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1640 results found.
164 pages of results. 391. Discussion on Wal Thornhill & Ev Cochrane's papers [Journals] [SIS Review]
... a comment that some of his pictures of Venus ought to represent Venus after Saturn disappeared, Ev Cochrane said that scholars of religion have often found how incredibly stubborn and conservative religious images have been through the millennia. Venus was represented as an 8 fold star very early on, yet that same image persisted right into Kepler's time. So, ... the top rays. Q7. In response to a comment that some of his pictures of Venus ought to represent Venus after Saturn disappeared, Ev Cochrane said that scholars of religion have often found how incredibly stubborn and conservative religious images have been through the millennia. Venus was represented as an 8 fold star very early on, yet that same ...
392. Celestial Records of the Orient by Isaac Vail [Books]
... was so prominent a director, and commanding to the eyes of the world. It would also seem that the step is a very slight one between the word Augur, religiously connected with the supernal bore at the seat of Deity, and the word augur a boring tool. One might safely suggest that the turning door of the northern sky ... sacred character of the golden Meru fits it well as a positive witness of the peculiar sanctity of the northern heavens. The learned Dr. Warren has said, "The religions of all ancient nations with a marvelous unanimity associate the abode of the supreme God with the north pole"; and again I ask, why was this the case ...
393. Index of Titles
... the Day Breaks(1 )- A Perspective Before the Flood, There Was No Moon Before the Greeks: Professor Davis's Cretan Decipherments Beginning of Time, The Beginning Of Religious Belief, The Behold Thy Gods, O Israel Jeroboam and the Israelite Revolution Bel and Dragons Benoît De Maillet (1656-1738): A Forerunner of the Theory of the ... Mars-Earth Wars Theory: A Critical Analysis, The Mars Gods of the New World Mars in Upheaval Martian Deluge, The Martian Metamorphoses: The Planet Mars in Ancient Myth and Religion Martian Metamorphoses: The Planet Mars in Ancient Myth and Religion Martian Metamorphoses Martian Meteorites in Ancient Myth and Modern Science Martian Meteorites Mass Movements in Level Areas Matters Arising Maturation ...
394. Indra's Theft of the Sun-God's Wheel [Journals] [Aeon]
... standpoint of comparative mythology, we find that other peoples likewise described the "thunderbolt" as a stone thrown from heaven. In his landmark study of the thunderweapon in comparative religion, Blinkenberg summarized the ancient conception of lightning as follows: "The lightning, then, is produced by a stone which shoots down from heaven to earth." ... Warrior-Hero," AEON I:5 (1988), pp. 41-54. 113. Papyrus Harris 58. See the discussion in H. Bonnet, Reallexikon der agyptischen Religionsgeschichte (Berlin, 1952), p. 686. 114. R. Anthes, "Mythology in Ancient Egypt," in S. Kramer ed., Mythologies ...
395. "The Seasons Alter": Catastrophism in A Midsummer Night's Dream [Journals] [Kronos]
... by political chaos, social upheaval, a letting loose of internecine evil, a loss of order in life as the fearful consequence of the Queen's seemingly imminent demise. The religious problems of Shakespeare's time and earlier were another area of communal life sufficiently disturbed to contribute to Shakespeare's C-recall. England experienced almost unrelenting religious strife of a violent and implacable ... . . a climate of continuing terror concerning the stability of the natural order and its imminent dissolution.(23) When we add the unrelenting concurrent unrest in politics, religion and foreign affairs just described, not to mention the wild economic fluctuations of the time, all coexistent, each one intensifying the other in creating terror concerning the stability ...
396. Planetary Identities: I, The Concept of Deity [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... , demons, and fairies. What concerns us are the great deities of mankind - the creators and destroyers, the movers of the world - which we find imbuing the religious and cosmic beliefs of early civilizations and primitive tribes alike. 3. Divine Genesis Boyles has stressed one very important point that is often ignored in almost all treatments of ... to Pele in America's fiftieth state? [30] Does any of this negate the fact that the countries in question also pay homage to a higher deity dictated by whatever religion these societies adhere to? Why, then, could not primeval planetary worship have co-existed with a more down-to-earth animism? As research implies, residual planetary worship continues to ...
397. The Poem of Erra [Journals] [Aeon]
... of the gods by an usurper; the rebellion or desertion of the king's faithful servants or spouse; the suspension of the king's government and its laws; the abrogation of religious practices; the despoilation of the king's land (i .e ., plague overtakes the land or the land turns to desert); etc. A careful reading ... opinion, are to be identified as personifications of the planet Mars. In Hesiod and the Near East, P. Walcot documents the widespread influence of Oriental ideas on the religion and mythology of the Greeks. A subject of discussion was Apollo's stormy entrance into Olympus: "The hymn to Apollo opens with a description of how the gods react ...
... a freedom from going into the army, as the former prefects have done, and permit them to use the customs of their forefathers, in assembling together for sacred and religious purposes, as their law requires, and for collecting oblations necessary for sacrifices; and my will is, that you write this to the several cities under your jurisdiction ... besides these there were among the treasures two thousand talents of sacred money: yet did Pompey touch nothing of all this, (8 ) on account of his regard to religion; and in this point also he acted in a manner that was worthy of his virtue. The next day he gave order to those that had the charge of ...
399. The Scenario of Exodus [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the Jews to leave their homes in Goshen, Egypt, were based upon conditions and motives clear to both sides. The Hebrews were primarily interested in economic freedom, not religious freedom; Yahweh wanted to help them, but it is always "Let My people go, that they may serve Me." Moses, that is, was ... too. They were of the Old and Middle Kingdoms, of the age of thunderbolting electric gods, and must have been centers of atmospheric science and of electrical phenomena. Religion and science were tied to the pyramids, and the genealogy, traditions, and faith of the royal family and elite. Even today, thousands of miles and thousands ...
400. Spatters And Planetary Iconography [Journals] [Velikovskian]
... From: The Velikovskian Vol 2 No 4 (1994) Home | Issue Contents Spatters And Planetary Iconography Charles Raspil A manifestation appearing in both religious and mythical art worldwide, from the middle of the second millennium BC through the 18th century AD, and which I call the spatter, looks like this: In their portrayal of the spatter ... globes. Again, are spatters related to these objects? Literature also gives an account of the spatter. In one account of Anatolian (Turkish) mythology, the Phrygian religion relates the love story of Kybele (or Cybele, the mountain goddess and queen of nature and fertility) and Attis (the vegetation god), linking their union ...
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