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110 pages of results. 151. The Legends of the Jews: Volume I - Abraham [Books]
... sterile mule. Never will he have children. On the morrow he will die, and Lot will be his heir. Thus the flocks of Lot are but consuming what belongs to them or their master." But God spoke: "Verily, I said unto Abraham I would give the land unto his seed, but only after the seven nations shall have been destroyed from out of the land. To-day the Canaanites are therein, and the Perizzites. They still have the right of habitation." Now, when the strife extended from the servants to the masters, and Abraham vainly called his nephew Lot to account for his unbecoming behavior, Abraham decided he would have to ...
152. Amos, Part 2 Mars Ch.1 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... From "Worlds in Collision" © 1950 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents Amos ABOUT SEVEN HUNDRED fifty years passed after the great catastrophe of the days of the Exodus, or seven centuries after the cosmic disturbance in the days of Joshua. During all this time the world was afraid of the recurrence of the catastrophe at the end of every jubilee period. Then, starting about the middle of the eighth century before the present era, a new series of cosmic upheavals took place at intervals of short duration. It was the time of the Hebrew prophets whose books are preserved in writing, of Assyrian kings whose annals are excavated and deciphered, and of Egyptian ...
... of Nineveh" built by Sennacherib in-700.11 When, in the 1870's, the theory of the "Hittite Empire" was put forth, the pictographic signs found in Hamath and Carchemish and on the rock bas-relief of Boghazkoi were held to be "Hittite" hieroglyphics contemporary with Ramses II. This meant an increase of six to seven hundred years in the age of the reliefs. Though caution was voiced not to be too hasty in placing this particular monument in the period before Esarhaddon, son of Sennacherib,12 it went unheeded: the historians, influenced by the presence of the pictographic characters on the bas-reliefs, assigned the bas-relief and other monuments of the same style ...
154. The Organization of the Solar System [Journals] [Aeon]
... . Calculations produce the following set of answers for motion at the equator of each planet: Jupiter- 28,300 m.p .h ., Saturn- 23,150 m.p .h ., Uranus- 6,020 m.p .h ., and Neptune- 6,120. Jupiter's rotation rate is seven times that of the Sun. Saturn, with a density only 70% that of water, has a rotation of 5 1/2 X that of the Sun, while the Uranian rate is 1.4 X and the rotation of Neptune is virtually identical to that of Uranus. Why, then, doesn't Jupiter (a planet ...
155. Ice Core Evidence [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... . He claims that bathythermals in the Devil's Hole 18O chronology occur at times when the orbital parameters of [the Earth] obliquity [( axial tilt)] and eccentricity [to the Sun] are both low,...thereby supporting the Milankovich mechanism.... We show [in a table]...the seven astronomical low" events that Emiliani gives....We were puzzled as to why Emiliani omitted [from his table] two well-defined low" events...and note that they do not correspond to bathythermals in either the Devil's Hole or the marine [deep ocean core] 18 O chronologies. Indeed, the low" ...
156. Solar Eclipses and the Historical Record [Journals] [Horus]
... 167 miles. This narrow area, in which the sun is totally obscured, is known as the eclipse's zone of totality. Because the moon moves about twice as fast as the earth rotates, the moon will rapidly bypass the sun, ending the period of totality within a period of a few minutes (totality can never exceed more than seven and a half minutes). Figure 1. Solar eclipse diagram. The penumbral zone, as Figure 1 shows, is much larger than the umbral. In the penumbral zone, an observer will see only a partial eclipse of the sun. Because of the sun's great brightness, an observer cannot look directly if it shows more than ...
... humanity, and with great generosity. He also gave order that the payment, which was likely to be done in a hurry, should be divided among the king's ministers, and among the officers of his treasury. When this was over, what the king had decreed was quickly brought to a conclusion; and this in no more than seven days' time, the number of the talents paid for the captives being above four hundred and sixty, and this, because their masters required the [hundred and] twenty drachmas for the children also, the king having, in effect, commanded that these should be paid for, when he said in his decree, that they ...
158. The Cosmic Double Helix [Journals] [Aeon]
... a particular phase in the history and development of the world axis. The data adduced in the present paper allow for the following reconstruction of the double helix archetype: The double helix is sometimes wrapped round the axis mundi, but at other times it stands alone, perhaps itself embodying the axis mundi. The intertwined spirals produce either three or seven or nine loops projected onto the central axis mundi. The intertwined spirals attract the symbolism of dual opposites as one is black, the other white, one dark, the other bright, one female, the other male, one bad, the other good, one down, the other up, and so forth. It would seem ...
159. The Lord Of Light [Journals] [Aeon]
... unexplained Egyptian word Kikellia, or in Greek the Cronia [Kronia], which also occurred on the twenty-fifth of December...On the night of the fifth of [January] occurred a festival before the image of Core [Kore]; it ended with bringing forth from beneath the earth the image of Aion, which was carried seven times around the inner sanctuary of Core's temple. (80) Additionally, December 25 supposedly signified the "birthday of the sun" when the days began to lengthen after the Winter Solstice. Frazer, (81) however, makes the pregnant statement that the ancients erroneously assigned the 25th of December to the Winter Solstice when "festal ...
160. Interviewing Immanuel Velikovsky: An Introduction [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... I am old, I am bent, I am cheated, but don't count me among the defeated. For tomorrow I start again." NICHOL: Would you talk about your father? VELIKOVSKY: Well, I am 81 years how many generations is it? Three before me and three after me, altogether seven generations still going strong. NICHOL: Do you have any philosophy of life? VELIKOVKSY: Certainly not one that could be expressed in a single sentence, so I try to be laconic; but I find that, sometimes, it is impossible to put or wish to put anything in one sentence- like "Know Yourself," though ...
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