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549 results found containing all search terms.
55 pages of results. 481. Precursors of Quantavolution [Books] [de Grazia books]
... "The Living Stream" of Alister Hardy); b) The biosphere interacts with the lithosphere. And what holds for telepathy holds even more for dowsing, which involves rocks and ground water and ore bodies. When Greenberg published in 1981 a posthumous note of 1948 by V. on precursors, he reacted too strongly "to put the ... shone with a beauty like that of the last Cantos of the Paradiso. I came to the conclusion that the eternal world is trivial, and that mathematics is only the art of saying the same thing in different words." Yet Russell was a tough old optimist and "beneath all this load of failure I am still conscious of something ...
482. Cosmic and Terrestrial Lightning [Books] [de Grazia books]
... this should be called "slow lightning," and discussed in the preceding chapter, or should be discussed here is perhaps immaterial at this stage of research. The Moses Rock dike of Utah is about 4 miles long at the surface, in the shape of a hook, and about 1000 feet wide. It was forced up from possibly ... , as did all early peoples, but, more specifically, worshiped lightning and gave "the thunderbolting god" Jupiter to the Romans. They founded a College of Lightning Arts (ars fulminum) at Visul. When a bolt of lightning struck, the ground became at that instant hallowed; no one might disturb it until priests made a ...
483. The Stratigraphy of Israel [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... The Gihon spring which served Jerusalem was slightly outside the MB city wall but was diverted into a short tunnel which led to the foot of a vertical shaft cut through the rock. Much later Hezekiah's tunnel also started from this area. A sloping passage led from the top of the vertical shaft and came out within the city wall. Shaft ... . Both Campbell and Toombs were experts who had participated in the Shechem excavations and should have been able to identify pottery at a glance. Clearly there is an element of art rather than science in pottery identification and/or an overlap between LB and Iron Ages! You may remember that Labayu of the Amarna Letters is normally thought of as ...
484. Spectres [Books] [de Grazia books]
... confusion of mind; and you shall grope at noonday, as the blind grope in darkness... (Deuteronomy) And they shall go into the holes of the rocks .. .. for fear of the Lord and for the glory of his majesty, when he ariseth to shake terribly the earth... (Isaiah) ... the symbol. Its iconography was as intense as that of the crucifixion of Christ in Medieval Europe. Recently, Carl Sutherland found that the dragon made its appearance in Chinese art around 1500 B.C . [4 ] This date is a well-marked catastrophic boundary, known in radiochronometry, archaeology, geology, legend and history. Eliminating bit ...
485. Seti's Foreign Connections [Journals] [Kronos]
... how about gravity? It doesn't care about anything except mass and distance. A brick, a bottle of gas, a pail of liquid, a plastic laminate, a rock, a human body, indeed anything to which a "mass" can be assigned, is affected by gravitation. All differences, except in mass, are irrelevant ... comprehensive religion of Egypt one would have separate lectures in philosophy, mathematics, and applied science. As nearly as we can see, the Egyptian world-view was comprehensive. Its art, religion, and science were one. In my coming article on ancient cosmology in KRONOS XII:3 , I treat of the connection between observable Egyptian accomplishments and ...
486. The Kaaba [Journals] [Kronos]
... iku by one iku by one iku(30) - which would have made for a very unseaworthy vessel. According to Muslim tradition, Noah's ark sailed around a certain rock seven times.(31) Saturn is directly and/or indirectly connected with the ark of the flood in the mythic epics of various nations.(32) ... in Washington, D. C., wrote in 1978: "Why this veneration of a stark cubelike building of gray stone? It is not a striking piece of art, nor is it adorned with precious stones [although the door is of silver and gold] . And no Muslim endows it with power to benefit or to hurt ...
487. Reviews [Journals] [SIS Review]
... inferred. The Laetoli bipeds, whatever they were, walked barefoot but Cremo and Thompson claim that a 5 million year old (or possibly even 200 million year old) rock from Nevada shows the imprint of part of a shoe, even to the extent of revealing the threads which sewed the welt to the sole. Unfortunately for their argument ... of the evidence is hardly to be expected. Nevertheless, Cremo and Thompson could be exceptions to that general rule. Perhaps, as Pierce Flynn, of the Department of Arts and Sciences, California State University, San Marcos, writes in the Foreword to Forbidden Archeology, they might be making an original and important contribution to postmodern scholarly studies ...
488. The Transfiguration of Trauma [Books] [de Grazia books]
... experiences, whether one or many; and its detail contains empirical and linguistic references. Ares does not "bridle" in a horseless culture, nor does one smite a rock to get water in swampland. That Achilles is known by 36 epithets and Odin by fifty names, gives some idea of the variety of traits of a hero or ... reason to believe that the catastrophes of the gods are the teachers of sexual conduct, as they are the teachers of religion, of politics, of war, of the arts and crafts. Catastrophe reinforces sexuality, provides taboos, devises perversions, excites sexual orgies, and poisons relations between the sexes even while it exalts them. That the ...
489. The Velikovsky Affair [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . Jeffreys (1959)[28] drew attention to this evidence for the youth of the surface features, but made it dependent on the presence of water in the rocks. Since there seems to be volcanic activity on the Moon, water is most probably present in the rocks. Assertions that the Earth's axis could not have changed its ... memoirs to Worlds in Collision, ' and have supplied it with a few marginal notes in pencil that can be easily erased. I admire your dramatic talent and also the art and the straightforwardness of Thackeray [Thackrey] who has compelled the roaring astronomical lion to pull in a little his royal tail yet still not showing enough respect for the ...
490. Dark Matter [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... . But it has always to appear, miraculously, at just the right radius and in just the right amount. Hypotheses include everything from subatomic particles like neutrinos to dark rocks surrounding galaxies, so that, as one observes outer, fainter regions, the mass continues to rise. But in actuality, postulating undetected matter is equivalent to inventing ... who followed them, could not be denied because of mythological evidence. To Harlow Shapley, the very idea of taking such stuff seriously was to "venture into the Black Arts." (3 ) Shapley's educated beliefs notwithstanding, things were not all that settled in astronomy regarding the behavior of celestial bodies with respect to gravitational law. At ...
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