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55 pages of results. 71. A Fire not Blown [Books]
... . CHRONOLOGY 11. CHANGING INTERPRETATIONS 12. CATASTROPHE, MYTH AND SKY 13. FIRE 14. THE GODDESS GAIA 15. HAWARA AND KNOSOS 16. THE DANCE 17. ROCKS 18. RITUALS 19. LIFE 20. QUAIRO: RAISING THE KA 21. KINGS 22. SACRED BIRDS 23. BOLTS 24. THE NORTH 25. RESURRECTION TECHNIQUES ... or bows has her wearing a flounced dress. She looks almost like a telescopic column or caryatid. The effect is like that of the djed column or tree in Egyptian art, as seen at Dendera and elsewhere. The significance of the column is electrical. Temple columns led up to the sky, where deities were shown high up on ...
72. Chapter 15 Dark Ages Based on Dark Scholarship [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... the end of the Mycenaean civilization as late as the 9th or even 7th century BC! Ramsey, for example, saw a connection between 9th to 7th- century Phrygian rock carvings and the sculpture of the Lion Gate at Mycenae. Murray was a staunch supporter of a low dating for Mycenaean civilization, associating it with the period of colonization ... al., op.cit., p. 81 Charles Ginenthal, Pillars of the Past 447 is found. According to Vincent Desborough, ". . . the art of writing is forgotten."5 But after 500 years the Greeks are again writing and strangely maintain a considerable number of elements from the earlier period. We were ...
73. Thoth Vol II, No. 16: Oct 15, 1998 [Journals] [Thoth]
... waiting for dinner to swim by. Cormorants perch on driftwood and pilings, hanging their wings out to dry like miniature Batman signals. Seagulls drop clams and crabs on the rocks to break open their shells. Each is displaying behavior that is part of both their day-to-day survival and their definition as a species. What behavior defines the human species ... For one thing, humans fantasize. They make up stories- fiction, if you will- to explain the world around them. And they find ways; art, drama, books, universities, the internet; to preserve and communicate these fantasies to other humans. In recent centuries, scientists have fantasized that the world has been stable ...
74. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... of them as water carved, suggesting that they were formed by one-off floods of water bursting out of the ground. Others think the channels were formed when subterranean magma pushed rocks aside to make fault lines, at the same time melting the permafrost which then flowed into and eroded the faults, which have similarities to some in Canada. A ... .12.98, p. 10 An uncanny resemblance between the drawings of a pre-speech stage autistic child and European cave paintings has led one researcher to suggest that cave art was produced by people with underdeveloped minds. Just as the child's abilities declined with the acquisition of speech the less skilful cave paintings at the end of the ice age ...
75. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... some support from the academic field. There exists very little material evidence to clarify the meaning and purpose of the huge number of pictographs and petroglyphs which comprise Prehistoric and Neolithic rock art (25,000-4000 B.C .) . Quite often, we are forced back upon the configurations themselves, which suggests rightly, or wrongly, other ... to be in need of attentive handling? For myself, however, I would not clutch at this straw. (M . L. OWEN ) Scarborough Sir, Prehistoric art and early religious belief As an art-historian and anthropologist by training, I should like to rescue the Altamira bison, staunch creature though he is, from the weight of ...
76. Falling Dust and Stone [Books] [de Grazia books]
... has gone well beyond the ordinary unsatisfying explanations of soil formations commonly employed."Not so long ago soils were considered to form in materials derived by weathering of the underlying rock. Over several decades there has been a growing recognition that much of the mantle of soil is allochtonous."[7 ] But where does it come from? ... high iron content are assigned catastrophic origins, with tides and floods in the first case, and heavy hematite exoterrestrial fall-out in the second as the mechanism. "Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return." From dust to dust, goes the pathetic saying about man's fate. "To dust" we know from experience. ...
77. Index of Authors
... C14 Archaeometry Albert W. Burgstahler, The El-Amarna Letters and the Ancient Records of Assyria and Babylonia Albert W. Burgstahler, The Nature of the Cytherean Atmosphere Alex Marton, Rocks From Where? Alex Marton, What is Uniformitarianism and how did it get here? Alfred de Grazia, Ancient Knowledge of Jupiter's Bands and Saturn's Rings Alfred de Grazia ... David J. Eccott, Comalcalco: A Case for Early Pre-Columbian Contact and Influence? David K. Down, Rethinking Hatshepsut David Lorton, Peoples of the Sea: An Art Historical Perspective... David Rohl & Peter James, An Alternative to the Velikovskian Chronology for Ancient Egypt David Rohl and Bernard Newgrosh, The el-Amarna Letters and the ...
78. KA [Books]
... down and rest is holy. In line 17 she describes it as full of laurel, olive trees, vines, and nightingales. She urges him to sit on the rock (unpolished, virgin rock). At line 36 a stranger enters, and asks Oedipus to leave his seat, for it is holy ground, not to be ... . Q-CD vol 6: KA, Ch. 21: The Death of Kings 254 Oedipus, like all rulers in the ancient world, is closely associated with the mantic arts. But with Oedipus the connection is unusually close. He was the subject of an oracular warning before he was born, that he would kill his father and marry ...
79. Implications for Chronology if Certain 'Historical' Characters are Mythological [Journals] [SIS Review]
... . It was commonly remembered that there were two pillars, but sometimes there were said to be three, or even five. They might survive transmuted into cliffs or isolated rocks, or as mountains, or even as islands in the sea .. . They are all analogues of the Pillars of Hercules, dramatically marking the spiritual frontier between ... .. In T'ang times they were still believed to exist' [3 ]. Fig. 2 Heracles, a sculpture in the Museo de la Real Academia de Belles Artes, Madrid. (photo: T. Palmer) If scholars have long since abandoned the hypothesis that the traditions surrounding Herakles and Ma Yüan are historical in nature - ...
80. SIS Internet Digest 1997 Number 1 [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... : http://www.knowledge.co.uk/xxx/cat/sis/ © September 1997 The Society for Interdisciplinary Studies 1997 Number 1 From the Rock Art Database Web site (page 4) Contents About the SIS; How to Join Editorial .. 1 SIS Conference news .. 1 Internet focus .. 1 ... Archive Project .. 1 World Wide Web focus .. 2 Alfred de Grazia's Grazian Archive .. 2 talk.origins Frequently Asked Questions Archive .. 3 The Advanced Book Exchange Home Page .. 3 Bibliofind3 James E. Strickling's Origins .. 3 Lisa Aaronson's Jerusalem Ancient History .. 4 Evidence for Astronomical Aspects of Mankind's Past and ...
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