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1640 results found.
164 pages of results. 401. Scientific Prehistory [Books]
... was a stimulating presentation, and coupled with your name and apparent approval, may have swayed some already leaning toward a short catastrophic history of the earth. I had anticipated religious overtones in his paper, but there were none, fortunately, even though the person inviting him down is a professed "short history" chemist. Effect of his ... of the stars and the formation of the chemical elements on the one hand, and on the other hand, subjects like linguistics, social anthropology, and comparative law and religion, began to be studied from an evolutionary angle, until today we are enabled to see evolution as a universal and all-pervading process. Furthermore, with the adoption of ...
402. Editor's Notes [Journals] [SIS Review]
... Sir Fred Hoyle, David Asher and Duncan Steel claim that a more active' and threatening sky might have caused major cultural changes of Bronze Age civilisations, belief systems and religious rituals. Can the astronomical evidence brought forward by these astronomers be substantiated by historical, archaeological and climatological evidence? Culture In light of new astronomical and archaeological theories and ... emergence of scientific neo-catastrophism, it seems necessary to re-assess the origins and cultural implications of apocalyptic religions and catastrophe traditions in ancient mythologies and rituals. In particular, the significant cultural and religious changes at the beginning of the Bronze Age and those which occurred after its final collapse will be re-evaluated. Organising Committee Prof. Mark Bailey (Armagh Observatory ...
... thought and methods; as if, indeed, we were in presence of ideas so differently based that the assumption of different races of men, rather than different astronomical and religious ideas, is almost necessary to account for them. Let us begin with the apparent result of the inquiry into sun-worship as practised at Annu and Thebes. It was ... the Theban priests, Khu-en-Aten goes back to a Northern cult. This point is evidently worth further inquiry. Notes New Gîzeh Catalogue, p. 61. Brugsch, "Religion and Mythologie," p. 111. Pierret, "Salle Historique de la Galerie Égyptienne " (du Louvre), p. 199. "Notices des Principaux ...
404. Foreword (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... Egyptian history," wrote Arthur Weigall, adding, "there is probably no period in ancient history which so merits elucidation."1 This much is known: the religious reform of Akhnaton was abolished, his line died out, and his palaces and city were abandoned; history, however, professes not to know the cause of all ... the other a saint, "the first monotheist," and precursor of Moses, the lawgiver. Unavoidably, the story touches on an important point in the history of religion. The road to monotheism was thorny and tortuous. Akhnaton, however, was not "the first monotheist"; that he was called "the criminal" by ...
405. The Opening of The Mouth Ritual - Part II [Journals] [Aeon]
... as per Budge) [6 ] that later became the inspiration for the actions of the priests and scribes down here on Earth. In fact, "the most solemn religious rites derived their power or authority from the pretence that they were in some way a return to the original events of creation." [7 ] What is unique ... Osiris' mouth? To speculate even further: Could not the life affirming action of Horus have been the origin of the very specific hand gesture used by priests of many religions to offer their god's blessing and protection from evil? The gesture of benediction, with palm forward and the first and second fingers pointing skyward, is as widespread as ...
406. Velikovsky and the Apparatus of Scholarship [Journals] [SIS Review]
... again I quote - "There are no errors in my books." These, I admit, are not the words of a scientist or scholar, but of a religious prophet expounding the revealed truth. Now religion, resting as it does on faith, not proof, is by definition not scientific. Can we really wonder, then ... why so many scientists and scholars will not pursue Velikovskian research, after being exposed to this type of approach? The above condemnations of Velikovsky's approach come undeniably from the great man's own mouth, not from the mouths of his enemies. They do not detract from his achievement but, once again, they should give us pause. Scholarship is ...
407. The Jewish Science of Immanuel Velikovsky [Books]
... ago lost all but its liturgical value. His wife, also a life-long resident of Mstislavl, was Sarah Hotimski, the daughter of Jacob, a local legendary dayan (religious judge) who claimed descent from the two great codifiers of Jewish law, Ezra the Scribe and Joseph Caro. (1 ) When Jacob Velikovsky was about forty years ... (For this reason, it is "not characteristic" of Judaism to affirm anything about matters about which it does not know;" this is in contradistinction to other religions- and to scientism, in Velikovsky's view-"wherein metaphysical questions are decided for the future with picturesque definitiveness, and striking familiarity." (21) ) At the ...
408. ALL Honorable Men [Books]
... Gardner did with the Neanderthals. Robert Anton Wilson calls this modern form of dogmatic self assurance "fundamental materialism." And it seems that instead of preaching as a "religious fundamentalist" by standing up in houses of worship and regaling the congregations that the future will be filled with fire and brimstone; these new "material fundamentalists" stand ... as survivors seek to escape, and doubts would be raised concerning the efficacy of prayer; a dark age would follow and a renaissance in due course with new questions about religion and cosmology. And then with the passage of time, the whole process can be expected to repeat itself, continuing until the core of the giant comet has been ...
409. The AAAS Symposium on Velikovsky [Books]
... remarked, this [authoritarian view] would have been done anyway . . . . Yet the fact remains that his book which historically did the most toward breaking down the religious and academic barriers against free scientific thought. Moreover, unlike most scientific classics, it is a book which was capable of interesting the layman and which still is today ... could, I will let him explain this point. "Sagan continually states bluntly and falsely, that Dr. Velikovsky intends his cosmic catastrophe theory to revive the old time religion: It is an attempted validation of religion' . . . . Velikovsky attempts to rescue not only religion but also astrology. ' (Broca's Brain, p. ...
410. The Feast Of Light. Ch.3 In Fear And Trembling (Mankind in Amnesia) [Velikovsky]
... From "Mankind in Amnesia" © 1982 by Immanuel Velikovsky | FULL TEXT NOT AVAILABLE Contents The Feast Of Light Most of the religious rites and observances of all creeds have been derived from ancient mysteries that go back to the events of the past in which celestial gods- Saturn, Jupiter and other planetary bodies- participated and left indelible ... able to master the subject. But I shall say a little about one of these cults, the Osirian. This cult and the mysteries connected with it dominated the Egyptian religion as nothing else. The myth of Osiris "is too remarkable and occurs in too many divergent forms not to contain a considerable element of historic truth", according ...
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