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1640 results found.
164 pages of results. 461. The Riddle of Prehistoric Britain [Books]
... of considerable value, for the discarded deities such as Cronus-Saturn, the Tyrian Hercules, and Bacchus-Dionysus, in their various ways, offer a gold-mine of information related to the religious motives which guided their wise men in their aims. Other ancient gods of great account were, especially, Hermes, in a category all his own, Osiris and ... which led me perforce to the study in detail of prehistory. With such a subject I have naturally employed a variety of classic and sacred records. The history of pagan religions, based mainly on this credo of their seen, has proved of considerable value, for the discarded deities such as Cronus-Saturn, the Tyrian Hercules, and Bacchus-Dionysus, ...
462. Conclusion [Books] [de Grazia books]
... directive that would guide their minds and hands would then be: 1) The "Chosen people" are a "select and exclusive people," and should preserve their religious heritage against any infiltration, expansion, or assimilation. 2) Establish the continuity of Yahweh with Elohim, i.e ., between the gods of Genesis and ... desert to Azazel. ( Sculpture at chartreuse de Champmol, Dijon A.D 1404) Notes (Conclusion) 1. Ex. 3:3 . 2. The Religion of Ancient Israel (London: Lutterworth Press, 1967), citing N. Soderblom, P. Volz and J. Pedersen. Figure 20: The Moses of ...
463. Letters [Journals] [Pensee]
... .Y ., 1967), p. 366. 7. B. G. Campbell, Op. Cit. 8. Emile Durkheim, The Elementary Forms of Religious Life (Free Press, N.Y ., 1965); A. L. Kroeber, "The Superorganic," American Anthropologist, 19 (1917) ... done a few centuries ago. This is a slight improvement. Henri Bergson, discussing religious wars, suggested that these wars were so violent because a believer in a certain religion cannot tolerate that somebody else believes in another religion, since ipso facto this casts doubt on the intrinsic truth of his own doctrine. In other words the believer has ...
464. The MacCecht and Cuchulainn [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... antecedents. In Revelations, a rider on a white horse has the name of the word of god, i.e . his likeness. At an early stage of religious development, in the Bible, the Lord was a comet(?), and therefore the idea that god controlled every feature of nature is a later rationalisation that ... seems to have the same etymology as Erainn, with specific Aryan origins. It seems more than likely that Bernal, in Black Athena, overstated the Semitic influence on Greek religion and myth, as the theme of black gods and goddesses clearly has Indo-European antecedents. In Revelations, a rider on a white horse has the name of the word ...
465. Monitor [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... the following excellent letter printed in THE ECONOMIST 11-17/10/80, p.4 . A reader takes THE ECONOMIST to task over their slating of "the superstitious religious fundamentalists" (in the 6th Sept issue) over the matter of Evolution. He tells how the Scientific Creationism movement has proved its strength in recent years in academic ... " Adrian Berry, the TELEGRAPH Science Correspondent, concludes "Their declaration has great importance, for it will be seen as the final breakdown of detente' between science and religion." TERMINAL EOCENE CATASTROPHE - NATURE, 23/10/80, p.722-5 This letter by L.D . Keigwin relates to oxygen isotope studies of ...
466. Nine Spheres of Venusian Effects [Books] [de Grazia books]
... in his massive volume on comparative stratigraphy might now be added. A corollary of this proposition, which is also related to the one on astrophysics, is that "No religious temple that was built before about -3500 and rebuilt afterwards shows the same astronomical orientation afterwards as before." Peter Tompkins, for instance, carries a diagram in his ... ; and this 365-day year is confirmed by students of other Near Eastern civilizations. His footnote reads: "Two references must suffice here (a ) Hastings: Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (Edinburgh, 1908-1926), II (1910), p. 93: "As it has just been described [with a year of (3 ...
467. The Area of Origin [Books]
... a symbol of fire, a symbol of lightning, a thunderbolt, a symbol of water, an astronomical symbol, a symbol of the four castes of India, a religious or military standard or flag, a bird in flight, a representation of the argonaut or octopus, a cross (as in the French terms croix gammee and " ... of Symbols1 translation by Sir George Birdwood, London, 1894, pp.73 et seq. 8. Canaan, p.340. 9. Elliot Smith, The Religion of the Dragon, pp. 173 et seq. ...
468. Forum [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and most other burials in this era? We are expected to believe that the god of Israel was so omnipotent that wherever his people went they had a major effect on religious perceptions. Thus the religion of Egypt is affected by the presence of a single Hebrew, the powerful Joseph. We are told by Mackey that, The influence of ... Hiram, so it is not important that this fleet fortuitously arrived in its home port during the visit of the Queen of Sheba to Jerusalem, many miles distant. Her Religion Mackey needs this trend towards monotheism, a trend I cannot see, to link Amon-Ra with Yahweh. If it is evident why were all those different gods etched into ...
469. Hannes Alfvén (1908-1995) [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... such as Buddhism get along without having any explicit creation mythology and are in no way contradicted by a universe without a beginning or end. Creatio ex nihilo, even as religious doctrine, only dates to around AD 200" he noted. The key is not to confuse myth and empirical results, or religion and science." Alfvén admited ... " Alfvén explained. "It is only myth that attempts to say how the universe came to be, either four thousand or twenty billion years ago." "Since religion intrinsically rejects empirical methods, there should never be any attempt to reconcile scientific theories with religion he said. An infinitely old universe, always evolving, may not, ...
470. The Calendar [Journals] [Aeon]
... to face- were actively employed from the earliest times in studying the configuration and preparing maps of the heavens." I would therefore propose that if such critically important "religious" observations were deemed necessary in the very early days of Egypt, and a privileged priestly caste established to so "study the configurations of heaven," then the ... it take 1800 years to realise the cyclic nature of eclipses, especially as we are told, in no uncertain manner, that both the Sun and the Moon dominated the religiosity of the ancients? If this was the case, and I do not question that it was, why did it take 1800 years for such a practical people to ...
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