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55 pages of results. 201. The Uses of Language [Books] [de Grazia books]
... have chanted, "and as the gods laughed, it was as when great thunderclaps and bursts of light came from the blue skies, shaking the trees and setting the rocks to trembling, alarming the shepherd to gather his flock into the shelter of the cave." Instead, the Love Affair is completely matter-of-fact. Hence one may consider ... Mycenaean, in which scribes could write, but the people could not. C. M. Bowra believes of Homer "that since he himself was alive when the wonderful art of writing returned to the Greeks in the form of the Phoenician alphabet, he dictated his poems to someone who knew it and the written texts were guarded by professional ...
202. The Legends of the Jews: Volume I - Jacob [Books]
... Rachel should bear Jacob his youngest son.[224] After the quarrel, the two men made a treaty, and with his gigantic strength Jacob set up a huge rock as a memorial, and a heap of stones as a sign of their covenant. In this matter Jacob followed the example of his fathers, who likewise had covenanted ... vocation of his uncle Laban, and whether they were on terms of friendly intercourse with him. They answered briefly: "There is peace between us, but if thou art desirous of inquiring further, here comes Rachel the daughter of Laban. From her thou canst learn all thou hast a mind to learn." They knew that women ...
203. Society News. C&C Review 2002:1 [Journals] [SIS Review]
... the region, with zoomorphic figures such as crocodile and hippopotamus and cobra. A case was made for Egyptian influence, which could have spread west via the Berbers, whose rock art also bore similarities to that of Rochester Creek. The theory is supported by a study of blood groups, where a factor showing high levels in N. Africa ... but absent in most of America, showed up in the Indian groups in the Rochester Creek area. The Guanches of the Canary Islands were almost certainly derived from Berbers so it would only be a further step across the Atlantic to reach America. The talks were separated by a pleasant get together at lunch and just before David Eccott's lecture we ...
204. The Velikovsky Centenary Conference, New York, 1995 [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Klingit, Hopi, Apache and Dogon tribes are found in Germany, Australia and India. The swastika may be a representation of Thor's hammer. Ev Cochrane then presented Mars Rocks in Ancient Myth and Modern Science. In this tour de force he reported that a meteor shower in 1911 brought a shower of rocks on Nakhla, Egypt, at ... slides to illustrate her talk on Myth and Catastrophism. Cheyenne myths and symbols show Velikovsky was right that Amerind culture was in place by no later than 500 BC. Their art speaks of migrations and catastrophes. Catastrophism is the only model to explain the signs: most tribal art tells a similar story. Themes found in drawings by Maya, ...
205. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the snowball Earth theory, when most of Earth was supposed to have been frozen over for 10 Myrs 635 Myrs ago. If this is so, then evidence from sedimentary rocks at the end of this period indicate that the period ended with raging storms and huge waves. At present, warming has caused a huge explosion of insects in northern ... been redated with modern radiometric techniques and are supposedly even older, at 195,000 years. However, this makes the long delay before the appearance of humans and their art work in Europe and Asia, around 40,000 years ago, even more puzzling. How long will it be before someone queries these ever-increasing ages, which result ...
206. Letters [Journals] [SIS Review]
... takes with it two areas of stress, one on each side, which reach their maximum when the pull acts at a tangent to the earth's surface. However, the rocks forming the earth's surface are normally rigid enough to resist the pull of the moon. It has to coincide with a weakness in the earth's surface for an earthquake to ... 1 .97. The last million years in Southern Africa' Professor Phillip V Tobias. Professor of Anatomy, Witwatersrand University. 2. The San: Life, Beliefs Art': The Kalahari San are quite different from those of the now extinct southern groups Professor J D Lewis-Williams, Department of Archaeology, University of the Witwatersrand. The ...
207. The Age of Purple Darkness [Journals] [Aeon]
... of the problem is the Saturnian poleward tidal pull. The Saturnian tide would have been composed of several elements. The largest Saturnian bulge would have been of the plastic subcrustal rock. There would have been a tendency for rigid crustal plates to move to positions simulating a polar bulge. On 2/5 of this scale, roughly, would ... ] and reference is made to "Varuna and Agni-Varuna." [30] In a hymn of the Rigveda there appears the line: "Thou, O Agni, art Varuna, when born." [31] Thus Agni, as Varuna, is Saturn. The Purple in the Darkness As I shall show at length in the ...
208. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Review]
... surface. Another asteroid, Vesta, also bears a giant crater which was probably formed by a collision with another asteroid. Many meteorites picked up on Earth are unusual volcanic rocks the same colour as Vesta and may be fragments from the impact. Yet another asteroid, Dionysus, although only 1km in diameter, appears to have its own orbiting ... tattoos on women in New Zealand, Upper Egypt and earlier Egyptian mummies! Myth Mayan tree of life BBC 2 Horizon 4.11.97 An important symbol in Mayan art is the tree of life, often depicted as a double-headed serpent, associated with a cross and supporting the Sun'. On the renowned sarcophagus lid found at Palenque ...
209. Epilogue: Questions And Answers (Ramses II and his Time) [Velikovsky]
... of the evidence provided by the work executed. The stones for pyramids were cut in square blocks during the Old Kingdom- copper or bronze tools would not have cut the limestone rock. Sarcophagi of granite with carved sharp corners of perfect angles and knife-like edges and plumb-straight lines, sculptures with finely cut lines of eyelids and lips dating from the Fourth ... and epigraphy (writing); and also religion: do not all of them in the Nineteenth Dynasty (of Seti and Ramses II) show closeness and affinity to the art, language, and religion of the end of the Eighteenth Dynasty? What is the true situation? I reserve a detailed discussion of a large number of examples from ...
210. On Language, Art, And Religion. Part I Ch.4 (Peoples of the Sea) [Velikovsky]
... exquisite design, with a rim running over the petals. The same design, though the headgear is not as tall, can be seen on a Persian bas-relief on the rock surface at Nakhsh-i-Rustam, in the area of the royal tombs, close to Persepolis. The relief dates from the time of the Sassanide Dynasty in Persia, thus from ... From "Peoples of the Sea" © 1977 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents On Language, Art, And Religion Semitic Influence on the Language and Religion of Egypt FOR OVER two hundred years after the fall of Jerusalem there existed a Jewish colony in Egypt. The influence of the Hebrew-Syrian language, conspicuous in the sixth ...
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