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260 results found.
26 pages of results. 231. The Opening Of The Mouth Ritual - Part III [Journals] [Aeon]
... What if Thornhill is right about the Grand Canyon, that it, like Mars' Valles Marineris, was also the result of a stupendous interplanetary thunderbolt? What else may have been thrown down upon the people of the Americas and by what or "whom"? Surely the answer must be Venus. After all, Mars could not have scarred itself. As Ev Cochrane summarized, [54] the Mesoamericans considered the planet Venus as the "disaster-bringer" and quotes a Franciscan friar's first-hand account of the Aztec's actions upon sighting Venus. It echoes the Popul Vuh record: ". .. much fear came over them; all were frightened. Everywhere the outlets and openings of ...
232. The Great Debate [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... believe the Himalayas reached their present height within the past 10,000 years, and at least two estimates put the date within recorded times. There is convincing evidence that numerous climatic changes have taken place on earth, most occurring quite suddenly. Related to this is the fact that recurring Ice Ages have swept over the planet, leaving glacial scars all over the earth's surface, including the equator, where glaciation would not normally be expected to occur. Even more intriguing is evidence suggesting that the magnetic poles have changed their places on the earth's surface hundreds of times since geological history began and that they have exchanged places, i.e ., the earth has reversed polarity 171 ...
233. Meteorite Impacts of Geological Significance: A Human Perspective [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... reports. 10. B.S . Zeylik and E.Y . Seytmuratova, Dok. Akad. Nauk SSSR, vol. 218:1 , 167-70 (1974). More recently a 350-500 km diameter circular structure, the Reita ring, has been described, located in South Africa. The proposal that it is a meteorite impact scar is cautiously made by R.D . Hargraves and A.D . Fuller, Precambrian Research, vol. 14, 99-106 (1981). 11. F. Duenenbier, J. Donnan, D. Lammlein, G. Latham, and Y. Nakamura, Lunar Science Conference, Proceedings, vol. 6, 2417-426. ...
234. The Trouble With Aztex [Journals] [Kronos]
... extraordinarily high velocities. In a few months, the leading edge of the blast reaches our planet."(82) Following the Saturnian disruption of our competing scenarios, neither heaven nor Earth was to remain the same. The light of Saturn's flare-up all but blinded mankind. Its debris bombarded our ancestors and the event has left us all scarred to this day. Van Flandern writes: "What a sight it must have been for early man: the sky ablaze with meteors, night and day for months, and comets streaming among the stars. Many thousands of years would pass before the heavens would return to a more normal state. But even then the earth would never ...
235. The Birth and Odyssey of Halley's Comet: From 2484 B.C. to the Present Time [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... addition, he presumed circular orbits, which are never true. Steinhauer assessed the density differences among Mars, the icy satellite, and Earth, and came to the conclusion that Glacis would fragment at a distance of about 2.8 radii from Earth's center. Earth's radius approximates 3960 miles. 11. Donald W. Patten, "The Scars of Mars: Part II. The Flood of Mars- Circa 2500 B.C .? " C&AH, X/I (January 1988), pp. 17ff. See also "The Origin and Decay of the Earth's Geomagnetic Field." C&AH, IX/2 (July 1987), pp. ...
236. Our Tilted Earth [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Alaska to the south'. As the surface movement became restricted and pressure forms developed, the western equivalent of the Queen Elizabeth Islands may have been carried by sub-crustal flow and compressed on the northern Alaskan coast to become the terranes identified by Howell et al [12]. The abyssal depths of the Arctic Ocean are the equivalent of the scar' in the mesoscale movement and the mountains of eastern Siberia are the restricted front of the flow. The full extent of this movement may have reached deep into southern Siberia where it would appear that it has encroached on the morphology of a previous movement which will be explained more fully in another paper [13]. The transverse fractures ...
237. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... then sent out of the village by women beating him with stones and sticks, his power broken. Then the ritual torture of the young men was begun, which involved (among other things) suspending them from splints passed through their flesh and ended with them being dragged in The Last Race' around the Big Canoe, leaving them permanently scarred. The account was detailed and harrowing to listen to. We could understand why it was outlawed in 1890 but, as Benny Peiser said, the intensity and details of the ritual seem to speak of great traumas in the history of the tribe - traumas that involved a cosmic dimension and which seemed very important to them. If human ...
238. The Mars-Earth Wars Theory: A Critical Analysis [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... " Nothing could be farther from the truth; but that does not make Velikovsky right, either. Both Patten and Velikovsky lack physical evidence on Earth commensurate with the recent devastation they describe. When Patten's model is subjected to simple, rigorous, scientific tests, it collapses on every front. Just because Patten's model provides an explanation for the Scars of Mars (C &AH, VI:2 , VII:I , and X:1 ), does not mean the model is valid. Models and theories can never be proved, but they can be disproved, or refuted. As is well known, most data can be explained by more than one theory. The ...
... Time. New York: Doubleday, 1978. [415] . Mankind in Amnesia. New York: Doubleday, 1982. [416] . Stargazers and Gravediggers. New York: Morrow, 1983. Those articles marked with an asterisk, below, have been reprinted in reference 315. [417] *" Ai~ the Moon's Scars Only 3000 Years Old?" Pensée, i:i ~. Reprinted from New York Times (21 July 1969), early city ed. [418] .'~"When Was the Lunar Surface Last Molten?" Pensée, 1:19- 21. [419] .'~"On Decoding Hawkins' Stonehenge ...
240. Introduction to (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... thirty years ago, when Velikovsky was ridiculed for giving them credence. But today "collisions and catastrophism" --the same critic speaking-"are part and parcel of modern astronomy." The same is true of the evolutionary sciences of biology and paleontology, which emerged historically in the nineteenth century by vanquishing their catastrophist adversaries; they still bear the scars of that debate. The uniformitarian or gradualist doctrine as Lyell established it in geology (for subsequent adoption by Darwin) held that no force could be invoked as an effective cause that could not- like erosion, sedimentation, and volcanic activity- be seen at work today. But this was a circular and self-confirming argument; if a unique event ...
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