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55 pages of results. 31. Internet Watch [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... ., 1990, ISBN 0-9695425-0-X, US $19 95 plus $3 95 p&p from Houlton, ME. U.S .A .) Petroglyphs and Rock Art Dating Techniques?sci.archaeology 28-31.7 .95 Leigh Marymor (mleighm@aol.com) and Lisa Rankin (g9326279@mcmail.cis. ... .CA) In addition to the ancient literary traditions, another record exists which offers evidence in support of recent changes in the solar system namely, prehistoric rock art. ' (Ev Cochrane, Suns and Planets in Neolithic Rock Art', Aeon Volume 3:2 ) Rock Art Studies: A Bibliographic Database, is a computer database ...
32. Thundergods and Thunderbolts [Journals] [Aeon]
... earlier times than is now the case." [6 ] The Egyptian Min offers an early example of the thundergod, his defining symbol appearing already on predynastic pottery and rock art tracing to the fourth millennium BCE. In addition to serving as a god of storm and war, Min also featured prominently as an agent of fertility. [ ... ] The ancient Semitic thundergod Hadad/Adad, whose name is thought to be cognate with Arabic haddat, "thunder," was likewise represented as a warrior. [8 ] Illustrations of the long-haired and bearded god holding an axe and/or lightning are common throughout ancient Mesopotamia (see Figure 3). Early epithets of the god ...
33. The Crescent II [Books]
... horned creature and later Egyptian art continued the theme. (13) 92. The Mesopotamian great gods sail in the horned ship. The same connection occurs in many Scandinavian rock drawings. A rock picture from the Nubian desert south of Kerma shows the ship so placed on the back of a bull that the boat and the galloping animal are ... that ancient symbolism always equates the great god's ship with the bull or cow of heaven. Prehistoric drawings from Egypt continually relate the ship to a horned creature and later Egyptian art continued the theme. (13) 92. The Mesopotamian great gods sail in the horned ship. The same connection occurs in many Scandinavian rock drawings. A rock ...
34. Mons Veneris [Journals] [Aeon]
... supporting Velikovsky's thesis that the planets have only recently settled into their current orbits. To date, the testimony of the ancients themselves has provided the most telling evidence. Ancient rock art, archaeoastronomical traditions surrounding the respective planets, and mythical traditions associated with the various planetary deities, each offer dramatic proof of this thesis. Critics, however, ... to object that claims as extraordinary as those of Velikovsky and the Saturnists require extraordinary evidence to be believed. With this catch phrase they dismiss at once all testimony from ancient mythology as being unduly reliant upon interpretation and, hence, ultimately subjective in nature. Evidence from ancient art is similarly dismissed as the product of creative imagination. Archaeoastronomical traditions ...
35. Sagan's fourth problem: Terrestrial Geology And Lunar Craters (Carl Sagan & Immanuel Velikovsky) [Books]
... end of the Ice Age. Volcanoes Sagan states that if, as Velikovsky claims, " 'that in the days of the Exodus, when the world was shaken and rocked .. .all volcanoes vomited lava and all continents quaked'... Volcanic lavas are easily dated, and what Velikovsky should produce is a histogram of the ... lakes and salt beds have chemical compositions similar to those of the ocean. ' As long ago as 1875, Alexander Agassiz demonstrated [in Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1876] the existence of a marine crustaceous fauna in Lake Titicaca. At a higher elevation, the sediment of an enormous driedup lake, whose waters ...
36. The Lion Gate at Mycenae [Journals] [Pensee]
... B.C .; there also appears to be other evidence (which will be supplied below) which would justify a much later dating. Figure 2 - The Phrygian Rock Monument at Büyük Arslan Tash. Velikovsky himself actually maintains an eighth century date for the buildings and fortifications of Mycenae and Tiryns (29); Ramsay had already proposed ... ) "Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered III" Home | Issue Contents The Lion Gate at Mycenae Lewis M. Greenberg A Study in Art-Historical Contradictions Mr. Greenberg is assistant professor of art history and history, Moore College of Art (Philadelphia). The paper published here was first read at the Velikovsky Symposium, Lewis and Clark College, (Portland ...
37. Part III: The Legends [Ragnarok] [Books]
... 7 Remember that the Drift is un-fossiliferous and un-stratified; that it fell in masses and that these remains are found in its lower part, or caught between it and the rocks below it, and you can form a vivid picture of the sudden and terrible catastrophe. The trees were imbedded with man and the animals; the bones of men ... ", bidden and rugged, when he was stricken, and much was the vast earth burnt and melted by the boundless vapour, like as pewter, heated by the art of youths, and by the well-bored melting-pit or iron, which is the hardest of metals, subdued in the dells of the mountain by blazing fire, melts in ...
38. The "Forgotten Empire". Ch. 4. (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... be the Hittites of the Scriptures, and the monuments with the pictographic script were attributed to them. Among these monuments are pieces of sculptured work, especially relief cuttings in rocks. Hittite art and script are regarded as material witnesses of an empire that played a role as great as that of Egypt, Assyria, or Babylonia but that, ... some reason, was forgotten so that only late in the nineteenth century of the present era was it re-established in its historical place in the concert of ancient nations. Monuments with "Hittite" sculptures and pictographic script were found in Asia Minor, mainly in its eastern part, and in the region around Carchemish, in Hamath, in northern ...
39. Velikovsky's Sources Volume Five [Books]
... from an examination of the psalm as a whole, and the reader is recommended to study it in detail. It is riddled with metaphors. Verse 2 alone mentions a rock, a fortress, a buckler, a horn and a high tower, all of which are metaphorical. Verse 4 contains a flood metaphor (" floods of ungodly ... record of an actual physical event at all: "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me, thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." If Ps.23:4 is a mere metaphor, then it is entirely likely that Ps ...
40. The Celestial Ship of North Vol II [Books]
... the stars, is so solidly based on a general theory of Nature from which it is inseparable, that it will survive forever, for "It is in the imperishable rock of Numbers that the fadeless footprint of Astral science was first set, like the mighty seal of an eternal compact made between Urania and the Law."1 It ... Seb From an Ancient Zodiac. One of the Twin Lions of Egypt From the Tomb of Queen Nofretari. From a drawing by N. deGaris Davies. Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin, Part II, December, 1922. Courtesy of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Hindu Goddess Maya J.D . Guignaiut. From "The Natural ...
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