent Worship- The Gnosis- The Way of the Serpent- Draco and the PoIe- Traditional Reason for eating the Serpent and Drinking its Blood- Brazen Serpent- Serpent of Genesis- Serpent Catacombs- Eye and Serpent- Jacob and ...
69. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Two [Books]
... underwent no change, neither in the produce of the river and the land, nor in the matter of sickness and death." Ignoring the fact that Herodotus' reversals lack the catastrophic associations of V's, what was Herodotus talking about. The most likely explanation- in orthodox terms- seems to be that Herodotus misunderstood the nature of the Sothic Cycle. The Egyptian civil year consisted of 365 days. The actual solar year, however, consists of 3651/4 days. Thus the civil calendar would have fallen behind the solar (seasonal) calendar by 1/4 day every year, or by 1 day every four years. Left without correction, therefore, the civil ...
70. Science, Technology and the Chronology of the Ancient World [Journals] [Aeon]
... ruled in sequence, except on three occasions (the Intermediate Periods) when different dynasties ruled in parallel. The outcome was essentially a relative chronology, albeit a coherent one which allowed approximate dates to be deduced. However, rightly or wrongly, an attempt was made to anchor this chronology more precisely to absolute dates by linking it to a Sothic calendar, based on observations of the heliacal rising of Sirius, which has a cycle of about 1460 years. In particular, on the basis of written information about the heliacal rising of Sirius, the 7th year of Senusret (Sesostris) III of the 12th Dynasty was dated as 1872 BC and the 9th year of Amenhotep I of ...
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