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89 pages of results. 31. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The North [Books]
... Out of the North cometh golden splendour Eloah hath upon him terrible Majesty.1 He stretcheth-out the North over empty space and hangeth the Earth upon nothing. (Job xxxvii, 22 ; xxvi, 7.) THESE verses area clear identification of the supreme stone-god Eloah, with the North. The Greeks prayed to the North; so did Roman worshippers, for the statues of their gods had their backs to the North 2 where Varro expressly put the seat of the gods a deorum sede cum in Meridiem spectes, ad sinistram sunt partes mundi exorientes, ad dexteram occidentcs. Servius also called the North the domicilium Jovis.3The Greek augurs faced the N, while the Roman placed ...
... . THE HYPOTHESIS CONFIRMED BY ETHNIC TRADITION. CHAPTER 1. ANCIENT COSMOLOGY AND MYTHICAL GEOGRAPHY. The mistaken modern assumption The " True Key " General statement The " Mountain of the World " The same in Egyptian Mythology In the Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian In the Chinese In the Indo-Aryan In the Buddhistic In the Iranian In the Greek and Roman The Underworld Cautions as to interpretation The chorography of Christian hymns CHAPTER II. THE CRADLE OF THE RACE IN ANCIENT JAPANESE THOUGHT. The most ancient Japanese book Japanese cosmogony lzanagi's spear " The Island of the Congealed Drop " Sir Edward Reed places it at the Pole . Mr. Griffis reaches the same conclusion CHAPTER III. THE CRADLE OF ...
... . The reason why they are so little known and understood is mainly due to the neglect of prehistory especially in its relation to the north. Jordanis, the Gothic historian, described the North as the "forge of mankind", a true philosophical saying, but our knowledge of the past has been culled almost entirely from the Greek, Roman, and Jewish histories, of which it may be said that the first two, in historical times, possessed little knowledge of the north, and yet it was the northern peoples who frightened the wits out of Rome more than once and finally overthrew her power. The Cimmerians were a vital Celtic race in the farthest north, better ...
34. Is Is Illig Right, and and AD Chronology Wrong? [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... : for example, the character of the barbarian' invaders who conquered the western empire. The main authors of Rome's collapse, the Goths, were in fact a Christian people (Arian heretics, actually) [4 ]. Picture a barbarian' chief from across the Rhine or Danube, as an envoy to Rome, invited into a Roman palace (or even a provincial Roman villa) with its mosaic floors, marble pillars and central heating. Having completed his mission, the barbarian' returns to his mud hut across the Imperial border - his every instinct from that point onwards being to share the benefits of Roman culture, not destroy it [ 5]. So, ...
35. The 'Cosmic Winter', Gildas... and St Patrick [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... large tracts of eastern and central (what is now) England and bringing sub-Roman Britain to a close. They suggest that Anglo-Saxons thereafter colonised and settled the almost lifeless eastern side of the island, taking advantage of a period of history known as the Dark Ages which is almost devoid of written records. The Anglo-Saxons and those Celtic tribes outside Roman dominated parts of Britain, such as Ireland and most of what is now Scotland, would be described nowadays as peoples of the underdeveloped Third World. Those parts of Britain which were culturally and economically Romanised were rich and prosperous in comparison and a ripe plum for enterprising plunderers. This is exactly what seems to have occurred. Well armed ...
36. The Sibylline Oracles [Books]
... , Aristophanes, Plato and Plutarch refer to the Sibyl in the singular,10 and Tacitus (Ann. vi. 12) doubts whether the singular or the plural is the proper number to employ. It is clear from Aristophanes that some sort of Sibylline literature was current in Greece in the fifth century B.C .11 But the Roman portion of the Sibylline story takes the literature back to a considerably earlier date. It was at the end of the sixth century b.c . that one of the Tarquins, probably Tarquinius Superbus, "canonized" such Sibylline oracles as he was wise enough to purchase, and had them laid up in the Capitol. Nine books ...
37. KA [Books]
... Three map sketches to help recollect some of the principal loci operandi of the Handbook- Greece, Italy, the ancient Mediterranean region. (Click on the picture to get an enlarged view) Q-CD vol 12: KA, Ch. 1: Augury 11 CHAPTER ONE AUGURY READERS and students of the literature and histories of the ancient Greeks and Romans are faced immediately with a paradox. The people who did so much to develop rational thought in so many areas of life devoted much time and energy to studies, practices and beliefs which, in the eyes of many educated people today, are irrational and valueless, except in so far as a vivid imagination can be thought helpful for ...
38. Odin [Journals] [Kronos]
... Worlds in Collision, Immanuel Velikovsky identified Odin/ Woden as the planetary god Jupiter/Zeus.(1 ) But, in the same work, he also hinted at a connection between this deity and the planet Mars.(2 ) Earlier, other writers had identified Woden as Mercury;(3 ) and, in fact, the Romans so identified this deity.(4 ) The Anglo-Saxons, who brought this Teutonic god with them to Britain, named a day of the week in his honor. Woden's day became Wednesday, which the Romans called dies Mercurii (or Mercurii dies) - i.e ., Mercury's day.(5 ) In French it became ...
39. Aphrodite - The Moon or Venus? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . In "Worlds in Collision" he draws our attention to the Homeric Hymn to Ares" (1 ), which explicitly refers to that deity as a planet god - the hymn leaves no doubt that one of Ares' most important aspects was as the god of the planet he named, Ares to the Greeks, Mars to the Romans. Velikovsky has also made an excellent case for identifying the goddess Athena with the planet Venus, an original and extremely important discovery. In pointing out these things he has made an invaluable contribution to our understanding of the myths and religion of the Greeks, albeit a contribution still ignored by classical scholars. If he is right the task ...
... upon him so to do. When this letter was brought to Herod, he did not think it safe for him to send one so handsome as was Aristobulus, in the prime of his life, for he was sixteen years of age, and of so noble a family, and particularly not to Antony, the principal man among the Romans, and one that would abuse him in his amours, and besides, one that openly indulged himself in such pleasures as his power allowed him without control. He therefore wrote back to him, that if this boy should only go out of the country, all would be in a state of war and uproar, because the Jews ...
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