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110 pages of results. 111. Aboriginal Art and Cosmic Imagery? [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... the "Ngwarle" (honey) the three concentric circles represent the ceremonial sites and the horizontal lines represent the "Tyepale" markers for the ceremony. Milkyway Dreaming by Eddie Janama Kitching. This painting tells one of the many stories of the night sky. It is the Dreaming of the Milkyway, which relates to the story of the seven sisters, it also depicts the many seasons. Seven Sisters by Walangari Karntawarra. The Seven Sisters are all Napaljarri's and they are all the first choice for Jakamarra skin group. The painting depicts their journey and the footprints represent all the other skin groups to follow the correct marriage lines and to marry within the law. ...
112. Making Moonshine with Hard Science [Journals] [Kronos]
... sun-days in the time it took the sun to touch back upon the tree. I subtracted the 10.9 days from 365.25, and got 354.35. To get an average month, I divided this by 12 and got 29.53 days. Suppose I distribute the 11 days among the months, giving half-days to seven and one and a half days to 5 months. I'd have a workable calendar! I shall do something later with that little lost time, maybe spread it out over the years. Some of my politician friends have become excited by the game and chipped in funds to hire a diligent research assistant to help with the sightings. The ...
113. Appendices (The Book of Revelation is History) [Books]
... came to them .. . at Tel-a bib [Babylonian: til-abubi:.`Hill of the Great Flood'], that dwelt by the river Chebar [literally: the `Great River', i.e . the girdle-tide], and I sat where they sat, and remained astonished [literally: terrified] among them seven days. (16)And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, (17).. . I have made thee a watchman .. . therefore hear the word at my mouth and give them warning from me. (vii. 7) ...
114. The Mosaic Calendar and the Sabbath [Journals] [Aeon]
... days, and shall always fall on Sivan 4th and 5th (9 ) There must be six working days between Sabbaths. (10) Each special feast day to align with a regular Sabbath day. Reference to the Old Testament produces some interesting dating information. For instance, it is possible to identify twenty-one Sabbath days that are equally spaced seven days apart. All the long gaps between any of our twenty-one identified Sabbaths are divisible by seven. Now neither of these fortuitous cycles are necessarily conclusive. It is possible to assume a twin cycle of seven days each- one cycle on the seventh day for the regular Sabbaths, and a second cycle on some other day catering to ...
115. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Three [Books]
... and the Great Bear/Thigh in circling the pole without ever setting (p .176- 7) was a fitting symbol of the eternal nature of the after- life. It was, in fact, featured in the standard of the Letopolite Nome. The Thigh, however, was only one interpretation of the shape delineated by the seven key stars of the Great Bear. The other interpretation was that of a specially shaped instrument used for prising open the mouths of the dead in an important funerary ritual known as the Opening of the Mouth ceremony. This instrument was made out of iron, the choice of material being apparently determined by its meteoric associations. As Wainwright notes ...
... . This spacing is significant. Let us set it out in tabular form Four alternators-7th to 13th Positions Five alternators-Ist to 7th Positions Five alternators-19th to Ist Positions Four alternators-13th to 19th Positions From the 13th day (Plumed Puma; 13th position) to the 19th day (puma = satellitic eclipse on the horizon; 7th position) the Satellite makes seven passages, four above and three below the horizon. Between these dates is the 16th day (10th position) symbolized by a puma with two elements, or units, on its bracket. These units signify that the passage (IX below horizon) on that day is symbolized by the puma (2 units = day and night; ...
117. Saturn: In Myth and Religion [Journals] [Kronos]
... Saturn ensconced itself within a system of rings. These were not the rings which presently encircle the planet. If I read the myths correctly, there was first one ring which later split into three and finally evolved into a sevenfold structure. In his major work, Talbott described only one Saturnian ring or band. He did refer to the seven rings surrounding Saturn in his earlier synopsis but, according to him, these were formed after Saturn's "fall", at the end of the Golden Age.(33) I disagree with Talbott on this point, having come across numerous references which seem to indicate that the seven rings were unfolded in prismatic glory during the greater part ...
... easy to understand how they could have interfered so seriously with free discussion on the former changes of the globe. The Prophet declares that the earth was created in two days, and the mountains were then placed on it ; and during these, and two additional days, the inhabitants of the earth were formed ; and in two more the seven heavens.f There is no more detail of circumstances ; and the deluge, which is also mentioned, is discussed with equal brevity. The waters are represented to have poured out of an oven ; a strange fable, said to be borrowed from the Persian Magi, who represented them as issuing from the oven of an old woman ...
119. KA [Books]
... Oracles) 3. DIONYSUS Notes (Chapter Three: Dionysus) 4. AMBER, ARK, AND EL Notes (Chapter Four: Amber, Ark, and El) 5. DEITIES OF DELPHI Notes (Chapter Five: Deities of Delphi) 6. SKY LINKS Notes (Chapter Six: Sky Links) 7. SACRIFICE Notes (Chapter Seven: Sacrifice) 8. SKY AND STAGE Notes (Chapter Eight: Sky and Stage) 9. TRIPOD CAULDRONS Notes (Chapter Nine: Tripod Cauldrons) 10. THE EVIDENCE FROM PLUTARCH 11. THE PRESOCRATIC PHILOSOPHERS 12. MYSTERY RELIGIONS Notes (Chapter Twelve: Mystery Religions) 13. KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC Notes (Chapter ...
120. Forum: In Defence of the Saturn Theory C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and thus Ares, being the god of war, was frequently equipped with the epithet bronzen' [10]. In support of his theory about the secret astronomical knowledge to be found in Hesiod's Works and Days, James enlists the support of Plato who, in the Timaeus and elsewhere, outlined a model of the cosmos in which the seven major celestial bodies occupied different zones of heaven [11]. The Timaeus is a relatively late work (c . 350 BC) and reflects his growing fascination with astral worship and the desire to apply mathematical methods to the movement of the respective celestial bodies. To his credit, Plato succeeded in approximating the relative distances of the respective ...
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