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110 pages of results. 91. The 1552 Exodus [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... C. Eli's first year as judge is presumed to be in the same year as the last of the Philistine servitude. The actual years read 38 instead of 39 because his last year is included as the first year of the following 20 years. D. Upon the death of Eli the Ark of the Covenant was removed to Philistia for seven months and, when returned, remained in Kiriath-jearim for 20 years. The end of the 20 years was in the year Saul became king. E. Many Bible versions incorrectly fill in the missing regnal formula for Saul. The existing Massoretic Text is damaged and reads, "Saul was a son of . . . years when he ...
... in building up strata in the seas and lakes of the earth, we must not forget to acknowledge the tribute of the earth's annular system in building up the sedimentary beds of the planet. CHAPTER in. SOME CONSIDERATIONS BESPECTING SATUBN, JUPITEE AND MARS, AND THE EVIDENCE THEY SUPPLY IN SUPPORT OF THE ANNULAR THEORY. Saturn is not quite seven hundred times greater in volume than the earth, but he is so light, having a specific gravity less than threefourths that of water, that he is only about ninety times as heavy. Proctor says : " Gravity at his equator is almost exactly equal to gravity at the earth's surface. Near the poles there is a marked increase ...
... ear unto Reuben your father in the commands that I enjoin upon you. And, behold, I adjure you this day by the God of heaven that ye walk not in the follies of youth and the fornications to which I was addicted, and wherewith I defiled the bed of my father Jacob. For I tell you now that for seven months the Lord afflicted my loins with a terrible plague, and if my father Jacob had not interceded for me, the Lord had swept me away. I was twenty years of age when I did what was evil before the Lord, and for seven months I was sick unto death. Then I did penance for seven years in ...
... , by exercising himself again in martial affairs, he should get rid of this distemper; but by making such expeditions at unseasonable times, and forcing his body to undergo greater hardships than it was able to bear, he brought himself to his end. He died, therefore, in the midst of his troubles, after he had reigned seven and twenty years. CHAPTER 5. ALEXANDRA REIGNS NINE YEARS, DURING WHICH TIME THE PHARISEES WERE THE REAL RULERS OF THE NATION. 1. NOW Alexander left the kingdom to Alexandra his wife, and depended upon it that the Jews would now very readily submit to her, because she had been very averse to such cruelty as he ...
95. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Six [Books]
... the planetary influences suddenly turned hostile". This in its turn, I should say, is equivalent to saying that "times were bad". I would refer the reader back to the Soochow Astronomical Chart (Part 5, p.412), where we read that "during the periods of good government... .the Seven Directors move with regular constancy" but that in politically less stable times "the malign influences (planetary) change strangely and behave irregularly." How accurately the movements of the planets with respect to the fixed stars could be predicted in ancient China I do not know. But if accurate predictions could not be made to any degree, ...
96. Life Itself: Accident or Design? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Council. A graduate of Cambridge University, he obtained a Ph.D . from London University in 1973 for his research in the field of inborn errors of metabolism. He is the author of Understanding Enzymes (now in its third edition) and over 50 research papers and review articles. books reviewed: A. G. Cairns-Smith: Seven Clues to the Origin of Life (Cambridge University Press, 1985) P. Davies: The Cosmic Blueprint (Unwin, London, 1989) M. A. Edey and D. C. Johanson: Blueprints (Oxford University Press, 1990) R. Shapiro: Origins (Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1988) John Horgan begins ...
97. Celestial Records of the Orient by Isaac Vail [Books]
... the earth, and supported by the great "world Pillar" at the North Pole. Says the sacred book: "That bridge is like a beam, of many sides; of whose edges there are some which are broad and there are some which are thin and sharp. Its broad sides are so large that its width is twenty seven reeds, and its sharp sides are so contracted that in thinness it is just like the edge of a razor. And when the souls of the righteous and the wicked arrive it turns to them that side which is suitable to their necessities". This description of the bridge does not apply in any sense or particular to a rainbow ...
98. Flood Legends: Their Hidden Perspectives [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... earth, fire). Of the thirty-two legends in which a family was saved: Eighteen describe survival in a boat (56 percent). Ten describe other means of survival (31 percent). Ten indicate a preservation of other seeds of life (31 percent). In twelve the family is forewarned (38 percent). In seven there are upheavals in addition to the flood (22 percent). Of the fifteen legends in which a remnant survived: Four describe survival in a boat (27 percent). Seven describe other means of survival (47 percent). None indicates a preservation of other seeds of life. In two the remnant is forewarned (13 ...
99. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... were willing to grant Abraham when he pleaded for Sodom. Thou wert willing to let Sodom survive if there were only ten just men therein, and I am now about to enumerate to Thee ten just men among the Israelites: myself, Aaron, Eleazar, Ithamar, Phinehas, Joshua, and Caleb." "But that is only seven," objected God. Moses, not at all abashed, replied: "But Thou hast said that the dead will hereafter be restored to life, so count with these the three Patriarchs to make the number ten complete." Moses' mention of the names of the three Patriarchs was of more avail than all else, and ...
100. The Legends of the Jews: Volume I - Jacob [Books]
... the prayer of one who, though pious himself, is descended from a godless father. The prayer wrought a great miracle, for Isaac's physique was such that he could not have been expected to beget children, and equally it was not in the course of nature that Rebekah should bear children.[10] When Rebekah had been pregnant seven months,[11] she began to wish that the curse of childlessness had not been removed from her.[12] She suffered torturous pain, because her twin sons began their lifelong quarrels in her womb. They strove to kill each other. If Rebekah walked in the vicinity of a temple erected to idols, Esau moved ...
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