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110 pages of results. 121. The Chronology of Israel and Judah Part IId [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Benjaminite (Acts 13:21), the forty years and six months of David (2 Samuel 5:4-5), and four years for Solomon (1 Kings 6: 1), for a total of about 84 years, six months. In the beginning of the 140-year period we have six years for Jephthah the Gileadite, seven years for Ibtzan the Bethlehemite, ten years for Elon the Zebulonite, and eight years for Abdon the Pirathonite, for a total of 31 years (1152-1131; Judges 12:7ff.). Thus for the early kings (84 years, six months) and late judges (31 years), we have a total of 115 ...
122. Saturn's Flare-ups [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , Saturn definitely exploded twice" (emphasis mine). For one thing, Saturn, as such, is not even mentioned in the Bible. For another, it is difficult to see how the Bible can be made to assert anything on the strength of missing words. Velikovsky's treatment of these missing words, concerning the light of the seven days,(15) may be a brilliant deduction but it cannot yet be ruled out that these seven days of light were not confused and/or connected with the light of the seven "days" of Creation. Luckily for Eggleton, there is corroborating evidence which implies that Saturn was disrupted more than once but, unless I ...
123. Cuchulain -- Comet or Meteor? [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... long journey across the mountains to join the king's foster children. Once at the palace he struck in among the one-hundred and fifty boys on the playing field; when they counter-attacked he routed them, throwing some to the ground senseless and sending the rest flying to safety across the king's game board until they declared submission to him. At age seven he took arms and when so equipped- only the king's weapons and chariot being strong enough for him- he set out on a victorious foray against neighboring enemies, assured by the king's druid that he "would be splendid and renowned but short-lived and transient." Nothing escaped his attacks. So great was his battle rage that when ...
... . When Joram had received these assurances of assistance from Jehoshaphat, he took his army with him, and came to Jerusalem; and when he had been sumptuously entertained by the king of Jerusalem, it was resolved upon by them to take their march against their enemies through the wilderness of Edom. And when they had taken a compass of seven days' journey, they were in distress for want of water for the cattle, and for the army, from the mistake of their roads by the guides that conducted them, insomuch that they were all in an agony, especially Joram; and cried to God, by reason of their sorrow, and [desired to know] ...
125. Vox Popvli [Journals] [Aeon]
... the Stars. ' He claims to have discerned the stars forming Ursa Major as ca. 5 cathedral towns in France, with the extreme "right hand" member located in Germany on the Donnesberg- i.e . Thunder Mountain. This would be very appropriate if the dislocation of Saturn from the Polar Configuration by thundering Jupiter caused those seven stars to become visible and take on a new mythical role for themselves. I was therefore wondering whether these factors could yield a viable benchmark for determining the chronological order of events following the break-up of the Polar Configuration. The constellation Ursa Major interpreted as an adze. I have heard Greg, who used to live in France, but ...
... very large monument for his father and his brethren, of white and polished stone, and raised it a great height, and so as to be seen a long way off, and made cloisters about it, and set up pillars, which were of one stone apiece; a work it was wonderful to see. Moreover, he built seven pyramids also for his parents and his brethren, one for each of them, which were made very surprising, both for their largeness and beauty, and which have been preserved to this day; and we know that it was Simon who bestowed so much zeal about the burial of Jonathan, and the building of these monuments for his ...
127. "A Tomb-Pit in the Rock". Part 2 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... now know contained the body of Smenkhkare, Davis mentioned the following find, which did not merit a separate publication nor yet deserved to remain unrecorded: "A short time ago, I found a small pit tomb three hundred feet from Tiyi's tomb. It was covered with rock and sand about three feet deep. It proved to be about seven feet square and six feet deep. It was filled with white jars sealed with covers." These jars "contained small red cups" and other objects "of little value." Davis conjectured that these objects had been removed from the tomb of some poor man "for the purpose of finding a tomb for Queen Tiyi" and ...
128. The Sothic Dating of the Twelfth and Eighteenth Dynasties [Journals] [Kronos]
... in 1873 and the Twelfth-Dynasty date in 1899 scholars debated them vigorously and reached no certain conclusions; but over the years the hypotheses proposed have come to be taken as facts now so firmly accepted that they are used as secure checks against other Near Eastern chronologies, as well as against carbon-14 dating. Long examines all the known Sothic dates, seven in number, but his strictures are reserved essentially for the first and second in time. Thus in his conclusion he states: The two remaining Sothic dates are subject to serious doubt. Admittedly, they seem to fit the Sothic pattern and coordinate with the other dates. Have chronologists, however, juggled the reigns and figures in order ...
129. Review: <i>Essays on the Patriarchal Narratives</i> by A.R. Millard and D. J. Wiseman, Eds [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... 1983) Home | Issue Contents BOOK REVIEWS Essays on the Patriarchal Narratives (Review)A.R . Millard and D. J. Wiseman, Eds Reviewed by Herb Storck The absolutely latest word on the patriarchal narratives has just rolled off the presses (published by Eisenbrauns, Winona Lake, Indiana, $9 .95). Altogether seven papers comprise this book. They run the gamut from textual criticism, archaeology, comparative customs, religion, to literary analysis. The work is essentially concerned with -redressing the imbalance created by two high profile works of the last decade- J. van Seters' Abraham in History and Tradition (1975), and T. L. ...
130. The Riddle of the Earth [Books]
... is Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset. ' Tin was largely mined (as also lead) from the Mendips, whereas there is no tin in Spain, or indeed elsewhere in Europe. The importance of the Atlantean legend is the very clear significance that the capital was built around and upon a volcano, as is Bath ; it had seven hills round which the river or canals wound, as also has Bath ; it was famed for the delightful variegated stones and for the various metals, gold, silver, lead, tin, copper, etc., and in the Mendips and Quantocks are or were such stones, and all these metals as also sulphide of zinc mixed ...
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