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1640 results found.
164 pages of results. 211. Quantavolutions [Books] [de Grazia books]
... ancient document and legend known to us from around the world would repeat the same kind of catastrophic history and lend support to the testimony of our eyes and the voice of religious and social authorities. We might have been granted different, or additional, heroes of science, too: the brave Spanish priests who rescued from certain destruction the iconography ... the Americas; astronomers like William Whiston who perceived an exoterrestrial cause for the Noachian deluge; anthropologists like Nicholas-Antoine Boulanger who recognized the symptoms of catastrophic fear in the history of religion; paleontologists such as Cuvier who discovered the layerings of catastrophe; anthropological-biological explorers like Humboldt who accorded respect to aboriginal accounts. Charles Lyell and his supporters thereupon might have ...
212. Behold Thy Gods, O Israel Jeroboam and the Israelite Revolution [Journals] [Kronos]
... accomplishments merit respectful attention. Not only was he the leader and inspirer of the first popular revolution in recorded history, but he also successfully carried out a radical and democratic religious reformation. Moreover, the state he established, though perpetually menaced by militarily and economically stronger neighbors, was able to endure for more than two centuries. It was ... the Solomonic Kingdom and its relationship to 18th Dynasty Egypt. - the forms of planet-worship deriving from the great catastrophes of the Exodus, and their role in the pre-Biblical Israelite religion. - the critical evaluation of Biblical and other historical texts. The only surviving sources of information about Jeroboam are the historical books of the Bible (I Kings and ...
213. Thoth Vol I, No. 11: May 3, 1997 [Journals] [Thoth]
... sun. And that's the first challenge we must meet, because there's a world of difference between the literal meanings of the texts and the familiar translations. In the Egyptian religious system, the ruler of the sky occupies a designated place, presiding over what the priests remembered as "the age of the primeval gods." The Egyptian sun ... By Michael Armstrong (mikamar@e-z.net) Earlier today, while reading a book on the philosophy of science, I paused at the obligatory section on science and religion, where I found an interesting view expressed. Though the typical definitions will have science dealing with the physical world and religion with the spiritual, others have said that ...
... about pseudoscience or the occult, or later to castigate the Scientific Creationists, they usually deemed it necessary to include Velikovsky in their denunciations- even though Velikovsky shared their abhorrence for religious fundamentalism. In fact, in the 1960's when a new, more restive, generation of Americans began taking his ideas seriously and accepting the man himself as a sort ... (or quixotic) astrohistorical findings," but much was made of Velikovsky's reactions to the critical astronomers' fault-finding. Breit quoted Velikovsky as saying: Science today, as religion in the past, has become dogmatic- in the East as in the West. A scientist must swear loyalty to the established dogmas. The first rule of the scientific ...
215. Incest. Part 1 (Oedipus and Akhnaton) [Velikovsky]
... the present era described the people of Matiene: this Persian satrapy was near Mount Ararat.3 Though the geographical position of Mitanni may be a matter of controversy, the religious affiliation of its people is known for certain. The kings of that people prayed to and swore by Mitra, Varuna, Indra, and other Indo-Iranian gods. And ... .); it is especially obnoxious to demons, whose power it impairs (Dinkart, III. 82); it is the second of the seven good works of religion, its neglect the fourth of the thirty heinous sins, and it is the ninth of the thirty-three ways of gaining heaven. It is even said to have been ...
216. Akhetaten - Horizon of the Aten [Journals] [SIS Internet Digest]
... directions. It was deliberately chosen by Akhenaten as a virgin site and can be seen as a deliberate move away from any existing power-base. It also would have appealed on religious grounds as a break in the cliff wall to the east allows the rising sun to shine through the gap in a physical manifestation of one of the central images of ... religion. Boundary stelae were set up in Akhenaten's year 4, decorated with typical Amarna artwork. 15 of these have so far been found. The city was then constructed in haste, with a definite time frame in mind. Akhenaten's intention was that as Egypt's new capital it would endure for many years, but in actuality it was occupied ...
217. "Heaven and Earth": Catastrophism in Hamlet [Journals] [Kronos]
... be offered through a comparative study of the play's sources. There appear to be strong lines of connection between Hamlet, its literary and historical antecedents, and certain myths and religious stories, some appearing in cultures widely separated from Shakespeare in place and time. The nature of these connections is the topic of this chapter, for only in certain ... ) It is metaphysic in its primary and purest form, the closest verbal approach to an immediate intuition of reality... [As] the evidence of every great religion shows, to the believer, myth is actually identical with truth.(10) When certain images or actions are discovered universally in myth and literature and are considered ...
218. The Female Star [Journals] [Aeon]
... as is well-known, was explicitly identified with the planet Venus. The cult of Inanna, upon being assimilated with that of the Semitic goddess Ishtar, continued to dominate the religious landscape of Mesopotamia for over three thousand years. As our earliest historical testimony documenting the worship of the planet Venus, the Sumerian cult of Inanna must feature prominently in ... ancients' daily lives. The scholar who has done the most to restore the "prestige" of ancient myth, perhaps, is Mircea Eliade, the noted historian of religion. Speaking of the role of myth in ancient (and so-called primitive) cultures, Eliade notes: "One fact strikes us immediately: in such societies the myth ...
219. Holocaust and Amnesia [Books] [de Grazia books]
... . She wrote to Deg on January 23, 1981: Dear Prof. de Grazia, My husband died very recently; as is customary for Jews, even not practising religious commandments, we stay at home at least a week. In this time I went through his many letters and found also yours. I have the impression that you ... new enemies and unwanted new friends. Evidence, examples: Of 1: direct statements; writings; philosophy of psychoanalysis; his theory of "great fear" as bringing religion; belief that Jews were even in Biblical times polytheistic. Of 2: works of his life- Zionism; gift of income from his property to Israel in June ...
220. "Worlds in Collision": Reviews and Reviewers [Journals] [Aeon]
... pseudoscience or the occult, or later to castigate the Scientific Creationists, they usually deemed it necessary to include Velikovsky in their denunciations- even though Velikovsky shared their abhorrence for religious fundamentalism. In fact, in the 1960s, when a new, more restive, generation of Americans began taking his ideas seriously and accepting the man himself as a ... (or quixotic) astrohistorical findings," but much was made of Velikovsky's reactions to the critical astronomers' fault-finding. Breit quoted Velikovsky as saying: Science today, as religion in the past, has become dogmatic- in the East as in the West. A scientist must swear loyalty to the established dogmas. The first rule of the ...
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