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55 pages of results. 411. The Polar Column: A Physical Model of Myth [Journals] [Aeon]
... the unwary. Peculiarities of acoustical phenomena on such a magnificent scale can focus, reverberate, bounce, and refocus sounds in highly unusual patterns, giving unintelligible oracular voices to rocks, trees, waterfalls, and mountains, as well as stentorian echoes through valleys and canyons, and numen-like speech from the mouths of caves or grottos. Similarly sympathetic ... Sun would erode the sheath, sending eddies streaming outward from either side of the column in a pattern known as a von Karman vortex street. And, out of an art historical perspective from the stone age to the present, such sequenced whorls are stylistically in evidence for both their own intrinsic geometry and as an ancillary decorative motif. ( ...
412. Thoth Vol IV, No 11: July 15, 2000 [Journals] [Thoth]
... years ago. The original canyon theory says that as tectonic forces pushed the Kaibab Plateau upward 65 million to 70 million years ago, the river cut through the layers of rock as they were lifted. 100 million years ago [Land was flat with river running through it] 60-75 million years ago [ Plateau rises; river cuts through it ... . In comparative study that would be the significant fact, not the continuity of a particular mode of stylistic representation. Dorothy Millard wrote: Here is a subject I love-Celtic Art! I tend to agree with Dave that the two motifs arose from the same experience. The origin of Celtic knotwork is not as easily understood as previously thought. ...
413. Pharaoh Seti the (Great and His Foreign Connections - II [Journals] [Kronos]
... Gnosticism, it is worth recording that Indian Buddhists were sent by the Indian Emperor Ashoka (third century B.C .) into Egypt. This is unambiguously on the Rock Edicts of Ashoka. I would, therefore, submit that Gnosticism is just the Near East's form of Buddhism, and that even the Christian monastic institutes were of Buddhist ... cenotaph is that of Seti 1, and was conceived as the symbolic tomb of Osiris. It is also sometimes referred to as the Osireion (see K. Michalowski, Art of Ancient Egypt, N.Y ., 1968, pp. 526-527).] of Seti at Abydos, Egypt. The principal axis of this complex actually ...
414. Beneath Bauer [Books]
... , the moral instruction of science leading from these previous nonsenses, will be equally non-sensical. That, unfortunately for Bauer, is what happens. Rather than being founded on rock, his Sermon simply crumbles away, being built on quicksand. Second, Bauer's true purpose in writing the book, as opposed to his propagandistic one, will be ... of the Harvard Observatory, officer of the AAAS (the American Association for the Advancement of Science) and even of that second AAAS at Harvard (the Academy of American Arts and Sciences), member of the board of Scientific American and Astronomy Today and Science News and the Hayden Planetarium, author of more than half a dozen important astronomy ...
415. The Area of Origin [Books]
... no trace of it has ever yet been found in Egypt, in Assyria, or in Babylonia. Alone among the remains of the civilized nations of the ancient East the rock sculpture of Ibreez displays it on the robe of a Lykaonian priest. Was it an invention of the Hittite people, communicated by them to the rude tribes of Asia ... had evidently as elsewhere, a religious or magico-religious significance. Its use in Europe generally has long since died out, except where it is favoured for business purposes or in art, but in Ireland and the Western Highlands and Islands of Scotland a form of it is still being woven in straw at harvest time, or in rushes in spring ...
416. A Different View on the Chronology of Hazor [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... have of Hazor pottery. Originally, some of the cisterns were created for water storage, some for burials. In one cistern the upper, more porous parts of the rock were even plastered! This one went out of use for water storage as early as the Late Bronze I period. It is one of the earliest examples of its ... supposed fourteenth-century Hazor and a ninth-century Zinjirli). A competent reference confirms that the flourishing era of Zinjirli was the ninth century: This is the period of the most excellent art remains found at Carchemish- for example, of certain reliefs on the palace stair which, for the first time in the artistic history of the site, betray a ...
417. A Harbinger of the Exodus? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... whether one concurs that they represent the hippopotamus and crocodile respectively. But from the Poem on Wisdom Dhorme cites v.28:10: He cutteth out rivers among the rocks', where Niles' is used poetically for rivers/canals. This suggests familiarity with Upper Egypt - in particular with cataracts south of Aswan, as the Nile's ... : and he became her son' [Ex. 2:10] Under Thermuthis, Pharaoh's daughter, Moses is educated with great care' [including instruction in military arts, astronomical lore, history, etc]. Appointed general for campaign against Ethiopian invaders who had proceeded as far as Memphis and the sea itself'. Led army ...
418. Darwin's Dangerous Idea: A Critique [Journals] [Aeon]
... equivalents. And yet, we are wildly excited at the prospect of finding evidence of microscopic life, if not the fossilized precursors of lifeforms, in a rather mundane potato-sized rock found in Antarctica, catalogued as alh84001.0 , and postulated to be from the planet Mars. Only a dyed-in-the-wool die-hard Darwinian might be disposed to discount the postulate ... impact effectively operates under a conceptual blanket covering all the physical sciences, including architectural and engineering design processes and technology, as well as the aggregate body of disciplines comprising the arts and the humanities. In short, he identifies and associates Darwin's ideological impact with the entire gamut of human intellectual enterprise. Dennett then gleefully proceeds to ameliorate this perceived ...
419. Floods and Tides [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the Pacific Basin, a larger body, closer approach, greater mass, and favorable electrical conditions (greater attraction) must be conjectured. Atmosphere, water, the crustal rocks, and the upper mantle must participate in the tidal action- indeed the tidal force would extend through the whole globe, and the concept of tide becomes as strained as ... think that it was around 3500 B.P ., therefore, when the Tritonian Sea broke out and threw itself into the Atlantic Basin. Ancient Saharan ruins and the art of the Ahaggar mountain caves amply testify to the ancient cultures there between 4000-1500 B.C . The elapsed time for the 4000-mile journey from China may have been months ...
420. Night of the Gods: Polar Myths. The North [Books]
... Finns. The puzzling augur's (Sabine) tesca also seem from these passages to have been all that was not templum, the forest-primeval roundabout, in fact, with its rocks and other barren places (see also Festus, s.v . Tesca). Note that the templum and the tesca being thus conterminous explains much. A fence ... seen. It is here in point to quote Lord Tennyson's epitaph on Sir John Franklin Not here! The white North has thy bones. And thou, Heroic sailor-soul, Art passing on thine happier voyage now Toward no earthly Pole. The Yezidis are buried "with the face turned towards the North-star" wrote Layard 109 but this does not ...
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