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110 pages of results. 261. The Beginning of Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... function in Nature, should have given to the planet Saturn the supervision of the celestial movements which regulate the length of the years and the centuries? (38) Stecchini, on the other hand, reversed the process by assuming that it was "because of Kronos's association with time that his name was given to the most distant of the seven heavenly bodies...because it concludes its orbit in 30 years, so that a day in its year corresponds to a month in the Earth's year." (39) Saturn's slow motion along its orbit, however, does not explain why the planet was chosen to represent the year. If any celestial body can presently claim ...
262. The Legends of the Jews: Volume II - Moses in Egypt [Books]
... the prince of the Torah and of wisdom, who teaches the Torah in seventy languages to the souls of men, and thereafter they cherish the precepts contained therein as laws revealed by God to Moses on Sinai. From this angel with the horns of glory Moses himself learnt all the ten mysteries." Having seen what there is in the seven heavens, he spoke to God, saying, "I will not leave the heavens unless Thou grantest me a gift," and God replied, "I will give thee the Torah, and men shall call it the Law of Moses."[117] MOSES VISITS PARADISE AND HELL When Moses was on the point of departing ...
263. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... the shewbread hath He given into my charge." Moses: "It may be that He will now demand back from thee all that He hath given into thy keeping." Aaron: "What, pray?" Moses: "Hath He not entrusted a light to thee?" Aaron: "Not one light only but all seven of the candlestick that now burn in the sanctuary." Moses had, of course, intended to call Aaron's attention to the soul, "the light of the Lord," which God had given into his keeping and which He now demanded back. As Aaron, in his simplicity, did not notice the allusion, Moses did ...
264. From Fadus the Procurator to Florus [Books]
... he built to God in the prefecture of Heliopolis, and this in imitation of that at Jerusalem; but as for that temple which was built in Egypt, we have spoken of it frequently already. Now when Jacimus had retained the priesthood three years, he died, and there was no one that succeeded him, but the city continued seven years without a high priest. But then the posterity of the sons of Asamoneus, who had the government of the nation conferred upon them, when they had beaten the Macedonians in war, appointed Jonathan to be their high priest, who ruled over them seven years. And when he had been slain by the treacherous contrivance of Trypho ...
265. Ash [Journals] [Pensee]
... been also a succession of lesser known kings of the 13th Dynasty). In short, the date of the wood of Sesostris III is in good harmony with my chronology. What is not found in Libby's analyses, is some object from the 18th, 19th, or 20th Dynasty, --the New Kingdom- where my chronological scheme is five to seven hundred years out of line. I wonder whether the Museum under your care possesses a wooden coffin from one of those dynasties and would be interested to sacrifice a little piece for the purpose of the analysis. Actually all analyses made by Libby were performed on objects submitted by various scholars and institutions. One object, though not from Egypt ...
266. Artificially Structured Biblical Chronologies [Journals] [SIS Review]
... yrs old fled from Esau 1741BC (5 ) Jacob 84 yrs old married Leah/Rachel 1734BC (6 ) Joseph born 1727BC (7 ) Jacob fled from Laban 1721BC (8 ) Joseph 17 yrs old, abducted 1710BC (9 ) Isaac 180 yrs old died 1698BC (10) Joseph 30 yrs old rules Egypt 1697BC (11) seven years good harvests start 1696BC (12) seven years famine starts 1689BC (13) Jacob 130 yrs old enters Egypt 1688BC (14) Jacob 147 yrs old died 1671BC (15) Joseph 110 yrs old died 1617BC TOTAL 15 datable events 221 years Joseph's famine is shown as lasting 7 years with Jacob entering Egypt in its second year ...
267. The After-Effects of Newton's Comet of 1680 AD [Journals] [SIS Review]
... "yes", Petersen did, in two books [18]. The books are very similar, the more recent updating the former. Petersen, a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, studied the local history and geology. The history he relates commences in 1521 with the Spanish conquest of Mexico City. The Spanish soon heard rumours of seven cities, as large as Mexico City itself, forty days journey north; indeed, the only four survivors of the expedition sent to conquer Florida in 1528 returned to Mexico City in 1536 claiming to have seen them. A small expedition was sent out under Fray Marcus to find the cities. Petersen quotes the extant report of that expedition ...
268. Evidence of Careenings of the Globe [Books]
... roofs of coal mines which extend three miles out from shoreline under the sea. Fossil trees are exposed in superimposition on the adjacent cliffs, as at Joggins. Similar vertical fossil tree trunks have been found in other locations. For example, at St. Helen's, Lancashire, England, they occur in silty clay below a layer of about seven feet of brownish colored topsoil. The stratum containing the trees is reported to be about twenty-one feet thick, inclined twenty-three degrees to the east-southeast, and rests on white sandstone. The tree trunks begin on a level about 8.2 feet above the white sandstone stratum and extend up about nine feet. These trees grew during a previous ...
269. The Electro-gravitic Theory Of Cosmology [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... maintain that it is, and will offer another model to explain stellar evolution in the following unit. In so doing, Electro-Gravitic Theory can explain galactic evolution as a single, continuous process from birth through youth, middle age, old age, and death. I propose that there is a main sequence of galactic development based on the following seven parameters of galaxies. 1. Electromagnetic energy measured in all frequencies. 2. Galactic rotational velocity (angular momentum). 3. The organization of stars in the galaxy. 4. The amount of gas and dust in the galaxy. 5. The expansion and contraction of the entire galactic system. 6. The increase and decrease ...
270. The Fall of Imperial Egypt [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... by Akhnaton in Syria, Hanaton, also survived into the same epoch, where we find it mentioned in the records of Tiglath-Pileser III. Strange then that these two cities carried, through the great period of time that supposedly elapsed between the Amarna epoch and the Ethiopian conquest, names recalling a heretical cult, which had supposedly been suppressed almost seven hundred years earlier. Stranger still, that in all this time the name remained unnoticed in contemporary documents. After the time of Akhnaton, Tirhaka first refers to the Gem-Aton in one of the side-chambers of his temple at Gebel-Barkal, but "its earlier history is totally unknown". (18) The art of the Ethiopian age shows ...
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