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... been substantiated that religion played a part in some of the actions against Velikovsky. Oddly, his theory joined the religious and scientific forces in efforts to suppress his work. The conflict between science and theories about catastrophes originated in the ... not investigating and clarifying some of the data, it is left to opportunists who prefer hypothesizing to critical analysis. RELIGION The previous causes were general and create strange reactions to many new ideas. There are two other causes of the ... efforts to suppress his work. The conflict between science and theories about catastrophes originated in the last century. Some religionists claimed that the Earth was exactly six thousand years old and all features of the Earth must be explained by catastrophes ...
72. A Fire not Blown [Books]
... of ancient myths and cosmology to a particular area of the ancient Mediterranean world, then to quote further examples of religious practice and the relevant vocabulary from a wider area.There has inevitably been repetitions of examples and interpretations from my ... head was recognized as the seat of organic electrical phenomena. The multitude of verbal connections of the direction North with religion, gods, rites, electrical phenomena, and physical history. Futhermore, does salt in various languages, contain ... with the horned object in the sky which was compared to a horned creature such as a bull. The Latin religio, sacred procedure, may be ar elicio, I entice the fire. Mitra, headdress, tiara, may ...
73. A Cosmic Debate [Books] [de Grazia books]
... and matters small become involved. How did the ballgames of many cultures come to be invented and why were they religious? Why do modern Peruvian Indians put bowls on their heads when the earth quakes? Are ancient Meso-American statues wearing ... perhaps obvious. Some recognize, in the theory of revolutionary primevalogy, elements of the creation theories of the ancient religions - still held by a majority of people of the world, incidentally - those talked-about gods and floods and fire ... of the great bodies of material summed up in the Bible, the Vedas, the Koran, and other sacred religio-moral-historical works. If the effect of massive collective shock is the suppression of memory, another effect is the partly conscious ...
74. Exodus [Journals] [SIS Review]
... in any way different from the Canaanites ? In the view of the Deuteronomist they were - but was their difference religious, the difference between post-Exile Judaism and pre-Exile pagan cults? The term Canaanite' appears to be derived from a ... Egypt shortly before the Exile. The Egyptians appear to have earned their unsavoury reputation during the development of the Jewish religion in the post-Exile period. We might ask another question at this point, which might seem strange at first: ... more grisly parts of the Conquest really belong to a remoter past - the Biblical historiographer may have made use of religio-myth. It has been suggested that the events at the end of the 3rd millennium BC might coincide with the break-up ...
75. The Book Is Launched, Atwater Thrown Overboard. File I (Stargazers and Gravediggers) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Stargazers]
... by large numbers of professional scientists, many other groups will welcome the book as a broadening influence in scientific, religious and philosophical fields. While it tends to bridge the present gulf between science and religion- a gulf that modern scientists ... point of view, the author has done a tremendous job, the effect of which is to link science and religion. His book will have an explosive effect in the world of science. The greatest value of "Worlds in ... broadening influence in scientific, religious and philosophical fields. While it tends to bridge the present gulf between science and religion- a gulf that modern scientists have made little effort to cross- this is accidental. Then Atwater told the story of ...
76. Earth In Chaos by Peter M. James [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... gave way to a distant but visible god in the sky. In this respect, Peter James discusses the possible religious usage of megalithic man's structures that demonstrate an ordered relationship to the most important markers of the Earth's seasons - the ... circling of the stars in the night sky, James points out in a most logical fashion that if any ancient religion was based on the worship of a lunar or stellar deity, then the ceremonies would have to be enacted at ... but if the country was more heavily afforrested, where fertile clearings were at a premium, then suitable sites for religio-calendrical purposes were probably relegated to remote hilltop positions astronomically suitable for clear horizon sightings. At the same time, to ...
... a red paint, instead of being sprinkled with blood.69It is a pious fraud, the outcome of a religious evolution. Remember, too, that there is a never-ending mass of evidence about the sacrifice of the victim's hair ... just mention our own Palm-Sunday. The early Christian symbol of the date-Palm tree was of course adopted from the preceding religions of the Eastern countries where that tree flourishes. Ciampini, in his Vetera Monumenta, gives instances from the church ... Saints Cosmo and Damian at Rome (6th century), where such palm trees flank the figures of Christ and his disciples and he adds such a tree with a nimbussed bird seated on the topmost palm-leaf. The Christian palm-leaf, ...
78. Intimations of an Alien Sky [Journals] [Aeon]
... invent the postulate, to perpetrate this astronomical lie. It could have served no purpose we can think of- religious, political, or otherwise. It would not have answered any questions posed by theology, sovereignty, or nature ... ancient astronomical lore without also discussing the ancient deities. But while, in Egypt, astronomy was not divorced from religion until the advent of the Greeks under the Ptolemies, other centers of civilization began to diversify much earlier when a ... " Hermes 18 (1883), pp. 421-422; F. Boll, "Kronos-Helios," Archiv fur Religionswissenschaft 19 (1916-1919), in toto. 94. Linga Purana, I:57:32-39. 95. ...
79. Child of Saturn (Part IV) [Journals] [Kronos]
... , their cosmogonical faith followed different routes and processes of evolution in the various regions within which they settled. The religious concepts of the indigenous populations, which they either conquered or assimilated, in turn infiltrated their original dogmas. Today ... secret rites which constituted it. There is, of course, no doubt that, like many others, this religion underwent an evolutionary transformation so that by the time it was displaced by Christianity, it had lost all trace of ... :1 (Fall 1982), p. 51. 8. Ibid.;G . Widengren, Die Religionen Irans (Stuttgart,1965),pp. 123,177, 188, 179, as cited in Ibid ...
80. Cuneiform Astronomical Records and Celestial Instability [Books] [de Grazia books]
... , meaningless fabrications. It is particularly proper to avoid this pitfall when dealing with serious reports, especially those of religious nature such as those that occur in large number in the Old Testament. He applied this general theory to the ... in the context of a book entitled Die grosse Taüschung; The title The Great Fraud' refers to Old Testament religion. This book stirred a furor in Jewish and Christian religious groups and aroused all sorts of suspicion in less committed ... Secrets of the Great Pyramid (New York, 1971). 14. In Bannkreis Babels: Panbabylonistische Konstructionen und religionsgeschichtliche Tatsachen (Munster,1910). 15. Handbuch der babylonischen Astronomie, Vol. I (Leipzig, 1915 ...
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