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549 results found containing all search terms.
55 pages of results. 41. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... , and owing to this schemer husband had no part in the rebellion. When the earth opened to swallow Korah's company, the bed on which On still slept began to rock, and to roll to the opening in the earth. On's wife, however, seized it, saying: "O Lord of the world! My husband made ... inquiries he said, "Moses did this, who besides took hold of my hands and feet to lift me, and after he had lifted me, said, Thou art clean. ' But his brother Aaron he adorned like a bride, and bade him take his place in the Tabernacle." Embittered by what they considered as insult ...
42. Untitled [Books]
... greets Oberon with joy, and the fairy world is reunited as Oberon proclaims (Music) Sound, music. Come, my queen, take hands with me. And rock the ground where on these sleepers be. [Dance] Now thou and I are new in amity, And will to-morrow midnight solemnly Dance in Duke Theseus' house ... From: Recollections of a Fallen Sky, Edited by Earl R. Milton Home | Issue Contents Shakespeare and Velikovsky: Catastrophic Theory and the Springs of Art Irving Wolfe Etudes Anglaises Université de Montreal *[ Ed.] Parts of this paper were subsequently published in Kronos: A journal of Interdisciplinary Synthesis, (Kronos Press, Glassboro, ...
43. NASA Astrophysics Data System Abstracts [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... cloud causes an electric dipole to form. [. .] Electrical discharges on Mars should occur more frequently but at lower intensities than those on Earth. Astronomical Objects in Rock Art E. Devlet (Inst. Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia) in Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions, Vol. 17, p.475-482 ... this paper I attempt to demonstrate that some images of ancient rock art may be connected with astronomical observations. [. .] Numerous and mysterious geometrical signs of rock art demonstrate an external formal similarity and have a wide territorial and chronological spread. Circles and concentric circles, disks with rays, spirals, different variants of swastikas, spectacle-shaped images ...
... , and the advent of new life with new conditions. Plainly new life-germs have settled down on the ruins of the old. In other words life-mutation is fossilized in the rock record and tells its own tale of world-changes. The logic of Xature confronts us with the grand plan of lifestages, the succession of ages. The system is seen ... from that time the town of Findlay began to put on city habiliments, and resolved to have an anniversary in commemoration of her " Application of Natural Gas to the Mechanical Arts." A gas carnival and 354 The Earth's Annular System. banquet was held in the young city, and it was estimated that fifty thousand people assembled to hear ...
... that were ever born. The few data known about him are summarized by Jacob Grimm [n1 TM, pp. 374f. See also K. Simrock, Der ungenahte Rock oder Konig Orendel (1845), p. ix.]: He suffers shipwreck on a voyage, takes shelter with a master fisherman Eisen [n2 Also written ... : some lines of Cynewulf's Christ dedicate to \he hero the following words: Hail, Earendel, brightest of angels thou, sent to men upon this middle-earth! Thou art the true refulgence of the sun, radiant above the stars, and from thyself illuminest for ever all the tides of time. [n6 See TM, p. ...
46. Velikovsky's Legacy [Articles]
... Velikovsky, one can never again look at myth-nay the entire intellectual heritage bequeathed to us by ancient man in the form of oral traditions, heroic epics, sacred texts, rock art, etc. -without seeing unequivocal evidence of the cataclysmic recent history of this planet. As is the case with Darwin and Freud, Velikovsky was not infallible ... not everything he wrote survives analysis. As Nietzsche once quipped, however, the errors of great men often prove more fruitful than the truths of little men, and thus it is that much can be gained from learning how and why Velikovsky went wrong. Those who follow Velikovsky's pioneering excursions into foreign waters will no doubt find that he occasionally ...
47. Night of the Gods: The Stone [Books]
... A diamond-bearing meteorite recently fell in Siberia; while in the Deesa meteorite we have a splinter from a vein of iron injected, it would appear, into a previously existing rock on some unknown planetary globe."5 Tiiinter's well-known dissertation on bethels and heaven-fallen stones did not suggest the magnetic theory of "animation" which I have here started ... 42 I Celle est atachie et certaine; I toutes les autres se removent, I et for leus43eschangent et muevent, I mais cele estoile ne se meut. I Un art font qui mentir ne puet, I par la vertu de la maniere.44 I Une pierre laide et bruniere, I ou li fers volontiers se joint, I ...
48. The Saturn Theory [Journals] [SIS Review]
... different orbits. Consider, for example, the three images depicted in fig. 2. As I have documented [10], such images are ubiquitous in the prehistoric rock art of every inhabited continent. Hitherto they have been interpreted as drawings of the Sun by virtually all leading authorities on ancient art and religion, despite the fact that ... do not have any obvious resemblance to the current solar orb. Figure 2 Sun drawings Figure 3 Akkadian seal showing eye-like Shamash disc Figure 4 Shamash disc as an eight-pointed star It is noteworthy that the ancient sun-god was depicted in the very same manner by the earliest civilisations in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Fig. 3, for example, shows an ...
49. Chronological Problems in the Archaeology of the Hittites [Journals] [SIS Review]
... character found in an anomalously "late" context. Left: one of the figurines from the 7th-century "Gold Tomb" at Carchemish. Right: the Sun-god from the rock drawings of Yazilikaya, conventionally dated to the 13th century BC In a tomb securely dated to the end of the 7th century BC, Woolley found a series of small ... as Hamath, Carchemish, Sakçagözü and Zinjirli. The Hittite stone reliefs and other sculpture of this area clearly showed the influence of nearby Mesopotamia, and the relationship of Hittite art to that of the Babylonians and Assyrians was evaluated. A major concern, of course, was the dating of these monuments. While much of the north Syrian art ...
50. Abbreviations, Glossary and Bibliography [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . crater, see astrobleme Curie Temperature (after Pierre Curie) is that temperature at which magnetic materials undergo a sharp change in their magnetic properties. Remnant magnetism appears in rock below this temperature and is erased if the rock is heated above it. Demiurge refers to a grand original intelligence who acted to produce the real world, as described ... From: Solaria Binaria, by Alfred De Grazia and Earl R. Milton Home | Issue Contents Abbreviations, Glossary and Bibliography Abbreviations abr. abridgment Ap. appendix art. article bk. book cf. compare Ch. chapter col. column ed(s ) editions(s ), editor(s ) Eng. English esp. ...
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