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... of granite, believed to relate to the Flood, showing Set confined in Hades. (Spalding Club.) The former close relationship of these parts to the Flood of Deucalion and with the Scottish Hades has been examined earlier, and now, in connection with this, attention should be drawn to the extraordinary islet called Staffa, which lies seven miles to the north of Iona, the islet famed for Fingal's Cave. It is a geological phenomenon, for over its entire size of two miles circumference it consists solely of thousands of basaltic columns of all sizes, some entire, many broken or bent, fractured by the sheer weight of the amorphous cap above too heavy to have ...
282. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Sheba. Both ideas would lend weight to the Peter James chronology theory. Josephus referred to the lady as Queen of Egypt and Ethiopia'. Velikovsky points this out to support his Hatshepsut candidature - but this title would equally well fit my candidate: the Ramesside Queen Twosret. In Hebrew, Sheba is often Sheva, i.e . seven'. There are dozens of Shevas' in the Old Testament and they nearly always denote seven, or seven th in one way or another - e.g . Beer-Sheba, or the seventh well. It is possible, then, that the title of the Queen is actaully Queen Worlds in Collisionof Seven, or Queen of the ...
283. Flavius Josephus Against Apion Book 1 [Books]
... in summer time, partly to gather his corn, and pay his soldiers their wages, and partly to exercise his armed men, and thereby to terrify foreigners. When this man had reigned thirteen years, after him reigned another, whose name was Beon, for forty-four years; after him reigned another, called Apachnas, thirty-six years and seven months; after him Apophis reigned sixty-one years, and then Janins fifty years and one month; after all these reigned Assis forty-nine years and two months. And these six were the first rulers among them, who were all along making war with the Egyptians, and were very desirous gradually to destroy them to the very roots. This ...
284. After 200 Years It's Time to Get Serious About Dynasty XVIII and Tuthmose III [Journals] [Aeon]
... Neighbours of Dyn XVIII Egyptian Kingdom To channel our newfound enthusiasm that a major temple complex had indeed fallen to Egypt in Year 23, we need to take on board Breasted's assurance [43] that Tuthmose could not have reached Kadesh on the Orontes in the time available, and that access to that city was delayed until his sixth campaign, seven years later (his own Year 30). We need also to focus on the major inscription which puts Kadesh at the head of the cities which fell in that initial campaign. It therefore tends to follow that the "wretched ruler of Kadesh" was not, and could not, be associated with the northern city as presently supposed ...
285. Part IV: Conclusions [Ragnarok] [Books]
... human legends. Find a theory that explains and embraces all these elements, and then, and not until then, throw mine aside. Another will say: " But in one place you give us legends about an age of dreadful and long continued heat, as in the Arabian tale, where no rain is said to have fallen for seven years; and in another place you tell as of a period of constant rains and snows and cold. Are not these statements incompatible? " Not at all. This is a big globe we live on: the tropics are warmer than the poles. Suppose a tremendous heat to be added to our natural temperature; it would necessarily ...
286. Philologos | The Legends of the Jews: Volume IV [Books]
... There they were buried. The tributes of affection paid by the people of Israel to its dead king aroused the compassion of God, and the famine came to an end. (113) The sin against Saul was now absolved, but there still remained Saul's own guilt in his dealings with the Gibeonites, who charged him with having killed seven of their number. David asked God why He had punished His people on account of proselytes. God's answer to him was: "If thou dost not bring near them that are far off, thou wilt remove them that are near by." To satisfy their vengeful feelings, the Gibeonites demanded the life of seven members of Saul's ...
287. The Year Of 360 Days, Part 2 Mars Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... were added to the year under conditions which caused them to be regarded as unpropitious. Although the change in the number of days in the year was calculated soon after it occurred, nevertheless, for some time many nations retained a civil year of 360 days divided into twelve months of thirty days each. Cleobulus, who was counted among the seven sages of ancient Greece, in his famous allegory represents the year as divided into twelve months of thirty days: the father is one, the sons are twelve, and each of them has thirty daughters.35 From the days of Thales, another of the seven sages, who could predict an eclipse, the Hellenes knew that the ...
... order to receive the [army that lay in the] camp at Apamia; and having raised the siege, he brought over both Bassus and Marcus to his party. He then went over the cities, and got together weapons and soldiers, and laid great taxes upon those cities; and he chiefly oppressed Judea, and exacted of it seven hundred talents: but Antipater, when he saw the state to be in so great consternation and disorder, he divided the collection of that sum, and appointed his two sons to gather it; and so that part of it was to be exacted by Malichus, who was ill-disposed to him, and part by others. And because ...
... expected him there. So they fought the Romans briskly when they least expected it, being both many in number, and prepared for fighting, and of great alacrity, as esteeming their country, their wives, and their children to be in danger, and easily put the Romans to flight, and wounded many of them, and slew seven of them; (4 ) because their retreat was not made in a disorderly manner, be-cause the strokes only touched the surface of their bodies, which were covered with their armor in all parts, and because the Jews did rather throw their weapons upon them from a great distance, than venture to come hand to hand with them ...
290. A Comprehensive Theory on Aging, Gigantism and Longevity [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... . It would be phenomenal today to find a man in his 70's with such vitality. Again, however, there is reason to believe that this was typical for, that era. One further note needs to be mentioned. In the curve of declining longevity (Figure 2) the precipitous decline in aging means that the first six or seven generations all tended to die about the same time. One of these descendants, Joktan, has a name which, in Hebrew, means "shortening," and our consultation indicates it may mean reduction of lifespan and it may include shortening of stature or size in a general sense, too. Joktan was a brother of Peleg, ...
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