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164 pages of results. 481. The Year -747, Part 2 Mars Ch.1 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... the Alexandrian school, Ptolemy, and also by other scholars. It was employed as a point of departure of ancient astronomical tables. "This was not a political or religious era. . . . Farther back there was no certainty in regard to the calculation of time. It is from that moment that the records of eclipses begin which ... of -776 was of the same nature as that of -747, then Amos' prophecy was a prognostication based on an earlier experience. 1 F. Cumont, Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and Romans (1912), pp. 8-9. To be correct, the earliest eclipse Ptolemy calculated is dated March 21, -721. 2 T ...
482. Metron [Journals] [Kronos]
... predictions. Because of their connections with social justice and because of their connection with astronomy, measures acquired a transcendental meaning. The care needed for precision contributed to creating a religious atmosphere around them. Measures were preserved in temples (and in medieval churches), both because thereby they would be protected as holy and because it was felt that ... study of ancient measures for the purpose of reestablishing the coherence of the units that had been shaken by medieval practice; he prefaced it with a motto that equates measures to religion: Una fides, pondus, mensura sit idem, Et status illaesus totius orbis erit. (Let there be one single faith, one measure, one weight, ...
483. When Earth Was Not Yet Created: An Account of Sumerian Cosmogony [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... that eons ago Earth itself was born out of a catastrophic planetary collision within our Solar System. This belief, a central element in all Mesopotamian writings, rituals, and religions, was especially expressed in the form of a long epic poem publicly read at the climax of the annual New Year Festival. The tale (or information) related ... the New Year's Akutu festival.3 Though Heidel4 recognized the epic as "the principal source of our knowledge of Mesopotamian cosmology," he viewed the text as principally a religious-political work composed to glorify the god Marduk and his cult-center at Babylon. Speiser expressed the common denominator among scholars by classifying the text as a literary expression of "the ...
484. Aster and Disaster: Toward a Catastrophist Mode of Mythological Interpretation [Journals] [Kronos]
... mute, and the nouns mule (originally "speechless beast") and motet (sacred song). And from Greek, it borrowed the nouns mystery (originally a religious rite celebrated by initiates only) and myopia (originally any condition of impeded vision).(13) Once we leave the Indo-European family of languages, etymological consensus ... Myth and Ritual," in Sebeok, op. cit. 29. Clyde Kluckhohn, "Myths and Rituals: A General Theory," in A Reader in Comparative Religion, edited by William A. Lessa and Evon Z. Vogt (N .Y ., 2nd ed., 1965). 30. Roger W. Wescott ...
485. And it Came to Pass, in the Days of Amraphel King of Shine'ar: Biblical Veracity and Non-biblical Chronology [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... in Sumerian view, unjust) death of Ur-Nammu in 2095 brought to the throne a "sinning king," Shulgi; and Terah moves on to Harran, where the religious rites and even the temple and the city's layout duplicated Ur's. In 2048 the gods of Sumer order the death of Shulgi. It was then, when Abraham was ... as Semitic nomads, Habiru tribesmen, and so on. He was, as I show, a Sumerian, scion of a royal-priestly family that traced its ancestry to the religious-cultural center of Nippur. That central Sumerian city- the "navel of the Earth"- was called NI-IBRU in Sumerian, and I have suggested that by calling himself ...
486. Bronson Feldman, 1914-1982: A Biographical Note [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... dramatis personae. I would like to suggest further that Feldman's heretical and iconoclastic works in both Elizabethan literature and ancient history spring from the identical impulse- for him, a religious impulse, a monotheistic impulse, an impulse which derives directly from the commandments of Moses, especially the first and second. Those who are interested in the inquisitional nature ... historical reconstruction, "Barrabas and the Gospel of Yeshua the Galilean.") The first issue of the new Imago contained Feldman's essay, "Betwixt Art, Revolution and Religion," in which, as he wrote in his "Freud and Velikovsky" in the pages of this journal, he "suggested that the motive for Freud's last ...
487. Thoth Vol VI, No 4: June 30, 2002 [Journals] [Thoth]
... . . . . . Wal Thornhill- From time immemorial the planet Venus has fascinated terrestrial skywatchers, and cultures everywhere assigned it a prominent role in their mythological traditions and religious rituals. Already at the dawn of recorded history, Sumerian priests composed hymns in honor of the planet which they venerated as the goddess Inanna "To her who appears ... of this theory, if true, are at once revolutionary and far-reaching. In addition to necessitating a drastic revision in our understanding of the historical determinants of ancient myth and religion, the central tenets of modern astronomy and a host of allied sciences would be called into question as well. With stakes this high, it is imperative that we ...
488. Thoth [Journals] [Thoth]
... bear striking similarities in theme and sequence. This body of primary myths are a conundrum for archaeologists and mythologists and do not fit the current anthropoligial interpretive frameworks of archetype and religious psychology, hence they have become obscured or ignored by the more popular efforts of scholars such as Carl Jung and Joseph Cambell and many others who work almost exclusively with ... ancient civilizations. There is evidence that these myths were a record of experienced events that may have resulted in the birth of astronomy, city building, caste stratification, priesthood religions, kingship, and other indications of the shift from stone age to bronze age culture. Walter Radtke Kronia Communications ...
489. Chaos and Creation by Alfred de Grazia [Books] [de Grazia books]
... ; Summary Reflections upon the Changing World System. Chapter Six: The Uranians The Destruction of Pangea: The First Chaos; The Ice Dumps; The Creation of Man; Religious Beginnings; Birth of the Heavenly Host; Ecumenical Culture; Old and New World Concordances; Climate Changes and Time; Puzzles of Tihuanacu; Signs of Uranian Culture; ... Some millions of persons have lately begun to read about ancient catastrophes. In this, they have been recapturing a habit of their ancestors who had been schooled, whatever their religion, to believe that once upon a time, in the beginning of mankind, terrible disasters of earth, air, fire and water engulfed the world. As so ...
... many variants of the same theme; in hymns, in prayers, in historical texts, in philosophical discourses, in records of astronomical observations, but also in legend and religious myth, the ancients desperately tried to convey to their descendants, ourselves included, the record of events that left a strong imprint on the witnesses. I told the ... measure. These data can and should be examined in the light of historical records, and then should be investigated with respect to the meaning of sacred texts of every ancient religion, texts abundant in passages dealing with cosmic upheavals and with the legendary treasure of antiquity. The literary record puts a clear picture before our eyes. Then we investigate ...
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