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23 pages of results. 21. Anchors Aweig [Journals] [Kronos]
... would be to cast adrift from our only firm anchor, a course that would have serious consequences for the history, not of Egypt alone, but of the entire Middle East " Readers of KRONOS and the SIS Review will already be familiar with this quotation from the eminent Egyptologist Sir Alan Gardiner, typifying the dilemma of Near Eastern archaeologists over Sothic dating.(1 ) Despite the manifest weaknesses of the Sothic dating theory, and although it is exceedingly difficult to find an Egyptologist who will actually defend it, Sothic dates are still used as absolute reference points for the history of the ancient world. One of the most troublesome Sothic dates has always been that based on the supposed ...
22. Weighing The Anchor [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 1 (Fall 1980) Home | Issue Contents Weighing The Anchor Lynn E. Rose The popular fiction of a "Sothic dating system" that was supposedly used in Egypt as far back as the Middle Kingdom or even the Old Kingdom has been severely criticised by Velikovsky in his "Supplement" to Peoples of the Sea . Sothic theory is a speculative retrojection loosely based on the ideas of various classical - and relatively late - writers, including Geminus, Censorinus, and Theon. My brief remarks here will be focused on some conceptual and computational aspects of Parker's recent defence of Sothic dating, and on one of those late classical sources ...
... day each year and the loss of twenty-five days in a century would have been a deliberate disregard of the degree of exactness attained by the Egyptian priests. Why should the Egyptians have perpetuated such an error through centuries and millennia if they recognized it? The scholar who asked this question (M . Knapp) [1 ] supposed that the Sothic period pertained to Venus rather than to Sinus. Sirius is the most brilliant star, Venus is a still more splendid planet. Venus, like Sirius, is invisible during a part of the year. But the periodic invisibility of Venus is not the result of the seasonal shift of the Northern Hemisphere out of sight of the stars in ...
24. Calendrical Changes And Sothic Chronology [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 1 (Fall 1980) Home | Issue Contents Calendrical Changes And Sothic Chronology Immanuel Velikovsky Copyright (c ) 1980 by the Estate of Immanuel Velikovsky At the basis of Sothic computation lie the assumptions that the Earth, in historical times, did not change its position in the solar system, or the position of its axis, or the length of its year. Should even one of these assumptions prove false, Sothic chronology loses its basis. In Worlds in Collision (Part I, Chap. 5; Part II, Chap. 8), I endeavoured to show that each of these changes took place, and more than once ...
25. Sun, Moon, and Sothis [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... Rose. The history, of calendars is far from cut-and-dried. Almost every topic that this book addresses has long been the subject of heated controversy. Rose sees Hellenistic and Roman Egypt as of unparalleled importance in the history of calendar development. Even the Julian calendar had its origins in Hellenistic Egypt. Very likely, the Julian calendar itself was Sothic- that is, designed to follow the movements of the star Sothis (Sirius), and not just the annual motion of the Sun. Since the traditional Egyptian calendar of 365 days fell about one-fourth of a day short of the natural year, the ancients assumed that the heliacal rising of Sirius would move through the Egyptian calendar in ...
26. The Dawn of Astronomy: A Study of the Temple-Worship and Mythology of the Ancient Egyptians [Books]
... Egyptians XX. The Personification of Stars (Continued)- the Temple of Hathor at 201 Denderah XXI. Star-cults 210 XXII. Star-cults (Continued)- Amen-t and Khons 220 XXIII. The Egyptian Year and the Nile 226 XXIV. The Years of 360 and 365 Days 243 XXV. The Vague and the Sirian Years 249 XXVI. The Sothic Cycle and the Use Made of it 207 XXVII. The Calendar and its Revision 266 XXVIII. The "Fixed Year" and Festival Calendars 274 XXIX. The Mythology of Isis and Osikis 287 XXX. The Temple-Stars 304 XXXI. The History of Sun-Worship at Annu and Thebes 315 XXXII. The Early Temple and Great Pyramid Builders 325 XXXIII ...
27. Chapter XXVII: The Calendar and its Revision [Books]
... Chapter XXVII The Calendar and its Revision IN the last chapter the so-called Sothic cycle was discussed, and dates of the commencement of the successive cycles were suggested. These dates were arrived at by taking the very simplest way of writing a calendar in pre-temple times, and using the calendar inscriptions in the most natural way. The dates for the coincidence of the heliacal rising of Sirius and the 1st Thoth of the vague year at, or near, the solstice, were 270 B.C . 1728 B.C . 3192 B.C . Here, in limine, we meet with a difficulty which, if it cannot be explained, evidently proves that the Egyptians did ...
28. The Autumn Meeting [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... openly retained by archaeologists until the late 19th century and biblical chronology was originally based on the belief in a 3rd millennium date for the birth of Abraham. Even after Abraham was discarded as an historical figure the chronology was retained because of supposed connections with Hammurabi. A second chronology, which tied the second millennium to Egyptological datings, was the Sothic cycle or so-called astronomical dating system. Velikovsky had long ago shown this system up for the straw structure it was and though even the mainstream now admit the inadmissibility of Sothic dating, attempts are still made at various astronomical datings which are little more than internally argued verifications of old Sothic datings. The result of all these dating systems led ...
29. Astronomy and Chronology: An Assessment [Journals] [Kronos]
... source material, conflicting data, a priori assumptions, and highly conjectural interpretations are shown to be the sum and substance of what constitutes the foundational criteria for reconstructing ancient Egypt's historical past; it is a pyramid built on quicksand. The major thrust of "Astronomy and Chronology" is directed at the astronomical underpinning of Egyptian chronology - the so-called Sothic period. Velikovsky explicitly demonstrates the unreliability and incertitude of Sothic reckoning (Peoples of the Sea, pp. 215-233), which is based upon supposed heliacal risings of the star, Sirius, and shows that "the Sothic scheme of ancient chronology is rooted in a fallacy. " The crowning revelatory achievement of "Astronomy and Chronology" ...
... regular constellations alone, but those of irregular bodies like comets. We were taught long ago that the Magi of the Chaldeans, Phoenicians, and Egyptians were the earliest pioneers in the field of astronomy, and this is quite correct if it be recognized that they were Druids. These wise men closely watched that wonderful star Sirius, regulated the Sothic cycle by it, arid accorded to the "Watcher" in the heavens the name of the Dog Star (Canis Major) and honoured it further by calling it "the Star of Hermes". As such it appears in Egyptian, Greek, and Bardic mythology, the "Scorcher", watched always with misgiving, for it ...
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