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164 pages of results. 371. Devi And Venus [Journals] [Kronos]
... Dravidian origin of the Devi. This gains strength from the importance attached in Dravidian religion to the "Seven Sisters" and the fact that female deities are prominent in Dravidian religious beliefs. On the other hand, Elmore also presents a number of criteria to assist one on spotting Dravidian deities in ostensibly Hindu guises. These criteria do not fit ... hair), Tara (star), Jagad-Gauri (Fair One of the Universe), to mention just a few. John Dowson's A Classical Dictionary of Hindu Mythology and Religion (7 ) lists a total of 68 different appellations of the Devi, and the list is very far from exhaustive. Arthur and Ellen Avalon, in their compilation ...
... still quite wet, but fire fell from above and dried it. ' An old Jew told me the following story, which he had heard in his youth from a religious instructor; I have not been able to find the myth recorded anywhere: When the Earth was newly created it was quite wet; mud covered it and there were ... interpretation. Both are confirmed by the teachings of Hoerbiger's Cosmological Theory regarding the breakdown of satellites. The third is the spiritual' way, the highest from the standpoint of religion: mythology finds rather little of interest in it. 1. THE FASHIONING OF THE EARTH OUT OF SOME VANQUISHED MONSTER'S BODY Let us first look at a number of ...
373. The Invisible College by Robert Lomas (Book review) [Journals] [SIS Review]
... derive from the Hermetic Mysteries. Once it did this it was free of political machinations and meddling. Scientists have remained in control since the early Hanoverian period and, without religious shackles to restrict where their minds might take them, science has grown into what it is today. The book is a very good read and a window on an ... recent years and this is the pick of the bunch. The view of the author is that prior to the establishment of the Royal Society, science had been dominated by religion and was suppressed by theological arguments that took precedence in all avenues of intellectual endeavour. The Church had a monopoly on thinking and it already knew God's truth, which ...
374. The Origin of Velikovsky's Comet [Journals] [Kronos]
... events within the memory of man.(1 ) Velikovsky, of course, did not look to astronomy for his evidence of interplanetary disturbances, but to history. Ancient religious and mythological texts provided the primary sources for Worlds in Collision; and in the end, it will be these sources that offer the acid test of his thesis. ... collective consciousness of man. This cosmology, however, has yet to be recognized by conventional schools. 4. The Great Mother One of the most prominent features of ancient religion is the universal devotion to a goddess called the "Great Mother". Perhaps the best-known early instances of the goddess are the Egyptian Isis and the Mesopotamian Inanna-Ishtar. ...
375. The Transfiguration of Trauma [Books] [de Grazia books]
... symptoms of disaster. Not having yet uncovered the source of the infernal angst that crouches ready to produce psychotic behavior, therapists, whether specialized in sexually oriented crises, or religiously inspired, or war-peace directed, or of any other inclination - alienation, materialism, etc. - can go on in endless circles, curing when easing of symptoms ... Penelope and possessions. The reduction of the gods to human terms in the Love Affair myth under examination is basically a way of coping with them. It is universal in religion, as annoying as it may be to rational philosophers. All religion is a dream; the actions here analyzed are a mere flicker played upon a universal human screen ...
376. Focus [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... with the first article of the centenary edition (15.4 .82, p. 130) is beyond comprehension. His devotion to Darwinism took the form of a religious faith which he proceeded to "prove" on theoretical grounds "regardless of evidence" (sic). His statement that: "Darwin's theory is now supported by ... it is a dangerous sham? It is not its religious origins per se." He professes to believe its danger lies in the "wretched arguments" used to fob religion off as science. If these arguments are so wretched why do they worry him so? His article is a rehash of his former, claiming again that Creationists are ...
377. Velikovsky, Fundamentalism and the Revised Chronology [Journals] [Aeon]
... Heinsohn's work, and gradually it became clear. I was angry with him because he was undermining Biblical history. Now, I am not what is usually called a "religious" person. I'm not an atheist, but I don't attend religious services except on special occasions, and only then to make someone else happy. I would resent ... in the revised chronology, the more I had to admit it was tinged with a streak of "hidden fundamentalism." The revised chronology was a way to get my religion in secular doses without having to swallow it whole. Velikovsky was keenly aware that his work is closely connected with religious sentiment. Opponents of Worlds in Collision accused Velikovsky ...
378. Letters [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... - and that is believable in view of a most persuasive book. Sitchin's approach is to largely validate the Old Testament historically, and to harmonize it with other historical and religious writings of antiquity by the exhaustively careful evaluation of the translations of clay tablets, stelae, etc., unearthed by archaeologists of the past hundred years. His pattern ... . One begins to feel that interest, extreme interest even, is not sufficient, and that total undeviating acceptance and belief is necessary, almost as though a new dogmatic religion is developing, and that interest in possible alternative schemes is heresy. I was brought to this state of thinking by the treatment, or perhaps lack of treatment, ...
379. The Comet Venus, Part 1 Venus Ch.8 (Worlds in Collision) [Velikovsky] [Velikovsky Worlds in Collision]
... like a fire accompanied by smoke"). Cf. Atharva-Veda vi. 3, 15 52. Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Shabbat 156a. 53. M. Jastrow, Religious Belief in Babylonia and Assyria (1911), p. 221; Cf. . Schaumberger, "Der Bart der Venus" in F. X. Kugler, ... Sahagun, Historia general de las cosas de Nueva Espańa, Bk. VII, Chap. 4. 51. J. Scheftelowitz, Die Zeit als Schicksalsgottheit in der iranischen Religion (1929), P. 4; Venus: "aussieht wie ein mit Rauch versehenes Feuer" (" looks like a fire accompanied by smoke"). ...
380. Imaginary and Expected Catastrophes: Apocalyptic Desire and Scientific Prognosis [Journals] [SIS Review]
... cataclysmic fear which frightened the unenlightened nations was no longer of concern for the Israelites who in the past, however, did not differ from the other nations in their planetary religion: The sun, the moon, and all the host of heaven whom they have loved, and whom they have served, and after whom they have walked, ... Conference Remembering for the Future II, Berlin, March 13 -17, 1994 as well as G. Heinsohn, Ursprung und Niedergang des Opfers und der Götter. Grundlegung der Religionstheorie, University of Bremen, September 1995, chapters IX and X. 32. St. Mark 13: 24f. // St. Luke 21:11. ...
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