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55 pages of results. 331. Scientific Dating Methods In Ruins [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... immediate surroundings. The microclimate, at the exact location of the object, may be affected by ground morphology and inhomogeneities in the ground, caused by the presence of large rocks or other objects [that retain heat], things which are quite common at archeological sites. The assumption is also made that the environment of the sample was not ... method to [ 7%]...." (51) This method was applied to the dating of a bronze horse in the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. Joseph V. Noble, an antiquities scholar, had condemned the horse as a forgery. (52) The horse was subsequently dated by the thermoluminescence of its ...
332. Man: The Past, The Present, and the Future [Books]
... will mark its former site. Dry water courses will mark the area as a telltale of the run-off of enormous volumes of water from the melting glaciers. Striations in the rock floor will show the grooves cut by the moving ice. During the time required for the melting of the glacial ice, numerous earthquakes will occur as the ice mass ... is referred to by an eminent scholar: "The Osiris story was the best known and most influential of the Egyptian myths. He introduced agricultural, animal husbandry, and arts and crafts to Egypt After his death he returned to his original home, from which agriculture, animal husbandry, and arts and crafts to Egypt. raised. Osiris's ...
333. Aphrodite Urania [Journals] [Aeon]
... well. [9 ] Her torrid love affair with Adonis ended tragically. According to one version of the myth, the goddess is said to have leapt off the Leucadian rock in grief for the beautiful youth. [10] Her romance with Anchises, finally, is one of the most ancient traditions surrounding the goddess. [11] ... & R. Onians, The Origins of European Thought (Cambridge, 1954), pp. 164-166. [70] I. Cornelius, "The Lion in the Art of the Ancient Near East: A Study of Selected Motifs," Journal of Northwest Semitic Languages XV (1989), pp. 59-63. [71] E ...
... Robert Jastrow of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies wrote that Velikovsky was correct for these three predictions: "Venus is hot; Jupiter emits radio noise; and the Moon's rocks are magnetic." Whatever could be the matter with Dr. Jastrow? Hadn't he realized that Sagan said, ". .. the vast belts of charged particles ... has received general recognition, there are usually people who say that it is not original and has been anticipated by others. W.L .B . Beveridge, The Art of Scientific Investigation, (NY 1950), pp. 151-152 Einstein stated toward the end of his life, "it has always hurt me to think that [ ...
335. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III [Books]
... names of these twelve princes of the tribes indicated the history of the tribes they represented. The prince of the tribe Reuben was called Elizur, "my God is a rock," referring to the ancestor of this tribe, Reuben, Jacob's son, who sinned, but, owing to his penance, was forgiven by God, who ... Cain's punishment for the murder of Abel. When Moses said to God, "But behold, they will not believe me," God replied: "O Moses, art thou sure that they will not believe thee? They are believers and the sons of believers. Thou who didst suspect them wrongly, put not they hand into thy ...
336. The Great Kingship of the Medes [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... title; only a Great King of Hatti in fact. But Shalmaneser III was to launch a series of savage attacks deep into Anatolia, where he scored major triumphs, rocking the Urartian kingdom to its foundations. If we are correct, these campaigns represent the eastern front of the prolonged conflict waged between Assyria/Media and Hatti/Lydia ... what has now become known as the Middle Assyrian kingdom. Yet archaeology can rarely, if ever, show a clear sequence from Mitanni to Middle Assyria, and indeed the art and culture of the Mitanni period is virtually identical to that of the Middle Assyrian. Furthermore, Assyria is almost completely devoid of domestic or monumental structures erected during the ...
337. KA [Books]
... the caves in the earth. Elibatos, Doric alibatos, is a Greek word translated as high or steep. In Homer it is always as an epithet of petre, rock or the plural petrai, crags, (Iliad XV:273 etc). It occurs as an epithet of oros, mountain, and akra, peak and is ... Fire and in Hooke's Middle Eastern Mythology. The Hebrew chashuq means junction rod, attachment'. Compare Greek arariskein, to fit, and Latin ars, skill, or art. Was the ka some kind of electrical light or halo surrounding the head? Livy tells how an eagle seized the cap of Lucius Tarquinius, flew up with it ...
338. The Catastrophic Substructure of Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra (Part I) [Journals] [Kronos]
... cleave, and that slain men Should solder up the rift. 3 .4 .30-32. We think of the evidence Dr. Velikovsky presents in Earth in Upheaval of rock fissures choked with massed broken fragments of bones.(4 ) She herself, if considered a heavenly body consistent with the major personages, is drawn from Octavius to ... a universal watershed. Once you cross over, you cannot look at anything as you did before. Every human activity, from war to government to science to religion to art, is seen in a new, revolutionary light. In this paper, I want to look at William Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra from the Velikovskian optic. I will ...
339. The Hermes Connection [Journals] [Aeon]
... relate Hermes to a Greek word which conveys the idea of movement; still others- thinking of the early representation of the god- suggest the word for stone' or rock, ' and also the verb which means to protect. ' (21) I'd be inclined to say all of the above, but far and away Hermes was ... the night sky for the first time with all its fearful darkness. The impression of the Polar Column captured the imagination of ancient civilizations and left its imprimatur on their creative art forms and literature. To be sure, these impressions are augmented and rivalled by the circular form of the Celestial Sea, symbolized by the mandala, but a discussion ...
340. Testing Rohl's Test of Time [Journals] [Aeon]
... the unforeseen and completely understandable folly (it being the only game in town) of relying on June 15, 763 BC, his new construction was immediately thrown between a rock and a hard place. As a result, his projected dates are severely compromised and without real value. This writer does not hesitate to proclaim that the true chronology ... all mystery associated with the final section of Thiele's reconstruction has been synthetically induced by uncritical dependence on the doctrine of cosmic uniformitarianism. Ptolemy's unstated but implicit warning, that the art of retrocalculation beyond the Era of Nabonassar is impossible, was ignored and Thiele has been forced to pay a heavy price (as, by extension, so have we ...
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