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1640 results found.
164 pages of results. 381. The Origin of the Devil (Moons, Myths and Man) [Books]
... From: Moons, Myths and Man by H. S. Bellamy CD Rom Home Last | Contents | Next 9 The Origin of the Devil Of all religious systems ever conceived Mosaism is by far the rest, and its flower Christianity the most sublime. Systematically all coarse, gross, primitive traits were eliminated or spiritualized, until at ... Arabic tûfon, a destructive demon; and even Chinese tai-feng, a tornado of the China Seas (typhoon). The devil takes the part of the dragon in modern religion, his divine counterpart the place of the dragon. Upon the experiences of the Tertiary cataclysm all religious systems, including Christianity, were built. A peculiar name for ...
382. The Hermes Connection [Journals] [Aeon]
... C ., and the new emphasis on hermetic legends and the philosophies which sprang from them. This nearly 3000-year old legacy of Eastern mysticism has influenced our own philosophy and religious beliefs and has increasingly imbedded itself in our science. (2 ) The Mystery of the Tao The Tao, as a way or path, can be conceptualized quite ... misty recollections of their origin. The hermetic seeds gave rise to cultic religious and bizarre sexual practices and lifestyles, as well as giving root to some of the world's great religions and philosophical insights. In the Orient the Tao became the way or path, while among the Greeks it was the hodos, also way or path, which might ...
383. The Crescent II [Books]
... simply indicate the manner in which the question can be resolved by reference to the Saturnian configuration. Of course, there can be little progress toward an improved understanding of ancient religious texts until the translators and commentators acknowledge the celestial character of the imagery. From start to finish the hymns and liturgies deal with cosmic figures and cosmic events. And ... drawings the cosmic ship either rests on the upraised arms of a Heaven Man or actually forms the god's arms; (e , f) In other drawings from the same religion a pillared crescent stands in the ship. 102. Prehistoric Egyptian images of the cosmic ship alternately show the Heaven Man (with upraised arms) or the pillared crescent ...
384. Implications for Chronology if Certain 'Historical' Characters are Mythological [Journals] [SIS Review]
... so it would seem, is that some celestial apparition - perhaps one no longer visible - provided a spectacular and awe-inspiring form that came to serve as the focal point of religious and mythical beliefs everywhere [24]. The universal belief in a World Pillar or Cosmic Tree, for example, might find its origin in a pillar-like column in ... Certain Historical' Characters are Mythological Ev Cochrane Ev Cochrane, an American teacher of cultural anthropology, is the author of Martian Metamorphoses, The Planet Mars in Ancient Myth and Religion and The Many Faces of Venus and has published many articles on mythology and archaeoastronomy Introduction Despite the fact that the 21st century is well under way, hardly a year ...
385. A Note on the "Land of Punt" [Journals] [Kronos]
... 18). The name Divine (or Holy) Land, given to the region of Jerusalem in Egyptian inscriptions of the Old and Middle Kingdoms, casts light upon the religious significance of Jerusalem and Palestine generally in the days before David, even as early as the days when the Israelites were still nomads. Since then and up to the ... Presence" was so strongly linked to the region of Palestine and Phoenicia, it is of especial importance to note an observation made by W. F. Albright on the religion of Carthage, a Phoenician colony. "The term Presence' reminds one strongly of the late Canaanite (Carthaginian) idea that [the goddess] Tanit was the ...
386. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... doubts about paying almost £7 for secondhand material, we have Sagan's assurance that the essays have been "carefully arranged". down with hell and heaven and all the religious fuss infinity pleased our parents one inch looks good to us - e. e. cummings I should now like to qualify my opening quotation. Though Sagan has some ... smiles of approval from the Soviet Praesidium. One of Sagan's main conclusions from his "analysis" of Worlds in Collision is that the work constitutes "an attempted validation of religion". Now it is quite clear from the book that Velikovsky, in suggesting that many religious beliefs and rituals are grounded in the traumatic psychological reactions to natural upheavals ...
387. Velikovsky in Shakespeare [Articles]
... peace is near. Prove this a prosp' rous day, the three-nooked world Shall hear the olive freely.[2 ] Thus, the political story acquires a vast religious dimension - it clears the way, prepares the ground, for a new life, for Christ. The turbulence in this tragedy leads to a welcome, beneficent stasis ... the mind and imagination of man, for the immortality which Cleopatra, under the guise of the goddess Venus, achieves, is after all the immortality which art, not religion, has to offer.[58] Art, and myth, the concealing and transforming processes of the human mind, make the best of what had at first ...
388. A Chronological Note on the Kassites [Journals] [Aeon]
... each other that even the finest philologists of our time have the greatest difficulty assigning a cuneiform tablet to its proper millennium: To focus on the intellectual, scientific, or religious history of the [Kassite] period, it would be necessary to be able to date the pertinent documents with more precision so that Middle Babylonian Kassite materials [ - ... in actual fact precede them and, thus, would become indistinguishable from the neo-Sumerians whom they also resemble in the spheres of architecture and- as will be shown below- religion. III One may well ask why a civilization, whose architecture, art, language and even military events fit the period of the seventh to fifth century or of ...
389. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... . They are of a more earthly level and deal with natural forces and products of the primary psyche. As a non-baptised person who has never been indoctrinated in any particular religious theory, belief or opinion, I was very surprised to be accused of "paying lip-service to the sacredness of the Biblical text". My original interest in Velikovsky ... as Derek Douglass seems to be, that fairy tales can be presented as myth. What have fairy tales to do with Biblical allegories? Fairy tales never occupy themselves with religion, gods or angels, least of all with the Bible. They are of a more earthly level and deal with natural forces and products of the primary psyche. ...
390. Untitled [Books]
... of universal peace is near. Prove this a prosp'rous Clay, the three'nooked world Shall bear the olive freely [26]. Thus, the political story acquires a vast religious dimension - it clears the way, prepares the ground, for a new life, for Christ. The turbulence in this tragedy leads to a welcome, beneficent stasis ... finally to salvation and then to seemingly total Chaos by light. The pattern is substantially Velikovskian, and is also quintessential to most creative art, myth, folklore, and religion. In Jungian terms, Oberon and Puck, as different aspects of the restorative agency, may be Hare and Trickster, indicating that the restorative process is beneficent in ...
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