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1640 results found.
164 pages of results. 231. KA [Books]
... and Philomela into a nightingale. This story can be compared with the other instances of murders and feasts treated in the chapter on heroes and Herakles. The hoopoe had great religious significance. In Greek it is epops. The epoptes is an initiate in the Eleusinian Mysteries; the word means one who beholds'. The bird has a remarkable ... Eight: Sky and Stage) 9. TRIPOD CAULDRONS Notes (Chapter Nine: Tripod Cauldrons) 10. THE EVIDENCE FROM PLUTARCH 11. THE PRESOCRATIC PHILOSOPHERS 12. MYSTERY RELIGIONS Notes (Chapter Twelve: Mystery Religions) 13. KA', AND EGYPTIAN MAGIC Notes (Chapter Thirteen: KA" and Egyptian magic) 14. BOLTS FROM ...
232. What is Uniformitarianism and how did it get here? [Journals] [Horus]
... The amateurs who were members were interested in geology not so much because of its practical applications or even for the theoretical speculations of a new science, but because of the religious and political consequences it might have. In the 18th century, the winds of democracy from America and the attacks of thinkers like Locke and Rousseau, among others, ... were increasingly confused, and to themselves as honest individuals laboring to establish the truth. Others wanted nothing less than to destroy once and for all the connection between science and religion. And those who were politically motivated wanted to bury forever the notion of the divine right of kings. If the scientific evidence denied the truth of the Bible, ...
233. Introduction (In the Beginning: God) [Books]
... whose patient and minutely, exact investigations and analyses proved the existence in the Book of Genesis of various interesting and significant differences in grammar, diction, literary treatment, and religious outlook. Yet in spite of the labours of Skinner and Driver, to mention only the foremost of Genesis commentators, or, perhaps, just because of their work ... their comparison with the biblical ones caused much difficulty. Actually three problems arose, but they were due to the same cause. Before it became the basis of a loftier religion the collection of literary products which we call the Old Testament was the Sacred Book of a very small nation, the Jews, and the Book of Genesis was the ...
234. From Fadus the Procurator to Florus [Books]
... him, that, on the first onset, they would desert their king, because they were desirous to punish him, by reason of the hatred he had to their religious worship; then they obliged themselves, by oaths, to be faithful to each other, and desired that he would make haste in this design. The king of ... , and bestowed that dignity on his successor Joseph, the son of Cantos. CHAPTER 2. HOW HELENA THE QUEEN OF ADIABENE AND HER SON IZATES, EMBRACED THE JEWISH RELIGION; AND HOW HELENA SUPPLIED THE POOR WITH CORN, WHEN THERE WAS A GREAT FAMINE AT JERUSALEM. 1. ABOUT this time it was that Helena, queen of ...
235. Newton's World View [Journals] [Kronos]
... of the universe had undermined the argument from design for the existence of God. The method of Newton was to try to prove that modern empirical science does not contradict traditional religious views; it is in this spirit that he spent a great deal of time and energy in order to prove that historical science confirms that the Old Testament contains prophecies ... Principia. They have determined that his main interest in life was theology and that he intended to prove that the new science developed from Copernicus and Galileo did not contradict traditional religion. He wanted to return to a medieval conception of the universe. Newton, in effect, intended to undo the work of Galileo who, in his mechanics, ...
236. The Case of the Turkish Turn Coat [Journals] [Kronos]
... Judaism of "the believers". Its heretical mysticism produced an outburst of more or less veiled nihilistic tendencies among some of its followers. Finally it encouraged a mood of religious anarchism on a mystical basis which, where it coincided with favorable external circumstances, played a highly important part in creating a moral and intellectual atmosphere favorable to the reform ... of the father's fur cap which was thrown into the mud by a Christian is told. . . . He tries on the Jewish coat (trimmed with fur, father's religion) and afterwards a foreign (Turkish) one. Why "Turkish" was chosen for foreign I can not say definitely without the assistance of the necessary associations. ...
237. The Legends of the Jews: Volume III - Preface [Books]
... beginnings of Israel as a nation, arose in the time between the Exodus from Egypt and the entrance into the Holy Land. Moses is regarded not only as the greatest religious guide of Israel, but also as its first national leader; he is "the wisest of the wise, the father of the prophets," as well as ... , the house of Jacob from a people of strange language, Jacob was His sanctuary and Israel His dominion." Jewish legend attempts to describe how God's sanctuary, the religion of Israel and His dominion, the beginnings of Israel as a nation, arose in the time between the Exodus from Egypt and the entrance into the Holy Land. ...
238. Orphic Hymns And Astronomy [Journals] [Kronos]
... Orphic Hymns And Astronomy Livio C. Stecchini Copyright (C ) 1981 by the Estate of Livio C. Stecchini Greeks of classical times assigned great importance to a body of religious literature known as Orphic Hymns, which dealt with cosmology and were understood to have originated in archaic times. Up to now, the Orphic Hymns have been analyzed by ... of religion and literature; but, recently (Athens, 1967), an astronomer of the Observatory of Athens, Constantine S. Chassapis, published a monograph, Greek Astronomy of the Second Millennium B. C. According to the Orphic Hymns (Greek title and Greek text, with English summary), in which he examines this material ...
239. Ear Symbols [Books]
... be connected with Chinese natural phenomena; it is depicted according to the conventions of Chinese, in short, it is thoroughly Chinese in every respect, because it reflects Chinese religious beliefs and is prominent in Chinese religious customs. It is a typical Chinese complex. But when dissected, the characteristic Chinese dragon is found to have a history which ... absorbed an earlier stellar cult before the Pyramid Texts were inscribed, but traces of the process remained. The solar faith became the state theology3 but the influence of "folk religion" remained and ultimately became predominant.4 In like manner the early agriculturists who invented new myths, and introduced new modes of thought in connexion with their new modes ...
240. Ear Symbols [Books]
... be connected with Chinese natural phenomena; it is depicted according to the conventions of Chinese, in short, it is thoroughly Chinese in every respect, because it reflects Chinese religious beliefs and is prominent in Chinese religious customs. It is a typical Chinese complex. But when dissected, the characteristic Chinese dragon is found to have a history which ... absorbed an earlier stellar cult before the Pyramid Texts were inscribed, but traces of the process remained. The solar faith became the state theology3 but the influence of "folk religion" remained and ultimately became predominant.4 In like manner the early agriculturists who invented new myths, and introduced new modes of thought in connexion with their new modes ...
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