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26 pages of results. 111. Instantaneous Shifts of the Poles [Journals] [Aeon]
... more and more perpendicular to Earth's surface. The resulting crater would be only slightly oval. The lever-arm for torque would also be quite short. The projected path, if extended through Earth, would end up only a little off-set from Earth's center. The body that impacted in central Siberia a century or so ago left a nearly circular impact scar. Oval craters do exist on Earth, but were they caused by the impact of solid objects? Some have been hypothesized to be due to electrical discharges. Barbiero states that: "We know the Earth is permanently subjected to a torque generated by the gravitational forces of the Sun and the Moon." Such a statement should not ...
112. Catastrophism and Uniformitarianism [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... geographical range of studies of the inter- relationships between present-day forms and the processes of erosion, transport, and deposition will still give a good idea of the way in which these mechanisms operated in the past. But the appearance of the past is not easy to imagine. It is difficult to conceive that where now there is the landslip scar and irregular toe of slumped material there was a smooth slope giving little indication that rain. molecule by molecule. was weakening its, internal cohesion. It is difficult to imagine forests once cloaking grassy or rocky slopes and that in terms of geomorphological time a cover of ice disappeared overnight. It is hard to believe that only five hundred ...
113. Saturn And Voyager [Journals] [Kronos]
... rayed craters which could be cathode spots. The satellite Tethys has a great canyon, 800 km long, reminiscent of the much larger Vallis Marinaris of Mars. Juergens has described this latter canyon in electrical terms. On tiny Tethys and Mimas the canyon and peaked hill are very great structures indeed, representing for their parent body much larger cataclysmic scars than their Martian homologs. The polar twilight haze observed above Titan as a thickening of its already smoggy atmosphere may add to the electrical evidence, especially if this "glow" turns out to be similar to Earth's aurora polaris The Voyager 1 mission provided badly needed facts and demolished much speculation which too long has been stated as factual. ...
114. Discussion on Wal Thornhill & Ev Cochrane's papers [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the electrically sterile impact scenario painted by the Doomsday people. Wal argued that the round impact craters' on the Moon are electric discharge effects. So are most of the impact craters' on Earth. Olympus Mons on Mars has all of the hallmarks of a fulgamite - the raised blister seen on lightning conductors after a strike. Circularity of scarring is diagnostic of the effects of electrical spark-machining' of a surface. Geologists have admitted that they are unable to reproduce the characteristics of impact' craters by firing hyper-velocity projectiles into targets or by using explosions. Bodies entering the Earth's electrical environment (the misnamed magnetosphere') need to adjust to that new situation. Unlike the many artistic ...
115. Europa Closeups [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... , the apparent disregard for topology by later furrows, the lack of evidence for any flow from later furrows into earlier ones (if we heed the notion that the ridges are formed by upwelling icy slush) do not have any counterpart on Earth. As if all of this weren't enough to kill off conventional explanations, we have similar furrowed scarring on Ganymede, Saturn's moons Enceladus, Tethys and Dione, Uranus' Miranda and Neptune's Triton - to name but a few. Some of these moons are tiny. Tectonics anyone? Slushy ice at Neptune? I don't think so. ...
116. Electro-Gravitic Theory (Forum) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of the Sun. It certainly does not justify his dogmatic (I nearly wrote impertinent') statement that both the Standard Solar Model and Laszlo's model fail on the same fundamental observational grounds'. My friend Wal is now so committed to his strange theory that he is unlikely to change his mind but I am impressed by his views that scars on planets and satellites appear to be caused by external electrical discharges. He is a regular contributer to the Thoth electronic series and I sent an email to the editor ( to suggest that highly charged bodies may have been ejected from large gaseous planets (by the thermo-electric process) at intervals of possibly centuries ...
117. Bookshelf. C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... due to unsustainable stress on their environment. Continued from p. 39 Catastrophobia: The Truth Behind Earth Changes in the Coming Age of Light By Barbara Hand Clow, Bear & Company, 2001 A detailed but rather esoteric study of the evidence for ancient catastrophes around 11,500 years ago. It includes consideration that the psyche of mankind remains scarred giving rise to apocalyptic expectations. The following books are obtainable from the Sourcebook Project, P.O . Box 107, Glen Arm, MD 21057, USA. Sterling cheques to William R. Corliss' at prevailing exchange rates. Postage $1 50 per book (USA), $4 00 elsewhere. Plate Tectonics: A ...
118. Firmament & Chaos by John Ackerman (Book Review). C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... found on the surface of Venus are cracks between thin plates of crust, with molten lava visible between. However he presents no analysis of their detailed features to show how the evidence specifically fits this theory and does not fit other alternatives - and he does not consider other possible catastrophic explanations such as Ralph Juergens' theory that the features are scars resulting from massive electric discharges. The same problem occurs in the section on Mars, where he assumes that channels were formed by flowing water but does not give any consideration to alternative theories. Firmament and Chaos are ambitious publications that have clearly involved a lot of work and they present much interesting and useful information on planetary anomalies and mythology ...
119. Monuments of the British Neolithic by Miles Russell [Journals] [SIS Review]
... is the origin of the modern world, and our societies. The Neolithic, he adds, was not quasi-mystical, or spiritual in a New Age sense. The long barrow, enclosure and the shaft, may have the appearance of a mystery, but in their own day the architecture was as obtrusive as motorways or airports are nowadays, scars on the pristine landscape. It represents a shift in ideology and human social organisation. This is a book that I shall dip into on many occasions and I thoroughly recommend it to anyone at SIS that has looked at ancient monuments and wondered, why? Phillip Clapham ...
120. Instantaneous Polar Shifts [Journals] [Aeon]
... the only way. Earth's tilt is constantly changing due to precessional motion, which is provoked by almost negligible gravitational forces. Besides, there is overwhelming evidence that the poles have wandered around the globe during past geological eras. And yet this wandering was not provoked by massive planets hitting Earth. It was caused by something that leaves no perceptible scars- the reshaping of the equatorial bulge. Thompson seems to ignore what was definitely established by Euler and Maxwell's studies since last century in that Earth's stability is provided by its equatorial bulges. It is the position of the equatorial bulge that determines the placement of Earth's rotational axis and, therefore, of its poles. If the bulge shifts ...
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