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Search results for: religio* in all categories

1640 results found.

164 pages of results.
281. The Chronology of Israel and Judah Part IId [Journals] [Catastrophism & Ancient History]
... Canaan and a period of relative peace, Joshua and the older generation died out and Israel fell into idolatry. For several generations the cycle of idolatry, foreign invasion, religious revival, and periods of peace (" rest" or "quietness," translated from the Hebrew word shaqat) repeated itself. Shaqat implies that Israel was free ... " there was a time of relative peace (shaqat) during the 40 years called "the days of Gideon." After Gideon's death Israel began openly to follow the religion of Baal. Abimelech, a son of Gideon, conspired with the men (baalim or leaders) of Shechem. He gained power by killing all his half-brothers except ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 468  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/cat-anc/vol0801/05chron.htm
282. Book Reviews [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... hour or even longer before birth. If the senses are functioning and the brain is there, why not the registers of memory? This first stage is closely related to religious and mystical enlightenment, he finds: Freud's "oceanic" state - the experience of cosmic unity - transcendence of time and space - the feeling of access to direct ... make for the elucidation of enigmas which have engaged thinking men for centuries. What are the roots of human benevolence and human violence? What accounts for the universal presence of religion in human cultures? Most of Dr Grof's professional life has centred around the use of psychedelic drugs - particularly LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide). He began these studies ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 468  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/workshop/vol0303/22books.htm
... king and an enthusiast for Hellenic culture. Philadelphus married his sister, in this taking licence from Egyptian royal usage, but otherwise he abhorred the mysterious atmosphere of the native religious cults, and a gay religious cult of Serapis, to a great extent, supplanted the ancient cults of Amon, of Ptah, and of other deities. The ... could be compared to the change that the age of enlightenment brought to eighteenth-century Europe; but under Ptolemy there was also much of seventeenth-century Versailles, a mood of indifference to religion, and this despite the prevalence of the people of the cloth in politics and cultural affairs. The court was "magnificent and dissolute, intellectual and artificial". ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 468  -  04 Jul 2007  -  URL: /online/no-text/velikovsky/peoples/204-si-amon.htm
284. Beyond Bauer [Journals] [Aeon]
... evidence against it. Here Bauer observes, quite rightly in my opinion, that: "Among many of Velikovsky's supporters a fervor is seen that can aptly be described as religious." (5 ) The net result of this polemical battle waged between two equally intransigent parties, according to Bauer, was that the debate over Velikovsky's ideas frequently ... . (9 ) Such questions, while relevant to the discussion of Velikovsky's ideas, distract attention from the larger issues at stake, such as the planetary basis of ancient religion and, in any case, may well be irresolvable given the current state of our knowledge. A better strategy, perhaps, would be to pursue a systematic investigation ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 468  -  30 Jul 2008  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0206/111beynd.htm
... by degrees into a chasm or opening of a rock, which the Temple stood upon, and so left the floor dry again. And this was a rite solemnly and religiously perform'd both by the Priests and by the people: If Moses had left such a religious rite among the Jews, I should not have doubted to have interpreted it ... to be fallaciously writ in such things as lie within their certain knowledge? We are not to suppose that any truth concerning the, natural World can be an Enemy to Religion; for truth cannot be an Enemy to truth, God is not divided against himself ; and therefore we ought not upon that account to condemn or censure what we ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 467  -  04 Mar 2006  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/sacred/index.htm
... of such disasters occurred in the period of the dawn of civilization seems to be highly probable. We may cite here not only the striking documentation published by Immanuel Velikovsky from religious myths and secular histories of the earliest times, but also the researches of the Renaissance and Enlightenment scholars such as Giordano Bruno and Nicolas-Antoine Boulanger, surveys of Claude Schaeffer ... human fear and human memory. Part I Fear By our third year of life we are already communicating catastrophic experiences to others. If we have not yet been catechized by religion, we may have learned to chant of catastrophe by means of fables. We may have heard repeatedly of Chicken-Licken (alias Chicken Little, Henny-Penny, "The End ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 464  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/milton/031pal.htm
... it shall be lawful for the priests to determine that sum as they think fit. And if any slay beasts at home for a private festival, but not for a religious one, they are obliged to bring the maw and the cheek, [or breast,] and the right shoulder of the sacrifice, to the priests. With ... refused it. However, he himself will judge again who it shall be whom he would have to offer sacrifices to him, and to have the direction of matters of religion; for it is absurd that Corah, who is ambitious of this honor, should deprive God of the power of giving it to whom he pleases. Put an ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 463  -  31 Jan 2001  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/josephus/ant-4.htm
... brain ancestral anxieties - it reconciles the fearful and the hopeful. I feel that popular culture performs the same medicinal function for Western man, but in a different, surprisingly religious manner. Perhaps it appeals to the non-linear, more comprehensive "right-brain" part of us. Whereas "great" narrative has almost always been constrained to present an ... of the soap-opera. In fact, it may be more accurate to say that the soap opera has anticipated recent cosmological discovery. Its world view has long been shared by religion, great art, and Eastern thought, but mainstream science possessed an entirely different attitude when it was strictly Newtonian and uniformitarian and did not allow for large-scale disorder whatsoever ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 463  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0703/046collc.htm
... finished post 500BC. Within the Bible commentaries of this time is the statement that God will cause Israel to forget its feast days. The foregoing limitations are anathema to those religions which adhere to the Saturday Sabbath as their basic article of faith in upholding Mosaic Law. Any calendar law which stipulates a cycle of fifty-one seven day Sabbaths with one ... till ultimately Saturday is the start day again. Therefore by using two related cultures we can demonstrate that post-Exodus Egypt and Israel functioned under calendars of 365 days and that the religiosity of both calendars was never questioned, as indeed the present year of 365 ¼ is without question. A hemisphere away we have, in the Dresden Codex, Maya ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 462  -  05 Mar 2003  -  URL: /online/pubs/journals/review/v1995/08year.htm
290. New Fashions in Catastrophism [Books] [de Grazia books]
... they coincided with a world disaster and the ending of an age. The serpent, dragon, winged-globe, caduceus, and other ancient symbols are traceable to cometary catastrophes. Religious festival are dated by cometary catastrophes. Cometary conflagrations are the origin of coal deposits. The ancients had a true 360 day year. The planet Venus underwent great changes ... present in cometary tails. Ancient chronology was several hundred years too old. The Ancient calendars had to be revised because of the catastrophe. Many species were extinguished catastrophically. Religion was born in cometary worship and tied to phallic forms because of the shape of comets. Fear of cometary collisions is inherited by mankind. Vermin were deposited by comets ...
Terms matched: 2  -  Score: 462  -  29 Mar 2004  -  URL: /online/pubs/books/degrazia/heretics/ch09.htm
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