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226 results found.
23 pages of results. 11. Assessing Middle Kingdom Lunar Dates [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the Early Second Millennium: A Reassessment',JNES 53:4 (1994), pp. 237-261 In his reassessment of the astronomical evidence for dating Egypt's Middle Kingdom, Professor Rose is primarily concerned with re-evaluating Richard A. Parker's use of lunar documents from the time of the Egyptian 12th Dynasty in support of his El-Lahun (Illahun) Sothic' date of 1872 BC for Year 7 of Sesostris III. Rose has selected Parker because it is the latter's Sothic' date, based upon Borchardt's identification of the unnamed pharaoh of the Illahun Papyrus as Sesostris III, that is the one largely accepted today. As a result of Parker's Sothic' estimation for this regnal year, many ...
12. Conventional Chronologists: Sothic or So Thick? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 1999:1 (Jul 1999) Home | Issue Contents Letters Conventional Chronologists: Sothic or So Thick?A musing by John Crowe The more I read about Sothic Dating, the more amazing it is to find that so many brilliant Egyptologists gave it so much as the time of day. The poor chaps must have been quite desperate for something to hang their cartouches on. However just the evidence they have been looking for has now come to light - so here, with the help of two short stories, is a reaffirmation for those of the Sothic Faith, which I hope they will find convincing. Part 1: How Sothic ...
13. Sothic Dating Redux (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 4 (Summer 1981) Home | Issue Contents Forum Sothic Dating Redux To the Editor of KRONOS: When I received KRONOS [VI:1 ] and read it I had neither the time nor indeed the inclination to respond to criticism that ranges from well-intentioned but at times erroneous speculation to mere nit-picking. At the moment I have some time and am persuaded to make a few comments. In the category of nit-picking I place the remarks of Lynn E. Rose. He well knows that my article was not intended to be an astronomical treatise. The very small error in reducing the decimal fraction of the tropical year to hours, ...
14. In Passing [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Dynasty XII ended would be to cast adrift from our only firm anchor, a course that would have serious consequences for the history, not of Egypt alone, but of the entire Middle East. Readers of the Review will already be familiar with this quotation from the eminent Egyptologist SIR ALAN GARDINER, typifying the dilemma of Near Eastern archaeologists over Sothic dating. Despite the manifest weaknesses of the Sothic dating theory, and although it is almost impossible to find an Egyptologist who will actually defend it, Sothic dates are still used as absolute reference points for the history of the ancient world. One of the most troublesome Sothic dates has always been that based on the supposed reference to the ...
15. Astronomical Dating and Calendrics [Journals] [Aeon]
... From: Aeon III:3 (Oct 1993) Home | Issue Contents Astronomical Dating and Calendrics Gunnar Heinsohn I. The Debunked Masterpiece of astronomical dating: Sothic chronology A. The Pre-Sothic Dating Scheme of Comparative World History he most important and, at the same time, the most detrimental use of astronomical dating ever applied to ancient history was the Sothic cycle of modern Egyptology. From its very inception it could not convince trained astronomers (1 ) or astronomically-minded historians of its validity. (2 ) Its purpose was to independently buttress Biblical chronology. It is not generally known today that from the 2nd to the late 19th century, chronologies of the ancient Near East and, ...
16. Sothic Dating: A "Surrealjoinder" (Forum) [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VIII No. 2 (Winter 1983) Home | Issue Contents Forum Sothic Dating: A "Surrealjoinder"To the Editor of KRONOS: My comments in KRONOS VI:4 to the bombardment of criticism of my article on Sothic dating in KRONOS VI:1 have brought forth further criticism from Prof. Lynn E. Rose and "speculative discussion" from Dr. Shane H. Mage. A few more comments seem in order in the hope, probably vain, that I can persuade them of the possible correctness of my position. Let us begin with Dr. Mage's remarks. He questions my use of the verb "shown" in reference ...
... Chapter XXVI The Sothic Cycle and the Use Made of it ALTHOUGH it is necessary to enter somewhat into the domain of chronology to really understand the astronomical observations on which, the Egyptian year depended and the uses made of the year, I shall limit myself to the more purely astronomical part. To go over the already vast literature is far from my intention, nor is it necessary to attempt to settle all the differences of opinion which exists; and which are so ably referred to by Krall in his masterly analysis [1 ] to which I own myself deeply indebted. The tremendously involved state of the problem may be gathered from the fact that the authorities are not yet ...
18. Sothic Dating and Historical Reconstructions [Articles]
... Sothic Dating and Historical Reconstructions Lynn E. Rose The El-Lahun documents were found late in the nineteenth century. El-Lahun is a city near the entrance to the Fayum, so it is well up river from, say, Alexandria. There in the precincts of a temple of Sesostris II, already deceased, these various documents were found. It's a large collection of papyri. Some of these have various dates on them. Now the dates are not always completely straightforward; sometimes it will be a date given in the Egyptian calendar, but it doesn't say what the Moon is doing. Sometimes the name of the king is missing. In fact, that is usually the case ...
19. More Problems with Sothic Dating [Journals] [SIS Review]
... From: SIS Chronology & Catastrophism Review 2001:1 (Apr 2001) Home | Issue Contents More Problems with Sothic Dating Jesse E. Lasken Summary This paper is a follow-up to the paper in C&CR 1999:2 Sothic Dating: the Shameless Enterprise'. Contrary to the assumptions of Sothic dating, as late as the Persian period the Egyptians were actually using a calendar that was 41 days ahead of the calendar Sothic dating posits. Geminus and P. Paris 1 have been misused, and, based on more detailed analysis of the documents. There is also a correction to the earlier explanation given for the matches achieved by Porten using the Sothic dating calendar and ...
20. The "So-Called" Fixed Sothic Date of Sesostris III, 1872 B. C. [Journals] [Kronos]
... From: Kronos Vol. VI No. 1 (Fall 1980) Home | Issue Contents The "So-Called" Fixed Sothic Date of Sesostris III, 1872 B. C.John Dayton Editor's Note: The material presented here has been reprinted from John Dayton's book MINERALS METALS GLAZING & MAN by permission of George C. Harrap & Co. Ltd. The book may be obtained by writing to the publisher at the following address: P.O . Box 70, 182-184 High Holborn, London WCIV 7AX. - LMG This date is based on the work of Parker (1950) and Neugebauer (1938). Examination of the facts, however, shows that the date ...
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