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... of the XIXth Dynasty theory of the Exodus which placed the event in the reign of Merneptah whom he dated c. 1300 B.C . He also held to the concept that the period from Joseph to the Exodus was 430 years which would then date the famine c. 1730 B.C . More recent views, based on the Sothic dating method, have placed Merneptah c. 1200 B.C . Since the expulsion of the Hyksos is fixed by the same dating method to 1580 B.C ., 430 years earlier than Merneptah, we are still left in the general era of the XVIIth Dynasty. The same situation results if we allow but 215 years for ...
52. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... pottery found there and at related sites. He made a strong case for the original dating of Nelson Glueck as compared to that now widely accepted. Recent radio-carbon dating of charcoal from the Timna workings supports his (and Glueck's) chronology, and not the orthodox. A most stimulating talk was given finally by John Fermor on the matter of Sothic dating. He firstly gave reasons why Velikovsky's treatment of the subject was erroneous, but proceeded to point out that conventional interpretations were also likely to err. A small matter like an Earth Inversion brings the Sothic date for Thutmose III (for example) into the 10th century: he indicated there may be other factors too which might alter ...
53. The Velikovskian Vol. VI, No. 1: Contents [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... I, II & III (2003)Quota pars operis tanti nobis committitur Pillars of the Past History, Science, Technology, as they relate to Chronology By Charles Ginenthal Preface What is historical evidence? [PDF] 1 Chapter 1 The Foundations of Ancient History [PDF] 11 Chapter 2 The Sphinx [PDF] 38 Chapter 3 Astronomical Sothic Dating [PDF] 80 Chapter 4 Scientific ? Radiocarbon Dating [PDF] 118 Chapter 5 Pottery Dating, Faience, and Tin [PDF] 156 Chapter 6 Egyptian Stratigraphy [PDF] 187 Chapter 7 Iron, Diorite and Other Hard Rock [PDF] 197 Chapter 8 Mesopotamia and Ghost Empires [PDF] 244 Chapter 9 Mesopotamian Stratigraphy ...
54. A Chronological Note on the Kassites [Journals] [Aeon]
... created period from 1700 to 1100 BCE could not have been used to fill these centuries between first millennium reality and the phantom empires of the third and the early second millennium BCE. I am not going to repeat here all of the reasons why I dated Amarna in the seventh/sixth century and not to the fourteenth century BCE of pseudo-astronomical Sothic chronology for Egypt or to the ninth century of Immanuel Velikovksy's chronology from Ages in Chaos. (25) Most importantly, I equated the correspondence partners Nh-m-met (also called Akhnaton, 1363 to 1347 BCE) and Assuruballit (" I ") with the political allies Nekho II (609? to 594? BCE, length of reign ...
55. Sirius and Saturn [Journals] [SIS Review]
... He has published two books: Aristotle's Syllogistic (1969) and Sun, Moon, and Soth is: A Study of Calendars and Calendar Reforms in Ancient Egypt (1999). He is also the author of numerous articles on Greek philosophy. ancient calendars and archaeoastronomy. Summary A more careful reading of the Canopus Decree enables us to retrocalculate Sothic dates much more precisely than ever before. Middle Kingdom lunar documents fail to fit in the second millennium but they do fit in the 4th century, with the IIII prt 16 heliacal rising of Sirius in -394. My modified-Philolaos' model (1979) remains viable today: Earth once orbited Saturn, always keeping the same face toward Saturn ...
56. The Identification of the Biblical "Queen of Sheba" with Hatshepsut, "Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia"" [Journals] [Kronos]
... New Archaeological Discoveries Eva Danelius Preface Over twenty years have passed since Immanuel Velikovsky published his most provocative book, Ages in Chaos I, in which he suggested that the accepted reconstruction of Egyptian history seemed to be based on a wrong conception of chronology and that this chronology should be revised, (1 ) Velikovsky not only challenged the so-called "Sothic" theory- others had done this before him- but suggested a substitute which would shorten the history of the so-called Egyptian New Empire down to the conquest of Egypt by Alexander the Great in 332 B.C ., by several hundred years. As far as could be observed, this challenge has never been taken up by Egyptologists ...
57. Early Historic Man -- Catastrophism and Calendars [Articles]
... the end of the Middle Bronze that the Hyksos invaded Egypt, it is at the end of the recent Bronze that the Dorians intervened on the scene of Europe. The fact is, there is only one thing that goes wrong, and that is the Egyptian chronology. As you know, I don't have to talk to you about the Sothic cycle in Egypt. It is supposed to be proven that the astronomical chronology of Eduard Meyer from 1904, which slowly has taken over the chronology of Egypt, is based on sure and demonstrated, apparently, astronomical computation. But that computation is based on one of the most strange axioms: it is supposed a priori that we have ...
58. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Three [Books]
... long enough for the fact to have been discovered that three hundred and sixty days did not make a full year, and five extra ones had been added. Moreover, 3500 is just half- way between the two dates 4241- 4238 BC. and 2781- 2778 BC. The first is that at which it has been thought the Sothic Cycle itself was instituted, and the second is one which has recently been proposed and with more probability. Finally, it was at this second date on the one reckoning, or some two hundred years earlier on the other, that Imhotep lived. He was the most famous of Egypt's wise men, and tradition ascribes to him proficiency ...
59. Calendars Revisited [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... to Sirius as it was to the Sun. Thus, not even the Canopic calendar can be said to have been geared exclusively to the Sun. Of those calendars so far mentioned, perhaps only the Gregorian is strictly solar. For to whatever extent the Julian and Alexandrian calendars were in the Canopic tradition, they also might have been both Sothic and solar. The Julian and Alexandrian leap year days were nearly six months apart, but still fell significantly close together, in the sense that both were between the same two heliacal risings of Sirius. Also, between one such pair of Julian and Alexandrian leap year days and the next such pair, all four of the heliacal risings ...
60. Evolution from Space [Articles]
... 1200. Ramesses III is in the XXth Dynasty, he was practically the successor to Seti II, after all, you have only one pharaoh between the two. Interjection: There were several chronologically, at least Siptah and Sethnacht. René Gallant: The distance is not great, at maximum 50 years, and don't forget that with the Sothic Cycle you have a slip of roughly 20 days per century. Chris Marx: In the established chronology the difference isn't big, but not in our chronology, there is quite a difference. René Gallant: I go by the chronology which exists. The events cited by the Papyrus Anastasi IV could not have happened because Seti II was ...
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