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164 pages of results. 291. Thoth Vol III, No. 12: Aug 31, 1999 [Journals] [Thoth]
... of a primal fear and guilt. What began as a purely intellectual activity is transformed under the heat and pressure of a deep-seated terror into a moralistic and religiose caricature of religious activity. "[ M ]aking sense of the otherwise incomprehensible world" is an activity quite different from being right. There are more paradigms than a person has ... the non-rational necessity of a primal fear and guilt. What began as a purely intellectual activity is transformed under the heat and pressure of a deep-seated terror into a moralistic and religiose caricature of religious activity. "[ M ]aking sense of the otherwise incomprehensible world" is an activity quite different from being right. There are more paradigms than ...
... son of Ķa and Duazag, that is the Eastern Mountain (Jensen, p. 237). Now, however difficult it may be to follow these changes from the religious point of view, from the astronomical side they are not only easily explained, but might have been predicted, provided one hypothesis be permitted, namely, that the ... of Nergal to Marduk?" Because the northern races were always tending southwards, being pushed from behind, while the supply of Eridu culture was not being replenished. The religion and astronomy of the north were continually being strengthened, and among this astronomy was the cult of the sun at the vernal equinox, the springtime of the northern hemisphere ...
293. Egyptian Language Anomalies [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... Shabaka of an earlier text written by ancestors'. Hence, the copy is dated to the 25th Dynasty' around 710 BC [10]. The inscription had obvious religious and/or political purposes. It emphasised the role of Ptah in unifying Egypt and the importance of Memphis. The introduction to Wilson's translation in ANET states, The ... broken. Men began to write poetry in the actual language of the day, and in it is composed the beautiful hymn to the sun, the manifestor of the reformed religion. ' [9 ] Erman asserts, as did James, that the use of Late Egyptian continued despite the collapse of Akhenaten's other innovations. So, according to ...
294. Bookshelf [Journals] [SIS Review]
... and Aramaean colonies in Egypt during the Persian period. Velikovsky also argues that the art of Ramesses III's hunting reliefs betrays Assyrian arid Persian influence; he examines temple architecture and religious art to reveal similar misplaced "echoes". Chapter Five deals, unfortunately rather briefly, with the successors of Ramesses III, who are identified by Velikovsky with the ... as Attica in Greece, are detailed. Chapter Four rounds off these parallels by comparing trends in the cultural life of XXth Dynasty and fourth century Egypt. The language and religion of Egypt were strongly coloured by Semitic importations under the XXth Dynasty, comparable to the well-documented influences of the Jewish and Aramaean colonies in Egypt during the Persian period. ...
295. Legends and Scripture [Books] [de Grazia books]
... the latter are selected legends, called "divinely inspired or spoken" by their believers, which have been careful-ly guarded and edited to pursue the continuous but also continu-ally changing religious goals of their custodians. Myth and legends, not so regarded, or whose line of custodians died out, were left like abandoned children to wander through time as ... enhances their credibility. Ominous conclusions emerge from these several pages. There is much history in myth, legend and scripture everywhere in the world. In a sense, all religions are desperately honest in their fundamental statements. Yet it is appreciated that, in a memory choice between a delusion and an historical fact, a religion will prefer the ...
296. Anomalistics - a New Field of Interdisciplinary Studies [Journals] [Catastrophist Geology]
... assurance of even minimal success. The trouble with this typology, of course, is that, having been set up for the natural sciences, it is poorly adapted to religious, humanistic, and social studies. An alternative typology is one that is drawn from within the study of anomalies rather than from outside it. Such a typology, ... we have noted, less clear-cut. But one can cite as anomalous the long-standing philosophical dichotomy of mind and matter, as one can also cite the perennial difficulty of defining religion. Depending both on circumstance and on the definer, religion can consist essentially of a creed, a code, a cluster of rituals, or a response to occult ...
297. Ras Shamra (Ages in Chaos) [Velikovsky]
... Old Testament in vocabulary and poetic style",47 and an "intimate relationship existing between the Ras Shamra tablets and the literature of the Old Testament".48 The religious cult, as reflected by poems and other texts of Ras Shamra, also bore a certain resemblance to the cult of the Israelites. There was a Rav Cohanim, ... "), known by the same name in the Bible as the Lord of the Israelites, is regarded as "a clear indication of a monotheistic tendency in the Canaanite religion".35 However, besides El being not the sole but the chief god, he is described in the Ras Shamra texts in Homeric terms strange to the Old ...
298. Comalcalco: A Case for Early Pre-Columbian Contact and Influence? [Journals] [SIS Review]
... as the proto Indo-European culture, the Goddess religion and its symbols survived as an undercurrent in many areas'. The outcome of the clash of Old European with alien Indo-European religious forms was not a replacement of one culture by another, but a gradual hybridization of two different symbolic systems'. Although the Goddess religion went underground and also strange ... into symbolic artefacts from the earliest Neolithic village sites in Europe (c . 7000-3500BC). The purpose of the first book was to present the pictorial script' for the religion of the Old European Great Goddess, consisting of signs, symbols, and images of divinities' which reveal the basic world view of Old European (pre-Indo-European) culture ...
299. Introducing Anomalistics: A New Field of Interdisciplinary Study [Journals] [Kronos]
... assurance of even minimal success. The trouble with this typology, of course, is that, having been set up for the natural sciences, it is poorly adapted to religious, humanistic, and social studies. An alternative typology is one that is drawn from within the study of anomalies rather than from outside it. Such a typology, ... we have noted, less clearcut. But one can cite as anomalous the long-standing philosophical dichotomy of mind and matter, as one can also cite the perennial difficulty of defining religion. Depending both on circumstance and on the definer, religion can consist essentially of a creed, a code, a cluster of rituals, or a response to occult ...
300. The origin of the sacred 260 day calendar of the early Mesoamerican civilisations: a hypothesis [Journals] [SIS Review]
... around the seasons. The association with the planet Venus The 260 day calendar is clearly identified as a sacred complement to the 365 day civil calendar and dictates the timing of religious rituals at the end of each calendar round. What is striking is that wherever the 260 day calendar is in use, the planet Venus, in various local guises ... plays a major part in the religion of the people and always in a violent role. In Mesoamerican thought, Venus was an exceptionally malevolent heavenly body... ' [5 ] whose prime manifestation was as a plumed or feathered serpent. Examples can be traced throughout the centuries of occupation of Central America. The outstanding monument of the ...
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