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164 pages of results. 101. Society News [Journals] [SIS Workshop]
... this year was suitably rewarded for attendance by two extremely interesting and interdisciplinary lectures which dovetailed nicely together to give us some suggested explanations for the origins and causes of mythological and religious expression from Neolithic to historical man. Professor Irving Wolfe from Montreal, Canada, was originally advertised as speaking on A Catastrophic Reading of Western Cosmology' but, by ... 1993 conference and talked to us instead on A Catastrophic Reading of Religious Systems'. As this dealt with the origins and reasons for the survival of the present day world religions, its subject matter was chronologically later than that of our second speaker so I will deal with the lectures in reverse order. Dr Terence Meaden is perhaps best known ...
102. 'Worlds in Collision' and the Birth of Monotheism [Journals] [SIS Review]
... " in the Israelites' view of man and the universe, enabling them to abandon the worship of nature and embrace monotheism, and of incalculable influence on the development of religious thought. Recent work on the origins of monotheism has tended to erode the older view that monotheism grew gradually out of polytheism. Frank M. Cross, for example ... The Listener, Midstream, etc., and an editor of Jewish Quarterly and European Judaism. The catastrophes postulated by Velikovsky have considerable implications for the development of the Israelite religion. The unique circumstances of the Exodus may have brought about a "mutation" in the Israelites' view of man and the universe, enabling them to abandon the ...
103. Letters [Journals] [Kronos]
... the Editor: In "Sin and the Control System" (KRONOS 11, 2, 1976, 77-91) John V. Myers convincingly argues the cosmic-catastrophic origins of major religious texts, as well as of notions of "sin" and of certain subsequent historical events such as witch-hunts and pogroms. To summarize, Myers holds that "uniformitarian ... [who] do not believe in cataclysms and in the cosmic origins of religion... can seldom catch a religion at the precise moment of its inception [emphasis added] but are forever condemned to begin their study at some point far down the line . . ." . He then documents allusions to a vast c. 1500 ...
... can be avoided. We have had a taste of an ongoing scientific polemic at this symposium, and need only remind ourselves of the greater heat generated in the past by religious polemics to understand why both are best dispensed with. The work of Velikovsky is in fact susceptible to use in religious polemic as well as scientific. This has already ... Home | Issue Contents Structuring the Apocalypse: Old and New World Variations William Mullen Hodder Fellow in the Humanities Princeton University My project here is a kind of spectral analysis of religions-Egyptian, Hebrew, Christian, Islamic; Teotihuacano, Mayan, Hopi, Aztec - and since the subject of religion has traditionally involved polemic, I would like ...
105. Ethics and the Supernatural [Books] [de Grazia books]
... have been frequently persecuted by godfearing believers, and, even while the British were wrestling with Christian "love," the Bahai were being dispossessed and killed, allegedly for religious and statal treason , by Iranian Muslim practicing "submission" to Allah. Secularists frequently pronounce religious slogans for lack of a substantial ethics of their own. Moral issues ... complain, of what use is the State Church if it does not support the State's wars? Just as reasonably, the Archbishop might say: Of what use is a religion if it cannot teach peace to politicians? The peacemakers often go unblessed by the religions, too. Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, in his grand tome, The Bible of ...
106. Ritual and Sacrifice [Books] [de Grazia books]
... this increment of meat went far toward making up for a serious protein deficiency in the Aztec diet. When asked the reason for the sacrifices, which were conducted always with religious rituals, the Aztec spokesmen replied that the god managing the Sun depended on them. If the sacrifices were suspended, the Sun would not rise and set, and ... , faithfully performed according to the precepts of the Old Testament, and the Muslim followed suit. No culture has been free of cannibalism in its history, nor are most religions that profess gods fully exempted today. Apparently cannibalism touches upon some vital nerve center of historical religion. Else there would be only the onetime universal practice, which would ...
107. The Great Father [Books]
... fetishes of the savage. It is interesting that the advocates of the various evolutionary theories, in their fascination with present-day primitive cultures, almost never concern themselves with the oldest religious texts and symbols which have come down to us. The sacred hymns and eulogies of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, reveal a tradition of a "great god" reaching ... and founded the antediluvian kingdom of peace and plenty, the "Golden Age." While few of us today could locate Saturn in the starry sphere, the earliest astral religions insist that the planet-god was once the all-powerful ruler of heaven. But paradoxically, they also declare that he resided on earth as a great king. He was the ...
108. Psychology and Ancient Astronomical Discovery [Journals] [Kronos]
... been so since the beginning of history. Ancient civilisations of both hemispheres measured time by astronomical cycles and worshipped celestial bodies as primary deities. Monarchs typically held both civil and religious authority in theocratic states which were controlled or significantly influenced by astronomer-priesthoods. Major religious ceremonies marked phases in astronomical cycles, celebrating the sequence of seasons and other ecologically important ... greater chance of survival than groups that did not. Anthropology links measurement of time by astronomical cycles with mastery of controlled agriculture and the rise of full civilisation. Tied to religion, ancient concerns with astronomy have remained an integral part of diverse human cultures to the present. North American lndians still preserve traditions believed to be remnants of the ancient ...
109. The Divine Succession [Books] [de Grazia books]
... Chapter SIX Ritual and Sacrifice Chapter SEVEN Man's Divine Mirror Chapter EIGHT Indispensable Gods PART II. THEOTROPY Chapter NINE Sacral Vs Secular Man Chapter TEN Ethics and the Supernatural Chapter ELEVEN Religious Elements in Science Chapter TWELVE New Proofs of God Chapter THIRTEEN Catechism Conclusion The Divine and Human A Note on Sources FOREWORD Plato could already say in ancient times "that ... Congress Cataloging in Publication Data de Grazia, Alfred, 1919- The Divine Succession: A Science of God Old and New Includes Index 1. Theology 2. History of Religion 3. Human Behavior ISBN: 0-940-268-05-1 Printed in the U.S .A . Limited First Edition Address: Metron Publications, P.O . Box 1213 Princeton ...
110. Mars Gods of the New World [Journals] [Aeon]
... direct response to that planet's former unique appearance and behavior. We will therefore propose the following test: If the Old World traditions surrounding the planets originated in ancient Near Eastern religious practice, it would stand to reason that archaeoastronomical traditions from the Americas must needs be of a different nature. If Mars' association with war and pestilence (not ... it offers a solid link with the earliest astronomical traditions of Babylon. Nergal's well-attested identification with the planet Mars thus serves as a common denominator behind our various researches in comparative religion and archaeoastronomy. As we have sought to document in this series of essays, the distinctive characteristics in the cult of Nergal have their origin in the ancient behavior and ...
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