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164 pages of results. 531. The Intellectual Context of Velikovsky's Thought [Articles]
... get rid of this notion of a paternalistic State that still hung on in Central Europe, that is, the Emperor. What he did was to attempt to undermine the religious tradition and the foundations of religion by a theory of anthropology which in fact went back to the social contract theory of Locke and Rousseau, and also back to Darwin ... his attempt to attack the notion that the family is the foundation of the State. The way Freud did it was that instead of idealizing the primeval family situation the way the Conservatives always did, he took a note from Darwin where Darwin attempted to show that in the early state the father was not this kind, caring, benevolent creature ...
532. The Recency of the Surface [Books] [de Grazia books]
... would begin to push time back by thousands, if not many thousands, of years. Proof of such retrogression is not quite satisfactory yet. With an enthusiasm born of religious convictions and impelled by many years of frustration at playing the other fellow's game, a group of creationist geologists, without spending much time at the task, can readily ... to be found so easily. "If one is going to go to heaven, the sooner the better." More complicated solutions will be addressed in another work concerning religion. It is conceivable that quantavolution offers possibilities of a new effective synthesis of religion and science, which existing creationism and evolutionism cannot afford. Beyond such utilities rest the ...
533. The Early Years: Part Two [Journals] [Aeon]
... time she met Velikovsky, she was a private student of the well-known concert violinist Adolf Busch. After the required civil ceremony in Hamburg, they were married again in a religious ceremony in Berlin on April 15, 1923. The prestigious leader of the Adass Yisroel congregation, Ezra Munk, conducted the services and Loewe stood in for Immanuel's parents ... replacing sexual conflicts for the forces of nature as explanatory devices. One could make a case that Velikovsky merely modified the Kuhn-Abraham system by insisting that the events of mythology and religion should be understood as literal rather than as symbolic occurrences. Other intellectual movements that were current in Berlin at the time may also have had their effect upon the Velikovskianism ...
534. The Demands of the Saturnian Configuration Theory [Journals] [Aeon]
... is not a philological connection, but, rather, a direct identity of one with the other, which identity has long been recognized by past mythologists and students of ancient religion. [19] Even as far back as Cicero (106-43 B.C .) , the equation had long been accepted: "Saturnus was chosen as the ... Saturn," Revue D'Assyriologie et D'Archeologie Orientale (Paris, September 1910), pp. 163-164. [36] F. Boll, "Kronos-Helios," Archiv für Religionswissen-schaft XIX (1916-1919), pp. 343 ff. [37] E. A. W. Budge, The Gods of the Egyptians, Vol. II ( ...
... With this remote event we may find inseparably connected the geographical boundaries of a great state, the language now spoken by the inhabitants, their peculiar manners, laws, and religious opinions. But far more astonishing and unexpected are the connections brought to light, when we carry back our researches into the history of nature. The form of a ... ITALIAN GEOLOGISTS. VALLISNEKI. [Cn. III. and Woodward ;* while Vallisneri 3 f in his comments on the Woodwardian theory, remarked how much the interests of religion, as well as those of sound philosophy, had suffered by perpetually mixing up the sacred writings with questions in physical science. The works of this author were rich ...
536. Applying the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Pensee]
... the Ugaritic tombs in architectural plan (166). It is a "faithful miniature rendering" of the Syrian tombs both in design and, apparently, in arrangements for religious rites (167). It would hardly be surprising for 8th-century Phoenician colonists to bring over a current tomb type and burial customs from their motherland. The only similar ... 1972): 99-100. 44. See Lord William Taylour, "Mycenae, 1968," Antiquity 43 (1969): 91-97, and "New Light on Mycenaean Religion," Antiquity 44 (1970): 270-80 for a highly readable account. The results of some radiocarbon tests performed on material from this building will be treated in ...
537. Life Itself: Accident or Design? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... seeking evidence to support these (although, come to think of it, many other scientists behave in a similar fashion). Even with a truly scientific theory, the religious dimension may not be entirely absent. Davies, for example, concludes The Cosmic Blueprint with the words: "I have been at pains to argue that the organizational ... necessity out of which the present situation may well be the best that could be managed. So, starting from astronomy and biology with a little physics we have arrived at religion." Religion, in fact, can never be far away when the origin of life is being considered. If science cannot give a convincing explanation for the origin ...
538. Maya Cosmos: A Saturnian Interpretation [Journals] [Aeon]
... movements was very different from that of modern scholars and it seems likely that both the day names and the months in calculations were picked partly for astro-nomical reasons and partly for religious reasons. Thus, the month Uo was under the patronage of the old black god of the number seven...this deity is the god of the planet ... the planes of the sky. Among the Yucatec Maya, this central tree is the yaxché, which means "first or green tree," and, in ancient Maya religion, green is the color associated with the central place. "The placing of birds in world trees is of considerable antiquity in the Maya region. At Late Classic ...
539. The Two Jehorams [Journals] [SIS Review]
... daughter by his chief and favourite wife to cement the alliance with Judah that was the cornerstone of his foreign policy. It is curious that Ahab, the champion of foreign religious influence, should also follow a "united Israel" policy. On the other hand, this shared with his religious policy in being a radical departure from the policies ... .4 ). 13. II Kings 8:18, 26. It is a reasonable conjecture that Athaliah was also the daughter of Jezebel whom she so resembled in religion and murderous disposition, but this is nowhere explicitly stated. It is likely that Ahab would have chosen a daughter by his chief and favourite wife to cement the alliance ...
... why didn't the technical achievements of these superior cultures also travel with the people? That would be like the migration of the Europeans who followed Columbus to the Americas bringing their religious beliefs, but somehow forgetting carpentry, bricklaying, iron making, etc. Furthermore, Velikovsky did not dismiss the diffusionist argument at all. In Worlds in Collision, ... evening star as female, reflecting her aspect as love-goddess."47 James goes on to cite Stephen R. Langdon, one of the great authorities on the history and religion of ancient Mesopotamia from his tome Semitic Mythology, Vol. 5 who found this double aspect of the goddess of the ancient East, Venus, unique. This can ...
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